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  1. hopefully goin to the base sdk wont wreck any planned features
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfOk_ACGCFg hehehehehe
  3. Congratz astral
  4. hey, i can call korn and his buddies tomorrow if ya want, rofl
  5. for christmas, i plan to specially torture the ole jawa clan, hehehehe. i'll bring a few nil'kemorya, hope you enjoy ur gift slinky B)
  6. yea, that screams bad host right there, rather then fix the issue, they screw the guy that pays them, shame on the mess.
  7. well, we should always have more then one master server, thats the way its been for along time. the ja+ cfg and cfg's of other mods are even coded for 4-6 masterservers plus, i think it would be fun to make a masterserver, for experience
  8. i know, but you said qtracker's master server was dead, lol. goodluck, i checked the forum, theres a little activity, but idk if the developers are still active
  9. you shoulda went xmod, lol, or jedi academy empire 1.02
  10. i thought you said qtracker was dead, but you want us to add it? lol
  11. ah, kk, if i can ever get one of my vps'es runnin, i'll put a master server on it, lol
  12. ah, so whether i have my server tx'in to master.qtracker.com or not, it'll still show up in the qtracker client?
  13. mmm, how do you ping thru jka? i used windows command prompt. and my qtracker client lists around 240-260 servers, lol. so its not dead
  14. master.qtracker.com - 240 sevrers i pinged the gamespy url too, its not dead.
  15. just curious, why not use jk_fakeplayers name ; name ; name ; name?
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