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  1. Okay ! I think I get it, but with which software did you use to edit the intro.ibi file? I tried with DevaheB, but either it load a blank page, with nothing to edit, or it display the code, but when I save the file (even when I didn't edit it), the cinematic scene is "playable", with no dialogue, animations or script.
  2. Ok, thanks ! If I want to modify the .bsp file, do I need to open it with GtkRadiant or not?
  3. Hello everyone, I wonder if there is a way to diversify a PNJ type. In my case, I would like to change those triplets Jedi Masters from the academy1 cinematic to three distincts ones. Someone has an idea how to do it, or if it is even possible ?
  4. Replacing the repeater will be more difficult, as it uses two models at once for display. This requires a hex editor. Open the rifle md3 model in the editor and edit all the paths to the textures. Type paths models / weapons2 / е_22 / * texture_file * "е_22" replace with "heavy_repeater" in all paths, save. Rename the rifle model to heavy_repeater.md3, and the folder name to heavy_repeater. Save to pk3. But the game will remain the trunk from the repeater and it will look ugly. It will be necessary to replace the empty file heavy_repeater_barrel.md3, I have one. There may also be a problem with the display of weapons in their hands and it can be inverted. In this case, you have to edit md3 in Blender. But the game will remain the barrel from the repeater and it will not look beautiful. It will be necessary to add an empty file heavy_repeater_barrel.md3, I have one. There may also be a problem with the incorrect position of the weapon in the hands and it will have to be edited in Blender. Hi! Did you manage to make the E-22 filecompatible for the Heavy Repeater?
  5. Hey, I love it, It's a really cool model! But I found a little glitch with his hips, when you take off the cape, there is a little void. how can it be fix?
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