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  • Pronouns
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Ports from SwTOR to Jedi Academy
  • Gaming Specialty
    Capture the Flag
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. I really don't like it when you try to put the different images together e.g the first image where you just put the red and blue together it doesn't good
  2. We all know it's gonna be a Jar Jar Trilogy
  3. I would vote for Halloween Town but it's made by Langerd and he won last years competiton, let's make someone else win for this year instead p.s: I'm not trying to offend you or anything - I want to make that clear xD
  4. That looks awesome
  5. Someone did it? Nice! Now gimme those swtor characters xD
  6. Maybe you could leave a list of what you have? But yeah, It seems no-one really cares about importing models and stuff anymore, the only good person I can find on here is Jeff
  7. If if something hard to find why not share it publicly? I don't want to be mean or anything but I hate people that keep secret stuff for such a great game all for themselves
  8. It's really cool to see more Zabrak skins
  9. Well if some are done can he release them?
  10. Please rig these somebody!!
  11. How to play with him in game?
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