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Posts posted by AuriusPheonix

  1. I would do it myself, but my computer can barely run Jedi Academy XD. I don't know where you would find angel wings, I'm fairly certain I have a dragon model I can link on here, unless y'all have wings there. The Haplash model would have the wings plastered on the upper and lower back. 4 Wings.

    If you feel like doing this, that would be extremely appreciated. I plan on using it to create a Diathim model, space angels from the moon of Iago.


  2. Hello gentlemen. I am working on a variety of projects right now. I will list them below. I currently only have a WIP screenshot for some of them :(. This introduces my first to-be-published works.



    I have been told this is incredibly silly, but hell if I don't like me some Green Lanterns. This mod aims to create Lantern skins for well known Star Wars characters. Essentially any and all who I can get my hands on to reskin. It also is going to feature a customization pack that will allow you to create your own Lantern, of any corps in the color spectrum. The characters below are only phase one. I may do more later, depending on how much people like them.

    • Luke Skywalker (ANH): Blue Lantern Skin
    • Luke Skywalker (ROTJ): Green Lantern Skin
    • Obi-wan Kenobi (ROTS-ANH): Blue Lantern skin
    • Sheev Palpatine: Sinestro Corps skin
    • Darth Sidious: Red Lantern Skin
    • Anakin Skywalker: Blue/Red Lantern skins
    • Darth Vader: Sinestro Corps skin.

    Proof of concept:


    GMRobinHood and krkarr like this
  3. The first is yet another modeling/skinning spree that I have just though up yesterday night: A "DC Lanterns" skin pack and customization pack. You would be able to make your own red/green/blue/Sinestro Lantern, with basic customization, as well as replace certain canon characters into lanterns. IE:

    "Luke Skywalker of Tatooine, you have great willpower. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps."

    Luke Skywalker: Blue and Green Lantern Skins

    Obi-Wan/Ben: Blue Lantern

    Anakin: Blue/Yellow/Red Lantern

    Palpatine: Yellow/Red Lantern

    Kyle: Blue Lantern


    And so on, so forth.




    As for the second idea, a complete conversion for both Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast to bring Kyle Katarn into new "canon". Changing Desaan to a Knight of Ren, Tavion to his apprentice who goes on to lead Ben to the dark side, who then finds Snoke.

    It would be the same Outcast experience, with shifts towards the new ABY canon, with First Order Stormtroopers led by a Knight of Ren. Kyle then defeats him and joins Luke Skywalkers Jedi Praxeum.

    Jedi Academy would be changed, no longer allowing customization. It would feature the story of Kylo Ren (Then known as Ben Solo), and his journey to the Dark Side, ending with a final duel against Kyle, and the extermination of the Jedi Order.

  4. There is a mod, called Asteroid Mod, which allowed some kickass dogfights. I still have it, I think, I can see if I can reupload it. If y'all are up for it, I would love to work on this kind of mod. I am also working on a complete conversion for Jedi Outcast - Academy, which replaces Desaan with a Knight Of Ren, and remakes the story of Kyle Katarn into a modern "canon" rendition. And as for the "Jedi Academy" conversion, I am considering making it a Kylo Ren story, for the dark side ending...

  5. For some reason, this evening I checked whether anyone had made a decent Green Lantern (OR any DC Lantern) Skin. And I found they have not. I considered using the over-used and abused Haplash models, or the Jedi Academy base models (Which I absolutely abhor, skinning wise). Anyone know of any decent models that could be reskinned to fit Hal Jordan, Jon Stewart, Guy Gardener and Kyle Rayner? (I may extend my Lantern packs beyond the Green Lantern Corps, such as Sinestro and Atrocitus).

    Arrow likes this
  6. Update time! Here are the models I've been working on recently, mostly for my comic series as usual but I've also knocked up a robeless commando version of the Senate Guard as requested:


    Amelia Jendri has received an update to the Neomarz head she had been using before, now using the Gweth head and featuring a skin modified from one used in the RPMod community:


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    The Senate Commando, containing ported material from TFU courtesy of Lt Claim:





    Sarella Drayson's Bounty Hunter Disguise, blending elements of Zam Wessell's kit and the Imperial Knight armour:





    Traylis Gregar, a Quarren mercenary who will feature in an upcoming issue of Tales From The Clone Wars:





    Railas Tok (Desann model) kitbashed with a ported SWTOR Mandalorian armour set, and reskinned to a new colour scheme:





    Thoughts and feedback always welcome.

    I'm gonna go ahead and shamelessly ask XD, would it be possible for me to take a look at that ported Mando armor from SWTOR? I can use it as reference for an actual legal model. I can see there is quite a few things in here that have yet to be released but yet still look beautiful... (Trust me, I have the same problem. I've done hundreds of skins for thestarwarsrp.com and plan on releasing them sometime in the future... maybe...) If you've lost interest or rather don't have the time to finish them I can always see what I can do.

    GPChannel likes this
  7. Hello gents! I am currently working on a small project that will bring the characters of my book into Jedi Academy. I have a few models/skins (At your discretion) that need making and would love any help that can be provided. I myself am using a toaster for a computer, so decent modeling/texturing isn't possible unfortunately.






    (The one on the far left.)


    Griffon and the Defenders

     Griff's hair is light brown, he has hazel eyes. Jesska has purple eyes and jet black hair. Exus (The one at the top of the last picture) has brown hair and blue eyes. Here is Aurius' Face, below.12715645_1119900744701000_4360534370194812742178_1119900718034336_28166629708888

    Both him with and without his beard. Amber eyes, black hair, fair skin. The scar on his eye is red. 

    That is all the concept art I have. Thanks to anyone wishing to help.
  8. Starting even from the simple E-11 to the distruptor, i've found that not being able to aim kind of ruins immersion a little. I'm currently working on a project (No, I'm not allowed to reveal it yet) that would make use of an ADS script for normal weapons. 


    This is what I have so far, this is line 1912 in cg_weapons.c

    // play a sound
        if (altFire)
            // play a sound
            for ( c = 0 ; c < 4 ; c++ ) {
                if ( !weap->altFlashSound[c] ) {
            if ( c > 0 ) {
                c = rand() % c;
                if ( weap->altFlashSound[c] )
                    trap_S_StartSound( NULL, ent->number, CHAN_WEAPON, weap->altFlashSound[c] );
    Also prepositions from bg_pmove.c, line 6222;if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING )
            // weapon has a charge, so let us do an attack
    #ifdef _DEBUG
            Com_Printf("Firing. Charge time=%d\n", pm->cmd.serverTime - pm->ps->weaponChargeTime);
            // dumb, but since we shoot a charged weapon on button-up, we need to repress this button for now
            pm->cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK;
            pm->ps->eFlags |= EF_FIRING;
        else if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT )
            // weapon has a charge, so let us do an alt-attack
    #ifdef _DEBUG
            Com_Printf("Firing. Charge time=%d\n", pm->cmd.serverTime - pm->ps->weaponChargeTime);
    // dumb, but since we shoot a charged weapon on button-up, we need to repress this button for now
            pm->cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK;
            pm->ps->eFlags |= (EF_FIRING|EF_ALT_FIRING);
    This one is basically from charged weapon section. Sniper rifle belongs to this section.
    Lastly, line 7659;
    if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )  {
    //if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_BRYAR_PISTOL && pm->gametype != GT_SIEGE )
    if (0)
    { //kind of a hack for now
    PM_AddEvent( EV_FIRE_WEAPON );
    addTime = weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].fireTime;
    else if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode != 1)
    PM_AddEvent( EV_FIRE_WEAPON );
    addTime = weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].fireTime;
    else if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_BLASTER && pm->ps->zoomMode != 1)
    PM_AddEvent( EV_FIRE_WEAPON );
    addTime = weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].fireTime;
    Any ideas/Feedback? I already have 2d models to attach to the ADS in place of the sniper scope.
  9. Well, gentlemen. I'm hoping that I can get to the bottom of this and make such a mod. I know it would be greatly useful for RP and the like. Would anyone be willing to help me code this? Im mainly a texture artist, not much more. And this sounds like a heap of trouble to make it compatible with both SP and MP

  10. I mean a bound button to the various animations located in the animevent.cfg file. For instance when Kyle moves his lips, or where Jaden is leaning against the wall, to something as basic as having the character shrug. I have no idea how to go about binding these keys.


    I would assume it would require the basic


    bind "Insert Key Here" both_wall_run_flip (#=21,30 FPS)


    or something like that.

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