Version 0.9
######################### Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy ######################### TITLE: Jungle Temple CLASS NAME: Jungel_Tempel AUTHOR: Zarbomba FILENAME: Jungel_Tempel.pk3 FILESIZE: 3.76 MB DATE RELEASED: 21 March 2016 Map-Type: FFA / Duel Botroute-Support: No Custom Textures: No Custom Music: Yes -------Introduction------------- First of all, thank you for downloading my map! This map, i've made many years ago, was my first map i published. Its a little, high detailed, jungle/temple/cave type map, perfectly for duels or free-for-alls with a smaller number of players. The map offers with its foilage a lot of good places to hide and a very atmospheric music. Since '' is down, this map is now exclusive for JKHUB. -------Installation------------- In order to install the map into your game you must: 1)Extract the folder 2)Put the Jungel_Tempel.pk3 file in your programfiles\lucasarts\jediknightjediacademy\base folder 3)Run Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (MP) 4)Enjoy -------Credits------------- The map is made by Zarbomba. -------Bugs-------------- In the cave-part, which leads to the control room, there are a few invisible walls. It was a compile error caused by the engine. I will fix that later when i found my source files. -------Permission------------- Take what you want, as long as i get a little credit ################################################################################################## THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. ##################################################################################################