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  1. Small update: So, the idea is that the default helm is the broken, dulled, and rusted version of the Red one, while the blue team is essentially painted (and covered with snow). The blue team is covered in snow, default is supposed to look weathered by sand and red is supposed to look regal or some-such. Still haven't found a nice way to texture the pants.
  2. I've started using Blender a couple days ago, and after toying, trying adding and removing stuff, this is what I've come up with up until now. I moved the cape so as to minimize clipping. It's cooler in the original Boba Fett position, but it's annoying as soon as the arm moves. I might switch it. The torso comes from another skin I'm working on, which I can't seem to get the head to my liking. Also, to keep everything in the same thread, there's a few skins that I had made and submitted to jk3files. I'll post them here, and I'll submit them if people are interested: I wouldn't want to clutter the file section for nothing. Most of them have bot and npc files, as well as Single Player selection. For starters, Maverick Anyhow, C&C very welcomed, especially for the Frankenstein. I'll probably try different things as I go along, so any suggestion is welcomed!
  3. There's a trick to minimize the amount of tinkering you have to do in the menus file, at the cost of increasing the file size (more or less, depending on the size of the hud). Essentially, you build all your base/tics/alphas on a single sized frame and put everything at position zero. You'll still need to modify the position for the values, and adjust the ratio if the size of your assets differ from the assets menus you're working from.
  4. Thank you, all the same. I'll look into trying the shader at some point. For now, the file is pending for approval. Hope you all enjoy it if it goes through.
  5. Version 1.0


    This mode attempts to recreate the Fallout 3/NV HUD for JKA. In this release, there is a total of versions to choose from. Six of them are mono-color: the HUD is simply one color (or gradient) and makes no colored distinction between the various elements of the HUD (HP, Shield, Force, Ammo and Stances are all the same color). The colors are amber, blue, green, red, purple and white. The _jka version takes the Fallout HUD and color codes it with the same colors found in the default HUD: red for health, green for shield, etc. HP stands for health; CND stands for shield; AP stands for force power; -/ stands for ammo; FST stands for fast/blue style; MED stands for medium/yellow style; STR stands for strong/red style.
  6. It's your typical four-block HUD. The shield bars overlap to ensure there's no seam, and I didn't put any ammo bar, but otherwise, it's rather run-of-the-mill, as can be seen below. I'd be happy to try your solution, if you can spare the time.
  7. Hi, I have recently started playing again after years of absence. Upon my return, I discovered JK3Files was no longer running, and was told that JKHub was, well, the new modding hub. Wanting to mod again, and having also played New Vegas in the last few weeks, I thought "Hey! Why not make a Fallout HUD!" Anyhow, the HUD, while it could still be tweaked, is essentially done. So, I was wondering if anyone was interested in such a mod, if I would be allowed to upload it (as I obviously do not hold copyrights to the Fallout franchise), and, of course, if anyone had suggestions to improve it! HP is HP; CND is Shield; AP is FP; FST/MED/STR is Saber Styles and Ammo is -/ I am also considering making differently colored versions, among which, one with a default JKA HUD color scheme. Oh, and nice to meet you all.
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