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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. Looks to me like its trying to use the OpenAL not in the JA folder which is different from the software openal that usually is used elsewhere.
  2. it fixes only the model issues that were also in ioq3 version. I don't honestly know whats going on with rend2 rendering right now... (There is a fix for not requiring r_floatLightmap in ioq3 tree now too, but I'm not too concerned about that yet)
  3. Most of those would become moot if we decide to redo siege all together.
  4. r_floatLightmap 1 fixes the white model issue fwiw.
  5. If they're named something alphabetically before assets, they'll not even be used if the internal filename you use is attempting to override a base file.
  6. You should also know that dynamic glow makes mirrors/portals not work too.
  7. It should be now but you'd need to compile yourself and/or wait for @@Xycaleth to make a rend2 build for you.
  8. Needs full guns and no honor rules too
  9. That just looks like your config was set incorrectly at one point like those cvars had a floating point in the value or something. Unexpected end of info file isn't really a uix86 end of file. It means you have a bad arena or bot file.
  10. Being a Beta has nothing to do with build numbers, that's just your impression from other experiences @@Yberion.
  11. They don't count towards the server side entity limit, cgame only. But they have a cap. And count as refent's so that can hit the 2048 limit and they don't really have lod or anything like that. So PVS differences and different FOV can cause them to disappear (_static).
  12. If you're gonna use models as architecture you are better off making them real misc_model's that get turned into the bsp in most cases.
  13. Yea you broke the buffer (There's most likely a bad one in there somewhere too or it cut off mid-file), so they kinda don't spawn anymore. WONTFIX.
  14. You shouldn't need to run the game as administrator anymore, because of the homepath stuff.
  15. If you have vote enabled on your server in JA+ or any other mod thats older (not based on improvements from mod_base or OpenJK/JA++), then you should probably be using sv_filterCommands 1 with OpenJK. You lose out on ability to have ; in your chat, but it protects against an exploit in callvote which allows them to change settings on your server. It's off by default due to the fact that it blocks ; usage and that its fixed in modern gamecode.
  16. Making an issue was a mistake, rend2 isn't even in master branch and its something specific to you like using the wrong executable.
  17. You gotta make sure the engine and renderer are in sync. Doesn't appear to be any changes at first glance but there does seem to be some sort of issue. Release and Release helps too.
  18. I'm not sure if theres an easy public link to OJP's source code anymore. And no, its not technically compatible with any OS other than what it was ever released for (probably only windows-32, and maybe mac (universal?), and a linux-32 server)
  19. Pretty good chance that its not going to work on models. You'd have to ask SmileTheory though.
  20. Config size should not be an issue anymore, the 3 configs attempted to execute on startup used to share a single much smaller buffer. Now they can all be ~128K each.
  21. Just a good basic server.cfg would be nice.
  22. On topic of the original issue: They're just injecting custom information for getinfo requests of said IPs of the servers in question. The cause of the changing of lines is a control character of the likes of 0xB. As @@Xycaleth said, its pretty easily fixable but we just have ignored it for the time being as its not a huge issue because its not exploitable on a large scale to affect others' servers without access. OpenJK does not exist to play cat-and-mouse with TnG. We simply want a fixed version of the game. If TnG chooses to make exploits that become known or reveal ones that had eluded us previously we will investigate but only on the basis to attempt fixing the game not any sort of attack against TnG.
  23. Oh it actually was a video? I had sound off.
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