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Everything posted by MrSpidey457

    I always love to see new SP stuff! Like others mentioned, I had a pretty bad FPS drop in the final section. Not game-breaking, but it definitely made things a bit tougher. Otherwise, this was great! It was designed very well, and overall gave me the same vibe as other JKA levels. Maybe allowing customization before beginning would be nice, but it's really not a big deal. I'd love to see more from you!
  1. 290 downloads

    All credit goes to JulioC. All I did was port the skin over to the JK2 Kyle model. A very simple task, done in my first week of learning to do some JK2/3 modding. I saw some people who wanted to use this skin in JK2 and weren't sure how, so I figured this might be nice to have on the hub, since I haven't seen this done here or elsewhere.
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