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Sir Crusher

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    Moviebattles 2

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  1. Is it possible to create a complex Cinematic fight with Icarus without adding every move as an animation, @@MGummelt? At the moment, I've looked at some scripts, and it looks like no script actually triggers a real attack, but fakes it by just playing an animation.
  2. Oh god! Impressive modeling skills!
  3. If anyone else has this problem, to fix it you have to keep in mind that the bone motion determines the animation rotation in the game. The bone must be horizontal in blender and its front side is where the animation will be facing. The front side of the bone is its Z axis in local view mode, the blue arrow.
  4. Ah, thanks, now I've fixed it.
  5. Apparently this bone had a different rotation. What should be its rotation for the animation to work?
  6. there it is: https://youtu.be/ZESRdB5uHgs
  7. I'll record it to give a better example.
  8. After I made other animation, I ran on another problem: the blocking animation rotates to the wrong side. The animation was meant to block to the right-hand side, but when the animation is played in game, the model's arms go to the correct side, but the whole model is rotated to the left, looking like the player is blocking to the left
  9. The game just closed without going back to the menu. I forgot to add the crash log earlier, here it is: =================================== JKA Movie Battles II Crash Log =================================== Process File Name: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\mbii.x86.exe Module File Name: rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll (cgame) Exception Code: 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) Exception Address: 0x505F2EEC (rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll+0x52EEC) ----------------------------------- Register Dump ----------------------------------- General Purpose & Control Registers: EAX: 0x2AB7EBDC, EBX: 0x00000005, ECX: 0x2AB7EBDC EDX: 0x2AB7EBDE, EBP: 0x003CF3D4, EDI: 0x49E4336C EIP: 0x505F2EEC, ESI: 0x499D1C10, ESP: 0x003CF3C8 Segment Registers: CS: 0x00000023, DS: 0x0000002B, ES: 0x0000002B FS: 0x00000053, GS: 0x0000002B, SS: 0x0000002B ----------------------------------- Call Stack Trace ----------------------------------- rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll(GetRefAPI+0x25DAC) [0x505F2EEC] rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll [0x505C1F99] rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll [0x505BF920] rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll [0x505BF899] rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll [0x505C457D] rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll [0x505B6F6D] rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll [0x505B6609] rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll [0x505B68C1] rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll [0x505BCB30] mbii.x86.exe(openjk_minizip_malloc+0x3E778) [0x141DF98] mbii.x86.exe [0x13CC1CC] mbii.x86.exe(openjk_minizip_malloc+0x76565) [0x1455D85] mbii.x86.exe [0x13C1035] mbii.x86.exe [0x13C1177] mbii.x86.exe(openjk_minizip_malloc+0xAAF03) [0x148A723] kernel32.dll(BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12) [0x76DD336A] ntdll.dll(RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63) [0x77549902] ntdll.dll(RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36) [0x775498D5] I've made some animations before, so I followed the standard procedure. To play the animation just slide a new window to the side and change it to Dope Sheet then action editor.
  10. for some reason, blender's animation is crashing the game on Movie Battles 2 with their openjk build and normal Jedi academy. can someone tell me what's wrong with that .blend file? @@mrwonko @@Ramikad @@Langerd
  11. will this be available to the public? can't wait to play this
  12. Is there any documentation or tutorial about that?
  13. How can I assign a different md3 animation for a weapon?
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