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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Sci-fi & fantasy, film, etc...
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
  • Gaming Specialty
    Capture the Flag
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    Windows 11

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  • Steam

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  1. Kwiat


    What is the saber you used in one of the screenshots?
  2. Hey guys I thought I've been lurking around on JKA long enough for me to formally introduce myself *COUGH COUGH* 3 years on multiplayer *COUGH COUGH* 7 on the game in general. So other than Star Wars i'm a Transformers, GIJOE, Pokemon and a lot of classic video games and movies spanning from the 70s to early 2000s. I hope you guys enjoy my company as I have been enjoying yours for *COUGH COUGH* 3 years. LOL i'm becoming Grievous now. But seriously if i were to be any race in star wars it would be chiss I also am quite the living star wars encyclopedia so any lore questions i'm your person to come to. In a nutshell thats me, I know some of you already and i posted this in hopes of creating new connections/ friendshipz. See you all in game on on discord or on the forums if i ever post anything .
  3. Version 1.1


    This skin is a mod made to represent the Imperial Supercommandos from the rebels episode of the same name who were under command of the mandolorian leader/traitor Gar Saxon. I wanted to make this skin for RP reasons and I just thought its a cool skin to have. This is my 1st skin I have ever completed, trust me there were many attempts before this one.
  4. Okay. thanks ent. will do. just noticed the tutorials section XD
  5. hey guys. been having a problem with mme/ movie maker edition. heres the details if any help can help it would be most apprecieted becuase i am trying to make clan movies for my clan. details of the error: when i boot up movie maker edition .exe file it says vm create on ui failed and and cmd file it says a 0xc00007b error
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