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Posts posted by GMRobinHood

  1. wow when i first saw Kanan I thought "Hey that dude looks like a younger Rahm Kota" they've got to be kidding now....

    You think thats a bad thing? I personally love that they're bring back things from the old canon that we missed. Rahm kota was a badass, and his legacy has beem passed on to Kanan.

    They're on a tight budget? I thought the show was popular enough to provide them with dough... :huh:

    But he doesn't have a problem hearing everything else around him, so I have to disagree with the mask muffling the sounds...

    Also, how reliable is Freddy Prince Jr. anyway? I mean, does he really know this stuff, or did he just say what fans wanted to hear?  :rolleyes: 

    Hmm, checked 'em out. It's a start, I guess :D

    The reason the animation style is like this instead of like TCW is because of a much smaller budget. The other day one of the animators was talking about how expensive animating Vaders cape was.


    And yes, FPJ knows his shit haha. He's very reliable, and speaks his mind.

  2. wait... so Kanan had his eyeballs cut-out by a saber slash? So permanent blindess? Or are his eyes just injured and will heal?

    Those eyes are gone. His eyes were cauterized off.


    Its permamemt.

    Son - kisscartoon.me - USE IT! (sorry for the shouting, that's for dramatic effect :D )


    As for Kanan, while it was cool, I really didn't understand why he bothered to pick up the mask...Sure, since it's a kids show, they needed something to hide his disfigured face, but come on!

    Also, in the episode it was implied Kanan used his hearing rather than Force Sense when dueling Maul - that was just wrong, even if he's a freshly-baked Jedi Knight...

    Wait, do we even have a Kanan for JA? :huh:

    What I'd want is Maul's new lightsaber, you know, they one that looks like a broken Inquisitor saber?

    Look, idk about you mate but i dont want to have to see his head missing the entire region of his eyes, its unnecessary. Also they probably did it to cut costs, as making a new model of him would be time consuming. The pics I attached are single frame scenes, and his eyes (or lack thereof) wouldnt loook good without them investing resources into that. They're on a short budget as is.


    Also, ive heard that the mask muffles his hearing so he has to rely completely on the force. Hisvvoice acror confirmed that hes using the force.


    So no, hes not using his hearing :)



    Kanan has been blinded :"( 


    But he looks badass! I'd like to request two skins based on the Kanan model that is already in existence, Kanan with the Ancient Jedi Warrior mask (which is either exactly the same as the Jedi temple guard mask or slightly different, but has lost its colour due to age) he sticks on after losing his eyes, and him at the very end with the band in front of his eyes. 


    I don't think either of these will be too difficult, but what do I know hahah!


    I'd love to see this :)


    Here are some reference pics!


    At the end with the thing covering his eyes:









    Him with the Jedi Warrior ( basically Jedi Temple Guard with decolouration?) mask:











    OPTIONAL: His eyes clean cut out his head :"(




    Right after gettting hit:



  4. //<![CDATA[

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    I must say.. that was very VERY good idea.

    The Vader on one cinematic is bugged because.. JEDI_VADER model is bugged for some reason. I will use default Vader model with the npc - also it will accept the scale ;)

    Some information for You guys:

    Vader is not an acrobatic Sith . So his movement is slower and limited . He cant flip when jump and also he cant do rolls when crouch. I thought that it will make game little harder but also make You feel like playing real Vader.

    Of Course You can use force speed and jump with lvl 2 (Lvl 3 can send us very high and far.. My map would be 2 times bigger to make some places unreachable.. And i think it is stupid to make a big hall maps only because jedi can jump up there :/ )

    We can grip with instant kill :) Remember that.

    I also changed the textures of the Tie Advanced.

    I also thinking about one thing - i removed to check how Vader would look without his cape. Dont get me wrong.. The Cape is Classy! But i think that this version would be more battle like. (and .. to be honest i think that cape looks nice but it look weird :/)

    Love you so much for the restricted movement for vader. I like the cape as is though, with maybe better cape animations but i don't know how doable that is.

  5. There is no limit on the number of polygons that a misc_model can have because they are baked into brushwork (as brushes though? or as patches? I'm not sure on which) and thus are never loaded. misc_model_static on the other hand...


    Personally, I think that the First Order interior wouldn't be so good as there is already a map of it. But I would love to see the snowy forest around the base, or perhaps the big lectern thing when they are going to



    blow up the planets



    I wouldn't mind a flying-based map either, like the star destroyer on Jakku.

    There's a map on the first order interior?

  6. Not sure if this exists yet, but I couldn't find it on any Jk3files mirrors.


    Can someone make or find me a civilian npc pack? Basically I'm just looking for npcs (with different appearances, generic male, rodian, female, female twi and zabrak, etc) that talk to themselves and wander aimlessly, for atmospheric purposes and to get in the way during firefights.


    Thanks :)

  7. I would luke to request either the snowy forest scene (If you could make it snow that would capture the movie's atmosphere perfectly, and destructible trees and/or a skybox of the sun dimming out might make us soil our pants) at the end of TFA on Starkiller, or the stormy scene with Kylo and his Knights of Ren, with bodies everywhere and the (sith?) temple in the background.

  8. They still had some noises and music so I had to take care of it ;)

    I love you, mate. :)


    If I could make another request, perhaps you could get Kylo's whole monologue when he's in front of Vader's helmet? Rewatched the movie and found that to be really powerful.


    Also, to use these I just rename them then stick them in the audio part of the .pk3 right?

  9. These legs would do nice.



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    P.S. This image is of technology, some serious hardware.

    Can someone make THAT model? The force awakens.. ;)

  10. I not know this movie, but i lf IS ONLY for your personal use, (poirting can be illegal if you share without author permissions)

    i can rig the model for JKA. if you accept send me the file into 3DS format, with texture.

    I hope is not a too much high poly model. that can be nasty to rig. >.<

    but it's a suit, so i not to rig facial expression... i think i can do.

    i offer myself because i love this design. it's kinda scarry. :)

    I quite like this too, mate. ;) Can you do me a favour as well? Pleaaase?

    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
  11. So anyway, can someone do it? I must admit, I got hooked by the idea - Padme in a black shirt, with glowing yellow eyes, with maul-like robotic legs, the Dark Side, and a lightsaber (or two) - what's not to love? :D:rolleyes:

    Perhaps a version without the robot legs? Robot legs just dont have quite the same...effect on me. :")

    the_raven likes this
  12. Could someone make a sith padme if they can? thanks

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    Wow, people come up with the best ideas. 


    What is she armed with, dark politics? 

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