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Everything posted by SomaZ

  1. Simply go with a tcscale in the shaderfile instead of reworking the texturing. There is a little bug in parralax mapping right now with tcscale, but thats easy to fix. For the lighting. I started reworking the shading from forward to forward+ shading. Hopefully this will greatly improve the dynamic light performance. To the GI stuff, this will take some time, as I still investigate the possibile implementations and which fits best.
  2. If you talk about UniqueOnes pictures, you are wrong. These are made in his Warzone mod. Oh nvm. I should read the whole thread before posting.
  3. Hey @@DT85 I can't load the map. I get some errors that the map objects are missing. (e.g. models/map_objects/07yun/tube_entrance.md3) Edit: Does the q3map2 compile create lightmaps for misc_model_static's? Edit2: Sorry DT to tell you this, but you propably need to remake the lighting at some point. Next thing I want to write is global illumination. Those fill lights wont be needed anymore then. Also these fill lights will fuck up deluxe mapping.
  4. Perfect, had the same idea some time ago.
  5. Tried it some time ago with no luck. I'll promise that I will investigate some implementations, but I can't promise that this will happen in the near future, since I wanted to change the render engine from forward rendering to deffered rendering. Problem is, that AA functions for forward rendering doesn't work with deffered rendering. So. Everything will happen when the time has come. Sorry Arch, I lost my temper. You are a great help, and you show the most interesst in this. This is very motivating to see people this interessted.
  6. Arch... Seriously, yes I know this will help. BUT there are so many other things to write and fix up that this has a rather low priority. I have a clear vision of what the final renderer should be capable of, when I'm through with it and obvious things like AA don't need to be mentioned. I really like it when you are helping, but this is rather annoying. This is not helpfull or productive. Sorry, I needed to say that.
  7. There is no AA right now.
  8. It has always been this way.
  9. Weather! This apperently broke a lot (I did to be exact ). Need to fix up all the stuff. But it works. Edit:
  10. @@Sir Crusher You should know, that the video on youtube you commented on is from a fork of rend2, which was ported by DT85 to singleplayer and modified by me. I added some pbr cvars and some very little enhancements. @@DT85 Is there a public build for people who want to play around with GL2? Some things to notice: - rend2 and GL2 (which is the sp fork of it right now) use a different layout for specular textures. - both use the metal roughness workflow - rend2 specular texture gets interpreted as: red channel is the metalness alpha channel is the roughness - GL2 specular texture gets interpreted as: red channel is roughness (can be gloss, smoothness or shininess too, but you need to make sure all your materials use only one of the values) green channel is metalness blue channel is occlusion - shadows are only implemented for the sun Ok here is a short form tutorial. Mapping and compiling materials and shaders For more information, go to: https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/blob/master/opengl2-readme.md
  11. Don't forget to read Biochips and Mona Lisa Overdrive. (Biochips seems to be called Count Zero in english) If you are into cyberpunk, I'd recommend you Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson). No spoilers, simply read it. Edit: Oh btw, nice idea with this thread!
  12. *effects so Painter 1.7.3 has the "effects" Short tutorial: - make a fill layer - make it affect height only - adjust depth in the fill layer to match your target depth (you can change it later on) - add a black mask to the fill layer - select the mask - paint the parts white that should be pushed in - click on the effects button - select blur - adjust blur - click the effects button again - select levels - adjust levels to your needs - ready You can simply take the baked depth map as mask instead of a hand painted one.
  13. https://discord.gg/gFKwH85 this one?
  14. https://discordapp.com/channels/200934142278369281 I pop in from time to time. Though we could use a separate channel to chat. Oh Arch, I will make a list, when I got some time. I'm very busy right now. (work and stuff)
  15. Both work fine.
  16. Albedo RGBA (A optional transparency) Normal RGBA (A optional height for parralax mapping on brushes) Packed RGB: R roughness map G metal mask B occlusion (Ambient or cavity or a combined one) Actually added the ao map handling, though it's not finished.
  17. Shadow cascading works fine. I only uploaded the final code. You need to change the cvars accordingly. The new standard values work fine. There is no mess. @Arch I meant, you can get the latest version right now via the DF2 test build. DT uploaded it somewhere if I recall correctly.
  18. I will update my build on GitHub, when its more cleaned up. I could provide a DL link then. Maybe just go with DF2 test build. The latest stable version is there, I guess.
  19. Hm, the list for gl2 in my head is quite long. Never thought of whats after finishing it, cause it will take alot of time. Pushing gl2 into modview sounds most reasonable.
  20. Fallout feeling, much. I like it.
  21. Nope, I mean the diffuse part of the IBL ( Image based lighting). IBL is split into diffuse irradiance and specular reflectance. But thats nothing an artist hast to worry about. You see the albedo part working, because the objects are colored by a texture right?
  22. Looks like I should do mipmapping and creating the LUT on the cpu. Right now I compute them with OpenGL on the GPU. Hm, that would solve the ugly coding part. I'll rewrite this Part, when its working properly. Ty for the help.
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