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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. How the firetruck did Jaden get to Kyle's level so quickly in JA? Kyle is a veteran Jedi Master, not to mention he freaking got powered up by the Valley of the Jedi. And how long was JA supposed to be? A few weeks, months? Pretty short amount of time to go from an initiate to a Jedi Knight...
  2. Dusty


    Yeah, there are some mods in there. Do you mean specifically in ui_main.cpp though? That seems to be the same as from OpenJK (the mod is a branch of OpenJK). Here's the link to the repo: https://github.com/DustysPatch/OpenJK Redsaurus should be able to help as he coded the mods and I think he got everything working, I just haven't been able to do so on my end yet. @@redsaurus: You've gotten your code to compile and work right? So far I've run into errors everytime. I used to get crashes in game the first time I tried a while ago to run the code mods (I'm leaving that up to me not doing things correctly) but now I've got this just building the current vanilla files from the repo. Does it work for you? EDIT: I also probably didn't set up my debug stuff right, so that may be part of the problem.
  3. Dusty


    So I did compile everything, but when I run my custom exe from the Gamedata folder I get this: https://imageshack.com/i/exH1XlNdp
  4. Dusty


    Running into some errors. I got the snd_dma.cpp thing fixed by using VS 2013. Now the problem is though, I get some kind of error from ALL_BUILD or something... EDIT: Nvm. I gotz issues. Once I figure out exactly what all of them are I will post back here.
  5. But there can be no more than 3 women in the galaxy at once! Shame on you Jeff!
  6. Just upgraded my PC to windows 7. Maybe now I can get Intellisense on Visual Studio hehe.
  7. Maybe a non-Jedi Knight SW section? For discussing the Star Wars films, videos, books, other games that aren't in the Jedi Knight series, and just general Star Wars discussion? I feel like the topics don't belong so much in the arts and media and off topic forums, as they easily clutter other more relevant topics, or get lost.
  8. So, right now I'm just waiting on redsaurus, as he's my coding backbone. There's so many things in the mod I can do without code but it's slightly more messy in a quality/security sort of way, so that's part of the dilemma. Maybe I should stick to a majority of codeless things though until the features of the mod are more... "set", because that's a lot more malleable than hard-code and easier fixing and changing on my end.
  9. I'm done with any serious MB2 work for a wee bit now... sooooo, SP TIEM NAOW!
  10. ^Lots of information, I'll update the first post with it soon. So, from what I take, rank is generally higher = better, but there are little odd combinations built in here and there for producing certain special types of NPC behavior? Also, just a few more quick questions? If you don't know its not a big deal though but... Is there anyway besides rnak to increase Light side power usage? NPCs, especially the more aggressive ones seem to love using Dark side powers no matter what class they have (Jedi or Reborn haha). I guess the only way is to make high rank lower aggression NPCs that aren't bosses? I recall you saying something that bosses when alone are less likely to use Light side powers or something. (Btw, "bosses" refers to any hardcoded NPC and also one that has a class like Desann or Kyle right?). And Jedi/saberist classes, what's the point of them? If I give an npc with Class_Stormtrooper and a lightsaber they still act pretty much like a reborn... do saberist classes make Jedi style AI work slightly better or something?
  11. ^Yeah, I do need to make a vid though. *bump*
  12. Even though I haven't posted a comprehensive feature list so far, from what you've seen, do you have any interest in this mod and what it plans to do either independently or as a branch of JK: Enhanced?
  13. Noooo I just really look forward to your answers! No requirement but I appreciate very much when you go out of your way to share your in-depth knowledge of the meat of the game with numbskulls like me!
  14. Yeah in SP anyway NPCs need waypoints, combat points, and nav goals if you want them to know how to move around a map.
  15. ^Both Jedi Knight and Jedi Master use g_spskill 2, so how is this? Is there some hidden variable or value that gets set purely for Jedi Master mode? If so then I never knew that!
  16. @@eezstreet: Never answered my comments son. Unless by not answering you were implying that there was nothing more to be said... Anywho, two new questions. First of all, is there anyway to increase the likelihood of saberists using Light side force powers? From my own testing classes like Class_Jedi didn't seem to increase the frequency of light force power usage noticeably. Also, do saberist classes have any effect on sabering AI vs. gunner classes? By and large AI is determined by weapon, so does it really matter whether I give a saberist a jedi/sith class? Or does it just default to Class_Reborn AI maybe if the NPC doesn't have a saberist class but a gunner class? And last and least, what's the difference between Class_Reborn and Class_Jedi besides having a slightly different saber fighting style?
  17. I want Rogue Squadron 4 naow: HD version of Rogue Squadron II and III with slightly improved gameplay mechanics...
  18. I saw your long list there. I don't think I have the kind of firepower to do most of those things, but they are interesting ideas! As far as Raven's SP levels go, I can't realistically do those kind of modifications though even if I know how, as we don't have the .map files so we'd have to decompile the maps (which really screws them up I hear). As for NPCs and stuff those are just entities which can be modded without decompiling. As for the 2 reborn masters outside the tomb of Ragnos, that would be fun, I'm just hoping that fight wouldn't be even harder than the final boss fight itself lol. One thing I was going to go for in the mod was to make close combat slightly more important. Force speed, rage, and Strong style wouldn't make your attacks completely unbreakable and you'd have to get more upclose and personal with NPCs, which are pretty difficult fights. Also they would get little buffs to their more non-cheap abilities or something I'd imagine. It's a delicate balance but that's what feedback is for. I made a video showcasing the codeless version of saber combat but it seems Youtube deleted it. I'll have to re-upload it. The 4 items max thing was just how many items you're allowed to bring with you, there wouldn't have been any limit on your actual inventory once you were in the level. I decided against this though, as I think the player should only be able to take items with them besides the saber and blaster pistol, and just have to pickup weapons from enemies. For the Lightside vs. Dark Side I thought of this idea: You earn alignment points. Your alignment affects how much FP force powers cost. There would be 5 levels: Very Dark, Dark, Neutral, Light, Very Light. Very dark would make dark force powers a bit cheaper, and light side powers a bit more expensive, like maybe +40%/-40%, and the lower level would be 20% (not a huge difference but noticeable). You would earn dark side points by attacking defeated enemies, surrendered enemies, and throwing enemies off ledges. Light side points from not killing/defeating surrendered enemies, and I'm not sure what else... As for Melee, I'm not sure what to do. I feel like it would be unfair to let katas work on enemy saberists as normally this ability is restricted to boss kyle, and even if they are allowed to break out sometimes, it's still unfair unless they can do it to you too. For force lightning, I want it to be more clear when your saber is blocking some/all of the damage as it's difficult to tell save hearing pain sounds and your HP draining. As for Force Sense, currently if you have Force sense 2 or above active, it makes weapons fire from normally inaccurate weapons (like the E11) perfectly accurate which doesn't make any sense to me, as it's not Jaden's sloppiness causing the inaccuracy but the nature of the weapon that shots dont fire extremely accurately. Your other force suggestions were good and I will keep them in mind!
  19. ^Listen to Razor, he knows teh codez and stuff more than I do. Also, I edited the link into the end of the first post. Will post a feature list soon!
  20. So I drummed up this idea almost 2 years ago?! Has it really been that long? Anyway, the basic point of this mod was to enhance the JA SP experience and campaign. The overall goal was not to make any huge design changes or change the overall feel of the game, which I personally thought was good, but rather to make little tweaks and improvements, finish things it seemed Raven left out (like a proper Saber Offense and Defense system), and to merge player made levels into the game. Originally it was going to be a completely codeless mod using lots of clever UI hacks, external cvars, and special config files to accomplish some of my goals, however I ran into bugs with the game always resetting my cvars which was only fixed by Open JK. And with the release of the source code, why not take advantage of it? So the mod will make code changes, but except for the saber powers relation to the saber system, will stick to mostly minor changes and tweaks. If any of you downloaded the beta version of my mod, you probably noticed a lot of the UI features were broken because of this, unbeknownst to me. Now, things are more complicated however, with the Jedi Academy Gold Pack turned Jedi Knight Enhanced. That mod follows a similar philosophy to this one, so perhaps they will merge or overlap somehow. I have a small team together for the mod, but I've been spending so much thinking time on MBII I've extremely neglected working on this mod and therefore we haven't done any true formal work yet: @@katanamaru: testing, feedback @@therfiles: testing, feedback, ICARUS scripting advice @@redsaurus: coding @@Circa: testing, feedback, forum work, guidance on permissions and legal stuff me: UI coding, file splicing, wee bit of coding Link to the beta version of my mod: (if you want to get an idea of the kind of stuff I was doing with it) http://jkhub.org/files/file/1459-dustys-jk3-patch-and-expansion-beta/
  21. What do you mean, "fixes to all models and textures"? Just to your own custom models or all the ones in the base game?
  22. A few suggestions that I had wanted to implement in my mod, any thoughts?: Saberists being knocked down by jumping on them, maybe they should be more resistant/immune to this Reborn masters shouldn’t be able to throw their saber multiple times without cooldown while using 2-handed force lightning Saberists too willy-nilly about throwing their saber - Have them only throw if a certain distance away? - Go into evasion mode if saber throw knocked to ground (AI for evading is already used when you try to use a special attack on them that can’t be blocked) - OR have NPCs cheat and always pick their saber super fast? Tweak considerations (for altered saber combat mechanics in my mod) - NPCs go into evasion mode when their stagger counter is high? - Walk just before an anticipated block to do parries? (if changed so parries can only be done while walking) Jedi shouldn't attack surrendered enemies I think
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