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Posts posted by OobidoobBenubi

  1. Meh tier:

    KOTOR2 (a bit better than the original)


    Bad Tier:


    What about KotOR 2 didn't you like?


    And although I can understand the disliking for TFU, I'll usually defend it. I really enjoyed that game when it came out and felt it added an interesting story to the EU, even if it wasn't great by any means. It was still good and pretty fun. 

  2. It was for PC and PS1, yeah. How was it bad, exactly? I thought it was epic, even today. It had puzzles and a very open atmosphere. And was pretty difficult at times.

    You know, to be perfectly honest, I haven't played it in... seven or eight years, I think. I had some copy that I fired up, but I'd have to dig around for it. 


    I just remember it being pretty clunky and awkward, and there were some odd mechanics, both in terms of how the story functioned and how the game worked. On one hand, I definitely enjoyed myself; on the other hand, I knew the game wasn't that good. But that's how it goes, sometimes! 

  3. I both have a soft spot for and really don't like The Phantom Menace video game, which I think was only for the PC. It came out around the same time as the movie, back in '99 or so.


    It was fun and I did enjoy it, but it also was just a sucky game. Maybe it's some mixture of nostalgia and actual appraisal giving me that feeling. 

  4. Well, some Rebels had to steal the Death Star plans!


    Do you prefer the original EU peeps of Kyle Katarn and Jans Ors? Or did you prefer the new canon's Rogue One? 


    Personally, I've got a yuuge soft spot for Kyle and Jan, especially Kyle. I mean, c'mon -- the dude is in every Dark Forces/Jedi Knight game! And he's a bad ass, also being a complicated, very human character. 


    Don't get me wrong, Rogue One rocked and it may be my favorite Star Wars movie! (Not the best, but my favorite; huge difference.) But Kyle and Jan... they're some sick nasty peeps who I just can't get over. 

    TheWhitePhoenix and NumberWan like this
  5. I picked it up at a garage sale maybe three years ago, and as soon as I got home I plugged in my ol' Xbox and gave it a crack...


    Within five minutes, I decided to punch in some cheat codes, cream Darth Maul on the last level real quick, and then I turned it off. Haven't played it since, haha!


    It was... not that good. It has it's moments, and it's got some neat mechanics, but it's very forgettable and can be pretty awkward. 

    LucyTheAlien likes this
  6. Unpopular opinion incoming: the first Knights of the Old Republic ain't that good. 


    Now, that being said, I've had my fun with it -- and plenty of it! It's a fun game, but I felt it didn't add nearly any depth to the Star Wars universe. It felt like a glossy, superficial layer of goodgood to tide over EU fans for some while longer.


    KotOR 2, however, oh my god! That's the best Star Wars game, even in it's originally broken, unfinished state. It presents what is easily the most nuanced, complicated view of the Star Wars universe. For once, it really isn't about an epic battle of good and evil, instead being about everyday decisions, consequential ripple effects, and so much more. It's a very grounded and mature take on everything Star Wars is, and it opened the door for thought and discussion in a lot of ways. 


    But, I digress, KotOR, especially from a relative point of view, was a game I could probably live without and not miss too much. 

  7. Quick answer: Yes.


    Knights of the Force has been rebooted and is now Knights of the Force 2.1. It uses the main assets of the original mod, but with heavy modifications.

    TimFx isn't involved in this project, as he abandoned it some years ago.


    If you haven't already, download the mod and see for yourself https://jkhub.org/files/file/3121-knights-of-the-force/. The mod is currently in the alpha stage, and only Multiplayer is working,

    but you can see that it is different from the original mod. And check out linken233's topic https://jkhub.org/topic/9105-developer-thread-linken233/.


    Ho-ly. Shit. An actual, official download link for KOTF? A real and working mod...


    You, sir, have made my day. I'll definitely check it out. Thanks!

  8. The name is Oobidoob Benubi. I have the silliest name in the galaxy. Full name? Oobidoob Scooby-Dooby Benubi.


    Anyway, I've been playing Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast on and off for... man, twelve or thirteen years? Here I am with a JK-Hub account, finally! 

    Smoo, ooeJack, Noodle and 1 other like this
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