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Posts posted by MusicForThePiano

  1. I will, but I just came up with 8 new designs that I want to do first. Is there any way I could add one or more additional vehicle skins to the swoop.npc roster? So that in the T2_trip level if there are say, 8 skins (the seven base skins plus one more) that the vehicles spawned in the level will be more randomized? The seven base skins will all be redone but I have so many color combinations that to get all the ones I want I may have to add additional npcs to the file.

  2. Changing the textures would be difficult, for this model the Flare-S variant according to wookiepedia, base JA has two skins, the black one and the striped one appearing in 6 colors. I would have to design a new one that would fit in the skin for each component of the swoop bike. I like the secondary model better because its more mechanical than the colored variants.


    So from base JA we have:


    Red w/ orange stripes
    Green w/ orange stripes

    Purple w/ orange stripes

    Silver Grey w/ orange sripes

    Blue w/ white stripes

    Orange w/ black stripes



    Now so far I have


    Beige Grey with green stripes (replacing green)

    Silver Grey with blue & sky blue stripes (replacing silver)

    Purple Pink with yellow stripes (replacing purple)

    Rustic Gold with face graphic (shown below) (replacing black)

    (need 3 more)



    Lancelot likes this
  3. So I'm doing two overhauls of JA Single Player. A Base overhaul that just modifies everything existing in game as far as music/appearances/combat/models/skins/textures/etc, and an additional overhaul that adds a lot more to the game (which I'm still figuring out how to do).


    One of my mini project was to redo the swoop bikes for the T2_Trip level to be a bit more appealing to the eye. I've started to reskin all seven of them, here's what I have so far:












    Have to make four more. 


    The Base game has these seven: red, green, silver, and purple hull with orange stripes. It has one black model which is different than all other six in terms of skin. It then has a blue with a white stripe and an orange/gold with a black stripe.


    The swoop ultra mod sort of replaces the black swoop with the same skin just a different color, look here:




    now here is the swoop ultra.




    I'm looking for ideas, color combinations to make the swoops more cool looking / interesting. Anyone have any ideas? I'm working on a 4th one now, its a bit different than the first three. I'm starting to incorporate designs into their skins like graphics sort of.

    yeyo JK, krkarr and Smoo like this
  4. I thought that would work but I have no idea how it does lol. The jedi_random npc is a magic npc that acts unlike all the others... I've even opened it in notepad to see the coding and I can't decipher how it does that. If I could repeat that effect of the jedi_random npc for all the alien gangsters to get rid of the clone effect then I could do the same for imperial npcs and saber-wielding cultists and reborn. 


    Also, what's up with jedi_random and the single player game not spawning npcs of the species that you choose? IE If you choose human male, you will never see other human male variant npcs, if you choose twi'lek female, you will never see any other twi'lek female npcs. There must be some code hard-wired to what the player npc is before you spawn one of the jedi_random npcs, because it has that extra addendum to not spawn something of your own specie.

  5. I'm just curious. In the single player NPC files, for weequay and trandoshan, they each spawn a RGB-colored variant of the model to add some variety to the clone effect. I am trying to get rid of this clone effect in my overhaul of the SP game. Since I do not have the skills to add npc markers in the single player map levels, I am trying to figure out if I can edit the existing npc markers by tweaking the NPC files themselves to make it so that for example, 'npc spawn weequay' will spawn a weequay, but there will be another npc in the file also named weequay (or several) with different models, like the klatooinian or the nikto. That way, in the single player level, when running across triggers that spawn enemy npcs (notably the gangster levels) instead of just a weequay running out from the next room there will be a nikto instead, or maybe a gand, or an ubese. I've tried this but it seems to only want to spawn the first npc, whichever model that is.

  6. @@MusicForThePiano nice work so far! unfortunately you can't change some of the texture mapping on the maps like that god-awful stretch of repeating textures on the ground in those screen-shots.


    I would be happy to provide any voice replacements (male only, lol) if you could give me a script for a character's lines, my range is mid-high but I can go low if necessary, just need some direction on how to say things.


    Yes that would be great! Thanks! I'm mostly interested in replacing anything with 'mace' with 'luke,' to overwrite that plothole. I will extract the dialogues and upload them so that you can go over them. I am thinking of perhaps overhauling all of the dialogue because it is pretty badly written in some areas. 


    Also if I could figure out how to decompile these maps in GTK radiant or whatever good program to use I could change the texture to be more fitting. This whole mod could use a mapping overhaul, just in erasing some of the repetitiveness and the wackiness of some of the levels (like the hangars or areas where you vertically climb parts, it looks less like a SW game and more like a Super Mario 64 level if you know what I mean).


    Other than that, it just seems like too much to ask a map modder to help with this project at this time.

  7. I didn't make a remote act like a reborn, its an assassin droid model in the npc, but I've tried replacing it with other models but for some reason they all cause the ghoul2 error when hit with a lightsaber, gun fire, explosive, or lightning. 


    the name of the npc from the ey4.pk3 is remote.npc. There are 2 npcs inside, remote.npc and remote_sp.npc. In the normal base JA game, remote doesn't function and remote_sp are the little ones that appear in the 2nd level on yavin.


    In escape yavin iv, the remote_sp npc is now an assassin droid that acts like the cultistcommando and appears only in one level on a droid-operated refueling station. For some reason when I did the overhaul, this npc will act the same but I get ghouled everytime.

  8. I'm having trouble trying to debug a Ghoul2 error when I attack a certain NPC from the escape yavin IV mod.


    Its the remote_sp npc which is an assassin droid with 2 pistols, it behaves like the cultistcommando npc from base JA single player. For some reason whatever model I put in this npc crashes the game when it is hit with either a saber, guns or explosives, or lightning. I've tried numerous models so I know it is not the models themselves, but why would a specific npc file be crashing the game like this?


    its a class_reborn, with blaster_pistol selected but for some reason the game gives it two pistols and has it do acrobatics (ie behaving like a cultistcommando)


    Just having a hard time figuring this out, not so many modders out there any more than know this type of stuff, any help will be appreciated.

  9. I overwrote the models/map_objects/imp_mine/shuttle_body to replace the lambdashuttle map object that appears in game, along with the rest of its texture, not the playermodel:






    and in game it still appears as the same old white boring shuttle. The reskin I made is uber awesome and I want it to appear in game.


    I did the same thing with the academy shuttle, the tie fighter, the tie bomber, and vader's tie advanced. All of them are still appearing as their base skins in the game.


    I put the pk3 in the base and it is alphabetically after the assets but for some reasons it still won't overwrite for the objects to appear differently in game.


    I've also reskinned many of the korriban statues too but they won't budge. None of the map objects will change. There has got to be a way to make them change appearance in game with an overwritten skin.

  10. For my mod I am trying to give the in-game level map objects ships like the shuttles and tie-fighters a different appearance. As well as the korriban statues. I've recolored and redone several of them. Everytime I put the pk3 in my base and boot up the game, load up the map, the models are still the same old base boring JA ones.


    I reskinned all three tie fighter models from the base game, the lambdashuttle, the brown transport, the x-wing, and the at-st. Why don't they change???

  11. I figured that an 80's theme would do good especially because its a video game. Just for something new. Although I do have the remastered soundtrack for my JA Single Player mod that I can implement for this one. I may add several pk3's with each soundtrack on it for whoever likes what... up in the air still.

  12. So I've already posted about my revamping the Escape Yavin IV singleplayer mod into something very fresh and enjoyable. Part of this huge overhaul is the music for the mod.


    I've taken it on to make this a mod with pure nostalgia combined with never before seen locations / experiences. It is supposed to feel like a uniquely separate game from JO and JA.


    Therefore the feel, the essence, the music, must be totally different, or at least flow differently. So what do you all think?


    I've already contacted this group here with requests to do more covers of other Star Wars selections (namely action cues), Scandroid, they are pretty good.




    If any of you have seen my channel you'll see that I've already transcribed Williams' scores myself, although I am only a pianist, not that great at making retro wave.


    Does anyone know any artists who would be open to the idea of collaborating with me on the soundtrack for this mod?

    Smoo likes this
  13. I don't know why it dies for you. I don't even have OpenJK installed and this mod is working great. Try running it in regular JA on a different computer without OpenJK. I use windows 7 64 bit and the only crashes I get are if I overdose my base with mods and npcs.


    I'm just trying to figure out how to override some things like mapobjects, and for some reason when placing things in the pk3 it doesn't overwrite the base game's assets so I have to put them in separate pk3's, still figuring that out.


    The music is the next part I'm fixing. *sigh* it is fun and awesome when done but man does changing the music, so that it can be a positive change, certainly takes a lot of time.


    Jeff has given me a bunch of models to use that are great.


    About the sabers, I actually liked some of the unorthodox ones, which ones in particular didn't you like? I thought that aspect of the mod was quite original. I may add or delete some.


    I'm going to make to have two options for effects, one M-rated blood and gore where sabers dismember cause blood and all the caps look like the insides of bodies, not those ridiculous burnt leaves that appear in the base game. Also trying to figure out how to make guns shoot off limbs and heads, I knew there was a mod for that called Old-School mod somewhere but can't find it anywhere.


    Also some characters will be from the original EU of post-ROTJ, kind of like how JA included some of them in the background of the lore of the plot.


    Yes darth savet lmao that was the horrible character's name. They've all been changed and overwritten. Ideally I would like to just add subtitles and overwrite all the alien npcs with kotor soundsets.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  14. Really impressive overhaul you've done for this conversion mod. I played it back in the day. I remember enjoying it sometimes but thinking that it was too much of a clusterfuck in other moments. I really just couldn't enjoy this mod in the long run. Maybe the change of scenery and OpenJK's reassurance that the game won't crash every half-hour will change that.


    That, and green is a lot more pleasing to the eye than desert.


    By the way, there's a level that's so glitched up/poorly designed that it's nearly impossible to beat it. It's the underground level in which you control the mouse droid and have to join Rosh fighting against a group of Rodians and, for some reason, Spawn (lmao). After a short time of using the mouse droid, the game would just say that you betrayed your friends and would end. It made no sense whatsoever. This meant that you had to be as quick as possible when using the droid, which was especially hard in some of the maze-like areas even further underground. The whole level sucked, although the concept was interesting. Fixing that level is strictly a scripting thing.


    Good luck with your overhaul. :)

    This level works fine on my computers. I'm not sure why, but if the mouse droid dies then your player automatically dies too. 


    Trust me there are no more prequel characters or cartoon clone wars models or non-star wars characters. There are some fan-made models that make appearances but the goal is to keep the npcs to what was seen in the OT.


    For example, a lot of the cantina aliens make appearances, as do the bounty hunters from TESB, and most of Jabba's entourage.


    I tried to not include almost any of the npcs from the base JA game to really give it a different feel.


    I don't want to spoil it for you, it's going to be good. I can't really change the plot that much because I don't know how to script for JK3, but rest assured, the only annoying thing left over will be the voices lol.

    McGroose likes this


    Have you seen the DR: Resurgance mod that has the interior of the outrider? It is only missing the area behind the door in the middle of the interior, and you can't access the cockpit. If you could implement those two features in in addition to the existing hold with the dejarik table in your interpretation that would be awesome. 

  16. It is a reboot of the lost maps. All 25 levels or so. (The mod readme says 36 but like ten of those are cutscene levels)


    I've reskinned every level, although not by the typical method. I've simply replaced all existing textures with new ones. I am horrible at editing maps.


    All the player models have been switched or replaced. There are even grammar mistakes in the title crawl which I fixed and redid to make it sound more interesting.


    The music will be replaced either with 80's synth retro wave covers of the star wars soundtrack, 80's heavy metal version of star wars soundtrack (the ones I found are very good!) or an orchestral remix of John Williams'  OT score. 


    The only thing even hinting to the prequel in this mod will be two of the vehicles and one or two of the monsters found in the levels.


    It will feel like an original, new star wars story.


    The only thing I can't change is the voice acting, and I would really like to :\

    Smoo and yeyo JK like this
  17. Decided to spice up an old mod, I realize that i may not be able to upload it here to the forum when completed, but it will be available on dropbox.


    I always thought this mod was a genius idea to follow the dark-side ending of JA, however, all the clone-wars era models and textures bothered me, coupled with parts of the planet looking more like tatooine and bespin than yavin. So I decided to do an overhaul. All models and creatures are now from the OT, SOTE, (and a little KOTOR) with the exception of some of the animals. 


    All textures have been modified to look more Yavinesque. The final parts of the mod on the planet Hypori have also been retextured, as well as the sith command ship orbiting the planet. I wanted to give a feeling of co-location with the two levels, the ship in orbit featuring a skybox that looked like the same planet skybox from the ground level.


    Also, many kudos to my help on the new yavin IV skybox from some of the modders here, you will all be credited in the release :)


    There will be new music, new menus and sound effects and such too, still working on that. Now if only I could get rid of the shitty voice-acting lol.


    Let me know if anyone is interested in helping out with this, I could get it done by myself soon, but I think other ideas and skills could help my plan happen better too.


    Here are some screens of the finished textures (I'm not showing all because I want it to be a surprise for those who download it and experience it themselves!):

























  18. So I am doing a huge project on reskinning and re-modeling the Escape Yavin IV mod. I have replaced all of the textures so far, as well as changed all of the player models to only OT-era characters, including many alien types. I will also be changing all of the music as my next step.


    However, I'm encountering an issue specifically when trying to load the maps under their new textures. All of the textures have the same dimensions, some have been scaled up or down for better texture detail. 


    Here's how I dissected the ey4.pk3:


    I made a folder called assets editor and put everything in there from ey4,




    The issue is that when I transfer the texture folder with all the new textures to the pk3, it won't allow me to overwrite them because it already has an existing folder named textures


    so naturally I deleted the folder in the original ey4.pk3, then copied the new textures folder (which is basically the same as the old one just with new images), it loads in there thats fine


    now when I boot up JK3 with the modified ey4.pk3 in the base folder, the escape yavin IV mod doesn't work, the levels won't load, the menu isn't there, ditto, nothing works.


    It's like having a vestigial pk3 in the base that doesn't do anything, all I have is the plain old boring vanilla base game.


    Why does it not accept the textures folder?


    It accepts the models and ext_data folders so that I made new models for all existing npcs in the mod but it will not load with new textures, please help.

  19. Very nice man, thanks a bunch!  You got the size more accurate than Boothand, but they're both great interpretations.The only thing I would try to add would be to somehow get it behind the cloud layer, it's not easily possible given the cloudy nature of the background, but everytime I try it in GIMP it just either makes it transparent or puts fog renders on it that don't look like part of the original background.

    JAWSFreelao likes this
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