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Everything posted by AradorasXeon

  1. OKay here is the full issue: 13 fire effect (fire_wall) default delay (as far as I know everyone of them appear) 1000 units away 8 huge lightning all of them targeted with a delay 3000 as I remember now 2 lightning show up and 1 of them shows up sometimes, but that one has that small explosion effect when the lightning hits it target...
  2. My cursor shows up, then nothing happens, so I press ctrl+alt+del and I see the program stopped message. @@mrwonko as I wrote that thing I started to be suspicous on that as well so I gonna try remove that. yes it was the script, I removed all 4 npcs, it works now. Here's another question: How many effect files can the game handle in one area? In this very same map I have place where are lot of fxrunner taken places, but only some of them shows up, now I deleted some, and other started to show up, but not all of them.
  3. Since I've made some modifications on my map, and compiled it, I cannot test it. I start the game then I write into the console: devmap mp/my_map_name. It shows that picture with the 3 jedis on it, and then the game crashes. I have tons of other maps, everyone of them working well, but this one doesn't anymore :S. I tried to give an other name to it, and compile that one, with the very same result. I tried to run it on my homemade server, so I might see some error messages, but after I wrote in my map's name, it crush (right after it spawned in the first bot). I tried some of the plugins, but I found nothing. So can anyone help me? (The modifications I made were the followings (as I remember): - did some after caulking (I know it's bad, but when I started this I didn't really use caulk...) - removed a big func_door (it was kind of a TV, but I wasn't sure where did I get that shader, so I removed it, and anyway it wasn't working nice and ate lot of FPS) - detailed some brush - removed a "room" full of with npcs - added 2 new npcs - added spawning script for npcs (just for animation, I haven't used script in this map before) - maybe I added one more aeraportal, I'm not sure in this one
  4. First of all thanks for your help! This means a lot to me (since there isn't too many tutorial for scripting, at least I haven't found any detailed one) Well it work half way, no matter what I target with the ref_tag it turns somehow in a strange direction (tried it with another ref_tag targeted from the camera/pan, with the very same result), anyway my npc doesn't spawn in for some reason so I have to look after things. thanks again!
  5. So, I was finally able to put in a camera in my map ( you know the one that makes the scenes in single player), but it absolutely uncontrollable, how does it decide where to spawn itself? since in behaved I only could make a command which puts me in camera mod (camera/enable), but I wasn't able to find any kind of variable in it, I mean no targetnames for camera entities. First it put itself in the only existing target_relay entity, now I deleted it, but it looks it finds that postion again and put itself there instead of my ref_tag named cam1. I've tried to change my ref_tag into a target_relay (the only one in the map now) and it has the targetname cam1. Well the camera put itself to the same position, and there is nothing in radiant what I can see, no specific entity or position (like 0 0 0). So How do I do this? And how do I tell an NPC to move from here to there? (Yes I'm working on a singleplayer map.)
  6. Before I start to share those 2 little tiny bug I've found, I have to say this was gougers! I love it, have to play an rp around Xmas on this. (and 5 starts of course) at this place bots seems to stuck in for some reason :/ (sometimes they randomly died I don't know why, probably they fell of from somewhere I say this just for the record) there is a tiny little thing floating there every time after I go in from outside, then it disappear. I don't know what it is I guess you just deleted something from there. Last but not least there is another thing which can't be helped and it's not your fault (it's the game's), so I won't bother you with that. Anyway I was amazed when I saw the gears rolling! and just a random question for the end, are the teleporters in the wardrobes have any sequence to follow, or they just teleport you randomly?
  7. If I make siege maps I make a sketch first (usually while some of my boring lessons being held...) Anyway I just start something in radiant, then what comes will be in. My RP castle map is an exception, since I wrote my novel first and then I decided to make it in radiant
  8. It's a nice idea! btw in siege, you can use it by default. I mean you can scroll between your items, and your force powers with the same button (since there is no such a class with items and forcepowers). I see what you did there, and it can be useful, but nowadays I'm only playing siege, but as soon as I find a server where I could use this I will.
  9. Anyone knows what happened to them? http://ojp.jediknight.net/ We've just started to use their mod on Tempest. It is quite fun. Some of the bots are better than other players... Well at least they do use team work which I haven't really seen in pub servers for quite a long time. For those who doesn't believe these bots cannot play siege come to Tempest and have a try! ( Edit: I was informed it's not really the same mod, but an improved one by Guard (since it is open source)
  10. And here it is the duel type! http://jkhub.org/fil...ater-base-duel/ EDIT: Do you guys want to out from the base into the water or not? This what I cannot decide.
  11. Well I rebuilt it, did the same... so I made it from brushes. Here is the result: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1353-underwater-base-duel/ As I can see you had to use that tool which cut the curves into smaller parts, well it made some weird thing on my underwater siege map, but I was able to see them in radiant. Well I was still able to simply walk through at some points... but thanks for the design, the players cannot get there (at least if they don't try to trick the game, or cheat it).
  12. Version 1.0 (updated)


    The Underwater Base family's newest member the Underwater Base Duel map! It has duel, power duel, and team FFA support (well this one doesn't appear on the list for some reason, but you will be able to play that type if you type the right command as an admin). map's code name (for console) mp/duel_uwb New Textures are made by: Stella Nox. Bot support: No If you want to use the new textures, just show respect to the original author and give her some credit (like show her name on loading screen or like here, or in a read me file).
  13. You know I wrote a fantasy book in summer, and it has a castle and I wanted to make it in JK see if I can do it. Of course I made some changes... In my head this is all gold, silver, and stone. well I may add some rugs from t2_coruscant. You know if you make a party you need a big place and this is some kind of ballroom so... I'm thinking of placing in some dancing NPC, but then I had to make animations, which i don't know how, and probably the FPS rate would go down more. (The lowest one in singleplayer/ everything on very high was 19 FPS on my computer, so in multiplayer this could go lower :/). Anyway if I make this room slower, then I should do it with the other wing and that would have a bad affect on the garden between the private rooms.... Anyway thanks for your opinion!
  14. I just didn't feel to change the radius (which I always do). It looks the same in 1.4
  15. I made a nice bevel for my underwater duel map. It looks fine and everything, no errors in compile, but in game it looks different. Here it is how it looks in radiant: This one with vertices. ^^ And the video: by the way I use gtkradiant 1.5
  16. Oh well, if you are adding some sp maps, I may make my siege_uwb in singleplayer, would be interesting.
  17. Well I am just here to spare out some information and screenshots from this. This map is gonna be huge since it's a castle. You will be able to go through on every model since, most of the animations are coded in this way. (you will be able to sit on the chairs with amsit etc..) Lot of work is need to be done, so the release date is far away... Anyway I need to increase the FPS number since it is very low in the "ballroom". but enough of talking here are some pics... And this is only one wing (and only one floor) Anyhelp is welcomed, just pm me. AGAIN! THIS IS NOT FOR FIGHTS! This project is roleplay centered because of the lack fps number (lot of models), anyway I added a secret duel room, which you can see above.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO8On_5Q5RY&feature=youtu.be Looks better with this lighting, and had some other work on the map Now I have a nice duel place.
  19. This was shot on max lights, so it won't be that big problem, I guess the real issue is that you made squares and I usually use rectangle.
  20. WoW! Many thanks! So what name should appear on the loading screen? Is Stella Nox ok? or Should I write something else on it? Edit: a fast preview, how does it look in game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeZGImRa72U&feature=youtu.be Well yeah I still have to work a lot on it, and I'm getting out of ideas. Still don't know if I want players to be able to go out and have a swim, or not.
  21. I don't know what is a WIP , thanks for the wishes Stella. Anyway the duel map is almost ready, just need to be working on the lights.
  22. LoL you've just found exactly those ones I found and looked good enough (both of them). Well if you could make them like a skybox, it would be great. I don't need a skybox, just you know itt looks strange if you look right, or forward and you see the one you mentioned as "this". They just need to be a bit photoshoped or something (I am not good with this). Well if you make them nice, then you should tell me what name you would like to appear while the map is loading. Something like "new textures by .... "
  23. As you may figured it out from the title I am not good with these kind of issues. So I need someone who can make/draw nice textures for me. Naturally his/her name would appear on the loading screen in the was (s)he likes it, or more over the picture could done by them. I am a mapper and basic script writer, it was fun to look after good textures among the default ones, but for my underwater base project I just can't hold any longer. I used google to find some pictures, but at this point I can't afford this anymore. I seriously need an underwater skybox, which can be done by shaders or simple textures I don't mind it. I just need one! and it would be great to hear some other dudes opinion at final tests.
  24. How can I avoid at big maps, that the map is being leaked? When I try to make a big map, and I just want to make a test compile to see if everything's fit I always got map leaked. How can I tell radiant, to see those "border brushes"? Anyway I use 1.5.
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