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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Well you have two choices really, delete all the lod's 1,2,3 or create lod's for the disappearing parts.
  2. Sounds like you have LOD's on some parts of the model and are missing LOD's on other parts.
  3. Great stuff here "impressive, most impressive"
  4. Looks beautiful nice work. The tusks came out really nice.
  5. Maybe in the future. There's not even photos of this guy so not possible.
  6. All the time they'd be in my base folder.
  7. Yeah I was just welcoming you.
  8. No problem and welcome btw.
  9. Ah when did I say I was doing it?
  10. What if you just run team ffa and join the team of the bot? Or are you looking to do more than that.
  11. Yeah it is, I may do it someday. Yeah I've had them for awhile, so no sweat.
  12. Ah the verts are exactly the same but thanks for the caps.
  13. Um doesn't she look the same as in Clone Wars
  14. Yeah shield is separate.
  15. @@Lord Of Hate Finally done Darth Desolous, sabers included. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fc7td0vseh0qfpu/Darth%20Desolous.pk3?dl=0
  16. Looks awesome nice work.
  17. Keep at it you'll get there.
  18. Great to see you back and better than ever.
  19. Couple of new ones Plo Koon (Cold Weather Gear) and a Twi'lek. Link https://www.dropbox.com/s/116ubd1z3e7dieh/6-22-2019.zip?dl=0
  20. Try this http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Outcast/Models/Star%20Wars/3800/
  21. Where was all this passion with Solo? It lost money. Take a look at toys and merchandise sales they're plummeting. The Last Jedi actively destroyed Luke Skywalker and divided the fan base and you think that has no effect. It's great if you enjoy the new stuff but to fool yourself into believing everything is fine here is foolish. Also my love of Star Wars hasn't changed an ounce I just expect great content are we are not getting it.
  22. Are you honestly saying Disney hasn't destroyed the passion for Sw? There's a new Star Wars movie coming out in December yet the buzz around this film is not there. No one is talking about it or even speculating about this trilogy which is a clear sign no one cares.
  23. I think the overall interest in SW is dying from the Disney takeover and it's trickling down into every other area.
  24. This shit is epic my friend.
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