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Everything posted by KohlDarson

  1. Simple but awesome ! Would it be possible to add a face with a beard like space Jesus from Kotor 2 ? ( pic here : https://lparchive.org/Knights-of-the-Old-Republic-II/Update%202/img-31.JPG ) Keep up the good work !
  2. This mod is great, I played a few missions with it but upon arriving on Hoth, Cassian's outift appears all white, do you know what could cause this ?
  3. This skin look awesome ! Great work ! I would love to see a version of this skin with the beard but it's still cool without it.
  4. Thanks mate !
  5. Thanks a lot ! I will begin next thursday since I have a week off. I might start with Lucien Draay's hilt ( if I'm don't overestimate my capacities ) : https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/5e/a5/a3/5ea5a335203b9544194881e2320dc8a5.jpg Or Zayne Carrick second lightsaber : http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/0c/Zayne's_curved_saber.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091118191753 But let's not get false hopes, I'll see what I can do and what I need to learn to make proper hilts everyone can enjoy !
  6. Hi everyone, huge fan of the Jedi Knight games and mostly of the great mods you guys made here, I thought I had to join you guys to be part of the fun too ! ( And I would love to begin my journey into modding, mostly making some lightsabers hilts, but we'll see if I have the time and the patience ) Have a great day !
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