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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Might as well do it separately, I mean you've done that with your other ones. But a species pack is really cool, and can't wait to give that a spin!
  2. *Drools* Great work Circa! Totally amazing! Really accurate Luke skin
  3. I know it's pretty basic, but this EPIII map pack included a map based on the chamber where Darth Vader had his...Darth Vaderness...applied. It may be lacking detail but It could help you flesh out some of the basic geometry.
  4. Glad to hear you like the idea! Just get the thing ingame and lets do it bro.
  5. @@ChalklYne - Here is a very primitive proof-of-concept I made of the idea a while back. The lag should be from the video recorder. EDIT - Sorry Chalk spelled your name wrong :unsure:
  6. Very interesting. Hope we can implement something like this! We'd have to make sign-up forum where people 'declare' what they are good at and want to be summoned for. Sorry if I don't understand all the technical details you mentioned - I've only dabbled in the ACP. But this could be really cool!
  7. I'd say definitely release a demo. The trap I and others always fall into is we choose a rather large project, get quite a bit of work done, but we lose motivation and all the files never see the light of day. Releasing demos insures that your work gets out. Now, you seem pretty committed to this mod, which is awesome so you probably don't have this problem. It's always good to have goals when working on a large scale mod like this. Getting a demo out there would not only be a major milestone for you, but may get some other peeps interested.
  8. Yeah. It's a shame we have to add the requirement, but so many files just kept poring in that we could do nothing with because they weren't properly cited. It stinks, I know.
  9. Can't wait. JKG is crazy awesome. Didn't play it enough when I had the chance, but cannot wait for the next release!
  10. ROQs! They are evil! But they are a necessary evil. I've tinkered and played with them, but with no success. I hope DT can help you out...sorry man When working with menus, and I want some sort of ingame movie scene to be playing, rather than making it a ROQ, I build the map into the menu. That's right. I make a map that has a script that pans around the map in a loop but a menu is layered over the cutscene...which is just so cool. That would be pretty cool...@@Fighter - would something like that be possible?
  11. Hey there! So glad to have you part of the community! Can't wait to see what type of video editing you can do! And feel free to make your own webisodes: that would be awesome!
  12. Right on the money. I never thought about coding it...that would probably work better
  13. Hmmm...maybe edit the weapon's entry in items.dat? I've tweaked this before, but that was a long time ago. Something that gives the gun to the NPC, but when the player gets the item it doesn't route to the gun itself. May not work... Also, maybe you could make it so every NPC has a deathscript that sets the weapon to NONE, which should effectively make them drop no weapon. This again is hypothetical...Hope it works lol!
  14. Ah, alright. Try googling for some GMAX tutorials. I think I used this one once. It's also pretty good.
  15. Use this tutorial. Now that you've added you're reference, you need to actually make it. This is a great tutorial for hilt modeling.
  16. Everyone's got a different approach when it comes to level design. There is no right way to do it, it's truly up to the mapper. There are pros and cons to my method and yours. It really just comes down to preference and whatever keeps the creator motivated. And maybe in a professional setting your method would be superior, but motivation is fueled by what interests the level designer, so those design aspects may be what motivates the modder. Make sense?
  17. While scripting and gameplay are important aspects of SP level creation, I think DT is on the right track with fleshing out his map before placing the scripted entities in it. I find that I'll setup a script in an area, just to erase it and start over because I completely changed that area in question. Plus, as a recreation mod, one of his primary goals is aesthetics and getting the map to look as good and accurate as possible. @@DT85 - I totally thought that screen was from inside Radient lol - I totally freaked out! Keep up the good work man, you're making great progress!
  18. Tons of us here would love to help you out with this...it has the potential to be great! But most people like to see some work done and a clear vision of what needs to happen. There are tons of things you could tinker with to get going. We have loads of really great tutorials that are easy to get into and should go quickly. Even mapping is pretty easy to start out with. And as a community, we'll be here to help you through and figure it all out
  19. Hey man! Great to see you!
  20. I don't know for sure, but I think you need to make some of your brushes detail brushes, rather than structural. Not sure, though...
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