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Posts posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Yeah, kinda struggling with the turning left and right animations, hard to picture when the model in doesn't actually rotate in the program, the game engine takes care of that part so you don't animate it actually turning, just the motion of it kinda doing it still, check out the atst in modview to see what I mean, it's kinda weird.


    I don't wanna be lame like Raven did with the at-st and just use a sped up walk cycle as the run, this thing is smaller and faster so it needs a separate run and run start animation.

  2. Something I modeled years ago but stopped working on for reasons I really can't remember. Started it back up, modeling is of course done, UV mapping 50% or more and I redid the skeleton setup for the feet and the rig. I also scrapped the walk cycle I had before around the old rig as well as a death animation, new walk cycle was quickly remade though in like 10 mins, only real animation work is an exhaggerated run cycle, turn left and turn right. While there are a few more they are all super simple will only take a minute or 2 each to make.




    I don't really consider it a finished walk cycle, it can be tweaked easily and while it is sort of static it's also a mechanical walker and not a person who would have much more fluid movement.

    Shusumi likes this
  3. Just lmk when you're ready and I'll send over the scene file, it's ready for testing. You'd have to grab a trial of Softimage 2013 since that's what I made it in but I'm trying to work out a way where I can have it built as an addon and be generated through the primitive menu like some of the other preset rigs so that older versions can use this.


    If you are a student however I encourage anyone to take advantage of Autodesk's student licensing program, it's how I got full free legal versions of Softimage 2013, 3ds Max 2013, Maya 2013 and Mudbox 2013 though I haven't cared enough to install Maya or Max since I don't use either.



  4. My plate is kinda full atm and I know nothing about editing .roq files but if someone out there does I think it would be nice to see the cutscenes working with widescreen. Seems like they would probably work if they could be imported to Photoshop and every frame just add black borders to the side so they would play in 16:9.


    Mainly want this cause I was gonna play through JO which has some nice cutscenes.



  5. Yeah for some reason it was something left out by Raven when they released all the SDK's, they used XSI to make all of the games animations.


    It's odd when you import the source files, all the bones from JO are there as well and animated, they must have used the same rig from JO but I know when you compile a character and you have certain bones with nothing enveloped to them the compiler dumps them, this is how it knows to loose the XSI IK constraints on export, mainly the chain roots and effectors.


    I'm gonna sift through the base animation sequences and see if I can make something happen, starting with the root pose with a community made skeleton just doesn't work, especially when you're trying to build a foot roll constraint or have the knees bend properly when moving the chain end effector.


    Yeah for some reason it was something left out by Raven when they released all the SDK's, they used XSI to make all of the games animations.


    It's odd when you import the source files, all the bones from JO are there as well and animated, they must have used the same rig from JO but I know when you compile a character and you have certain bones with nothing enveloped to them the compiler dumps them, this is how it knows to loose the XSI IK constraints on export, mainly the chain roots and effectors.


    I'm gonna sift through the base animation sequences and see if I can make something happen, starting with the root pose with a community made skeleton just doesn't work, especially when you're trying to build a foot roll constraint or have the knees bend properly when moving the chain end effector.


    Yeah for some reason it was something left out by Raven when they released all the SDK's, they used XSI to make all of the games animations.


    It's odd when you import the source files, all the bones from JO are there as well and animated, they must have used the same rig from JO but I know when you compile a character and you have certain bones with nothing enveloped to them the compiler dumps them, this is how it knows to loose the XSI IK constraints on export, mainly the chain roots and effectors.


    I'm gonna sift through the base animation sequences and see if I can make something happen, starting with the root pose with a community made skeleton just doesn't work, especially when you're trying to build a foot roll constraint or have the knees bend properly when moving the chain end effector.



    I know nothing about XSI, but if it supports Biped I might have a 3ds max project of the JA skeleton in Biped form, set up by the one and only Keshire.

    I don't think it supports character studio bipeds, bones and IK in XSI is totally different, it creates IK chains automatically where max just uses simple FK bones with a parent/child setup.


    I have that file by keshire too, doesn't work if you use anything over max 5.



    Just realized something that changes things quite a bit, all the .xsi files raven released for the _humanoid model animations all have the missing bones that JO had AND they are animated. Not sure why they took out so many bones but I may just recompile the entire _humanoid.gla and see what happens.



  6. Well people asked for it and so for this is probably like my 4th or 5th go at this but it seems to be working well so far.


    Some people are surely going to notice things that will make questions pop up, mainly the nulls in the arms and legs, those replace the bones that are normally there so this skeleton can have a normal arm/leg setup. This is doable, after looking at the hierarchy in ModView I noticed that those bones that are mainly there for better twisting of the limbs are child to the closest bones but aren't actually in the bone chain. I'm sure you'll next notice that it of course is not in the root pose, the root pose is just there for modelers to rig a character to a simple skeletal pose. You could honestly rig a character model to any one of the animation sequences released and compile it using assimilate just exporting it as the name of the animation used rather than root and it would work.

    To do list:

    Rig a dummy model to it
    Test, probably a walk cycle

    Only thing is if people haven't noticed I have a student license for the latest version of Softimage which this was created and I don't think I'll be able to convert it backwards to an older version.

    I've also rearranged some of the hierarchy since the video was uploaded but none of the rig elements are in the model_root hierarchy, it's all done using constraints, linked parameters and expressions. So you can still just branch select the model_root and export without taking any of the rig nodes with it.



    Finger curl controls and up vectors for the legs.

    Boothand likes this
  7. What do you mean?


    Like chacter model animations?


    I mean general XSI animation can be learned from all over, the thing with the _humanoid skeleton is it's set up in a very unorthodox way and to build a rig to animate it easily takes a good amount of time. I was gonna have like a 3rd go at it here sometime soon but you can of course animate it without the help of a constrained control rig but it wouldn't be any easier than using dragon.


    it's all raven and the weird skeleton they made that has 4 arm bones and 3 leg bones.


    I think I may be one of the few people who really know how, scary.

  8. I remember beating this thing in Sonic 2, you should really change the title of the thread though since you aren't requesting an AT-ST.


    It doesn't need to be a AT-ST replacement directly, when dealing with such a thing a custom skeleton will let you make it how you want.

  9. I think you're rushing too much and aren't carefully reading


    FIRST, Select all parts of your model then do Transform>Freeze all transforms


    SECOND, hit the Freeze M button to freeze the modeling construction history, this way you wont loose evelope weights.


    You have to use version 6 NOT 6.01, the download is in the thread in my sig at the top

  10. Post a picture of your dotXSI export settings.


    It's really simple, they way you see textures in game with no lighting and also in modview = textured decal.


    Compile the model and open it in modview and the textures will look EXACTLY the way they do in textured decal mode.

  11. In 7.5 I know the UV's aren't transfered because I got the same thing in modview with Inyri's geth model, I have a student licence for Softimage 2013 and imported the .xsi file and there were no UV's which lead to the white model in modview. I finished her model in 2013 but then imported the finished .xsi file that I put through assimilate through Mod Tool 6 and exported, compiled and it worked fine, you MUST have the textures box checked, I know in 7.5 that gives you an error message, not in 6.


    Local transforms change any time you translate, rotate or scale a mesh, whenever you do you must freeze the transforms so they are at 0,0,0 in world, every game is like this, even in 3ds max people must do this before exporting, the tools just have different names.


    The tags in the null skeleton do have weights but even if they didn't it's not like it's a big deal, you only want them enveloped to ONE bone that is the CLOSEST to them.


    Maybe when the textures for a model I have are done and I make the video tutorial things will be more clear, you may even smack yourself when you realize that you're kinda over thinking it. =p

  12. No, just use regular crosswalk>export, it'll export a dotXSI6 file which is a newer version of .xsi, doesn't work for JA though but will let you transfer.


    Just looked at your file and most of the transforms on the model are not right, you need to go back and use the freeze all transforms then freeze the modeling construction history, the Freeze M button is at the bottom of the right tool pane, may have to collapse the transform tools by right clicking on the dark gray transform bar before you see it depending on screen resolution. With Freeze M rather than the regular Freeze you can edit the mesh and freeze them without losing the envelope weights operator.


    You mainly need to spend more time fitting the model to the skeleton, mostly the hands and feet, the feet should point straight forward and just move the bolt_*foot up so the bottom edge matches the bottom of the models foot so he doesn't either float above the ground or clip through it.


    Grab the null skeleton from the tutorial thread too, that one has too much clutter since Corto started on a rig using it but never finished.

  13. All you need to do is install the Valve source addon on both versions and export/import the weight map.


    Crosswalk also, didn't think about that at first, just do a regular export but the valve source addon is very useful for weight map transfer when importing/exporting using a universal file type like .3ds that doesn't support envelope weights.

  14. If the textures don't look right in Textured Decal then they aren't going to look right in game either without serious shader help, dynamic lighting and shadows. Trust me on this, I did the same thing as you when I first started using Softimage years ago, based all my textures on how they looked in renders and the OpenGL setting, they'll look super bright in game.


    Dismemberment is all based on tags and parenting, that's how the engine figures the dismemberment. Used to think it had to do with naming of the meshes but I found otherwise since I rigged and compiled the geth model and split the hips and torso into 2 segments. Used an admin command that kills a player and dismembers all parts and the hips or torso never split. Also, don't be afraid to move tags to suit your needs, unlike the bones the position is not crucial for them to work properly, if the tags say for the feet don't match with the bottom of the characters foot (which control how the feet interact with the ground, the model DOES NOT dictate this) but the ankle joint matches the skeleton feel free to move them appropriately so that the bottom edge meets the bottom polygons of the feet.


    Tag surfaces should be enveloped to the closest bone and never have more than 1 deformer (bone), they also should be child to the closest mesh, just as caps are child to their coresponding mesh.


    Just post exactly what you're trying to do and we'll figure a way that makes it all work, caps too if you want.


    Also, just found out a week ago and update the Mod Tool thread, you need to use version 6, Autodesk capped the dotXSI exporter so that animation and UV coordinates will not get exported on the 7.5 version. I know that the 7.5 version has some enhancements overall but 6 can do everything you need it to and isn't really any different. 6 also comes with .obj and .3ds support which was removed from 7.5 probably because Autodesk wants your money hence why you cannot buy a Foundations version of Softimage for $499 anymore like you used to.


    Also, if you need any Softimage related help feel free to post in the tutorial thread and I'll answer usually very quickly.

  15. Stop doing renders with black backgrounds, it makes it difficult to see things. Just show a viewport shot, no need to show a render, the textured decal view will show everything they way it'll look in modview with no shaders.


    The headlight setting is your friend.

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