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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Nintendo games like Metroid, Zelda and Pokemon, Halo.
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
  • Gaming Specialty
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  • Discord
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  1. Kwiat


    What is the saber you used in one of the screenshots?
  2. You will never defeat my army of Roshs!!! (Plz kill meh x_x)

    1. Ramikad


      I will crosh them.

    2. Kwiat


      Alora. Kill dis fool!!!!!!

  3. Everything belongs to the Chiss! Long live the Adcendancy!!!!

    1. Noodle


      Can't wait to read the Thrawn comic adaptation to get more Chiss lore.

    2. Kwiat


      Me too. I still adamantly believe Legends is much superior though. I will give Disney stuff a chance.

    3. Kwiat


      Me too. I still adamantly believe Legends is much superior though. I will give Disney stuff a chance.

  4. Hey guys I thought I've been lurking around on JKA long enough for me to formally introduce myself *COUGH COUGH* 3 years on multiplayer *COUGH COUGH* 7 on the game in general. So other than Star Wars i'm a Transformers, GIJOE, Pokemon and a lot of classic video games and movies spanning from the 70s to early 2000s. I hope you guys enjoy my company as I have been enjoying yours for *COUGH COUGH* 3 years. LOL i'm becoming Grievous now. But seriously if i were to be any race in star wars it would be chiss I also am quite the living star wars encyclopedia so any lore questions i'm your person to come to. In a nutshell thats me, I know some of you already and i posted this in hopes of creating new connections/ friendshipz. See you all in game on on discord or on the forums if i ever post anything .
  5. Version 1.1


    This skin is a mod made to represent the Imperial Supercommandos from the rebels episode of the same name who were under command of the mandolorian leader/traitor Gar Saxon. I wanted to make this skin for RP reasons and I just thought its a cool skin to have. This is my 1st skin I have ever completed, trust me there were many attempts before this one.
  6. Okay. thanks ent. will do. just noticed the tutorials section XD
  7. hey guys. been having a problem with mme/ movie maker edition. heres the details if any help can help it would be most apprecieted becuase i am trying to make clan movies for my clan. details of the error: when i boot up movie maker edition .exe file it says vm create on ui failed and and cmd file it says a 0xc00007b error
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