Hello everyone, I am Zero Raven from JKHub.net First off may I say congratulations on the successful launching of your site. With Massassi being as slow to respond, and generally dead as it has become, it is wonderful to see another site opening to take over the mantle for JO/JA games and mods. May I make a few comments though. 1:. Please note that the expressive opinions of a few of the HUB members, does NOT reflect our feelings as a whole. 2:. I do not believe the JKHUB name is copyrighted but that cannot be confimred until contact can be had with the original JKhub.net creator. 3:. I see no issue with having 2 sites with the similar name, i just hope we can all accept the confusion if someone types .net instead of .org and vice versa. Lets all coexist and enjoy our games shall we? Have a pleasant evening gents, and seeing as how I enjoy JO/JA also, I'm sure you'll be seeing me around more often.