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Everything posted by Jandor

  1. Thank you, it is patch work, I could have done it better, or I should have created a .md3 model for it really.
  2. Thank you for the replies, this map is a first step towards a bigger plan, a q3 motor and skill based mmo game. I strive to uncover the unused possibilities of the engigne.
  3. Version v1


    Jawa Thor Temple is an ffa/tffa map also containing duel rooms, rpg and clan features, and in addition, extra features. Visually, the map mixes viking elements with dwarf (jawa) features. The map contains a map in itself, which is in the central room, and on the loading screen. The main rooms of the map are the following. -central "pendulum" room -private chat rooms -hammer room -viking longboat room -observatory room -night with viking house -main duel room -tavern -dojo
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