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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. Bit of a long shot - but does anyone have a copy of the old Republic Cruiser map they could PM me? (The WIP version of the one included in MB2, with the full Venator-style hangar, etc)

  2. Bit of a long shot - but does anyone have a copy of the old Republic Cruiser map they could PM me? (The WIP version of the one included in MB2, with the full Venator-style hangar, etc)

  3. Random thought: I think we'll get Star Wars news today.

  4. Say, old people, when ep 3 came out, was it a huge plot twist when Sidious was revealed to be Palpatine or did you see it coming?

  5. Ah screw it.....I WON! I WON!

  6. Imagine a Varactyl vehicle. o_o

  7. Anyone know how to make a desktop shortcut for JKA MP on steam?

  8. JKGalaxies is streaming live right now: http://www.twitch.tv/jkgalaxies

  9. http://mrdinnertime.uk.to/makermodule.html Working on a web page for makermodule (with Didz's permission) o.o
  10. http://puu.sh/msTAc/a0821dbc3c.png Search engine result descriptions taken out of context
  11. Happy New YEAR

  12. Working on a cortana skin. Got the nude body done but fuck the patterns are a pain in the arse

  13. I wished episode 7 ended with "Meesa back".

  14. Episode 7 spoiler: Jar Jar is a Sith lord and master over Kylo Ren

  15. So does The Force Awakens beat season 5 of The Clone Wars? I guess that's the ultimate question. ;)

  16. Just watched episode 7. Maybe my expectations were too high. But I was disappointed. Sure there were some good parts but overall, it didn't have a lasting appeal on me.

  17. Just watched episode 7. Maybe my expectations were too high. But I was disappointed. Sure there were some good parts but overall, it didn't have a lasting appeal on me.

  18. Just watched episode 7. Maybe my expectations were too high. But I was disappointed. Sure there were some good parts but overall, it didn't have a lasting appeal on me.

  19. Jar Jar Binks should appear as a Sith lord in the new Star Wars Trilogy.

  20. Someone needs to make a model/skin of Rey from Ep 7

  21. There's nothing harder than the numbing grief of knowing that she may not make it through this week..

  22. Do you know what I love in Star Wars fans? Haters. They can't even get properly argument, just screaming how you bad and etc. Facepalm

  23. There's nothing harder than the numbing grief of knowing that she may not make it through this week..

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