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Posts posted by Metatronicks

  1. Hey everyone !


    I want to make some pictures/comics for me and some friends (to illustrate our role playing's evenings) with the JKA Models

    I've seen with Modview that they are a just a little number of face's animations.

    There are a very great number of body's movements but just 9 for the face...

    We have : alert face, dead face, frown face, smile face and 5 speaking face.

    For my small "project", I need : sadness face, angry face, relaxing face, laughting face, struggling face, fear/surprised face, screaming face, ...

    I've tried to create new animations with Blender and Dragon but... I failed... :

    I don't know if it's very easy or really difficult but I don't succeed...


    So, I ask you some help : someone can make a new _humanoid.gla with these new face's animations, please ? :)


    P.S : I think it could be cool for all the users of ModView, particulary their who use it to make comics :winkthumb:


    P.S.S : Sorry if my English is very bad. I'm French.

  2. The project is not dead, but since april, I trying to make the models myself from A to Z on Blender and... that's very difficult and long. So, I have a new idea : I going to convert models from the Bionicle Games (Bionicle : The game, Bionicle Heroes and Bionicle : Glatorian Arena) to JKA, and AFTER, I continue to trying to create some characters with Blender.


    The models of the characters and the weapons are not a problem for me, but I am a great noob in mapping, and this project is a COLOSSAL project.


    So, since I convert the characters and I model the weapons, I hope someone can make some maps.

    The maps are essentials for the mod.

    The objective is to make a map pack (not all in one map) of the COMPLETE Mata-Nui's Island (with all the Temples, Lands, Villages, and other)

    That going to be a very BIG work.


    So, I search volunterys to participate to the project, just for the mapping. Together, we can create a fabulous project ! (Shia : "YES YOU CAN ! JUST... DO IT !")

    "Join the Empire ! It need you !" :D


    So... Who is ready ? ^_^

  3. Hey Jeff ! I have see your Mandalore skin, and all the other, they are great ! Epic ! Wonderful !


    And, I have see you convert some models to playable characters in JKA.

    So, since longtime, I have the rip of 4 characters take from different game, and I like you convert them into playable characters for JKA.

    It is possible please ? (the models are in .obj and have textures and, for one of them, sound)

    That's 4 characters taked from the Metroid Games Series.

    One of them are take from "Metroid Prime 3 : Corruption", and the 3 others are trophy taked from "Super Smash Bros Brawl".

    I give you the link and, I hope, you going to asnwer my request. The characters of Metroid are fabulous and can easily be integrated in Star Wars.


    Here the link : http://www.mediafire.com/download/2fd3misjybwm62y/Metroid_characters.rar


    Good day ! :D

  4. Hey everyone !


    Someone can make a model of "Mandalore the Ultimate" please ? (He is the most famous mandalorian after Boba and Jango and the suprem leader of all the Mandalorians)

    A skin of "Mandalore the Preserver" already exist but he is very different to the other Mandalores.


    Here, some pictures of "Mandalore the Ultimate" :






    And, if you want, you can also make a "skinpack" with variants of the two other Mandalore.




    The great difference is the armor and the cape, but the mask stay a little the same.



    So, someone can make a skin of "Mandalore the Ultimate" ?

    DTIII and krkarr like this
  5. Hey everyone ! I have started the development of a giant mod : TOA ACADEMY !

    In Bionicle's experts, I really think a mod based on the Bionicle's universe for Jedi academy is greatfull !

    For the moment, the mod going to be based on OPJ RP version in just added new Skins, Vehicles, Maps, NPCs, Weapons and Forces Powers but later we hope change completely the gameplay.

    We are just for the moments 3 skinners and 1 scripter... We need modelers, mappers and advanced scripters.

    If you want participate to the project, say that here.

    The meetings are set on Skype regulary (one by month or by two week)

    Here it is the logo of the mod :




    And we have started to extract 3d models from Bionicle Heroes to begun but we hope, later, we can make us own models  :winkthumb:

    Good day ^^

    Langerd, DarthStiv and therfiles like this
  6. Someone can make this guy ? If you want, the model and the skin already exist but nor for JA at this link (I have don't succeed to turn it into JA skin)


    Link for the model with skin (extract from Metroid Prime 2 : Echoes on Gamecube) :  http://www.models-resource.com/download/3031/


    Links for the pictures :








    Thanks you to all the volunteries ^^



    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  7. Warning : this is not for fun, I am very serious so please try to not laught ^^

    I'd like a special skin of a famous french actor of the 20 century : Louis de Funes.

    The skin is, not for me, very easy to make.

    Someone can make it ?


    Here the pictures :







    Search other pictures if you want ^^

    I know it's stupid or ridiculous but I am serious :D

    It's for a future fun party on Jedi academy. Some of friends of me take Neo (matrix), chuck norris, etc...

    And me i'd like to take Louis de Funes.


    Good day

    the_raven likes this
  8. Hello all ^^ I have a big problem : I have congratuled to create an original character with blender and all his skin variant but... I don't know how to transform him in a customization pack and I find nothing tutorial all around the internet !

    Help me please, this is my first created character.


    Notice I have only the .gml file and all the .jpg file.

    I'd like to know how to make a entire customization pack since just the model and the skin files...

    Thanks ^^'

  9. @@CommanderXeph No the Clone Wars version is VERY different to the Episode 3 version. There are lot of différences. You have missed them, but the two version are very really different. But I don't want someone make the super-fast attack animation :huh:, just the skin ^_^

    Compare the clone wars version with image of the movie version and you go to see lot of differences, of course :winkthumb:

    So. Someone can make this skin ?

  10. @@Psyk0Sith You are a GOD man  :o This droid is so beautiful in action... and the second skin is so wonderful  : *snif*

    I am sure this will be the most great skin of all of time in Jedi Academy ! MOUAHAHAHA ! :lol:


    Just, for advice, I think; with the second skin (the white); the red of the head must be yellow.

    I have the game so I know. But It's just an advice ;) very goooooooood job :)

  11. Hello everyone ! Today I have a great request and challenge for all the mappers of JKHUB !

    The COMPLETE map of JUNGLE OF DXUN from KOTOR 2 !

    I'd like the complete Jungle in ONE MAP.


    Here the plans :


    The first part :




    And here the second part :




    I have not the Mandalorian camp plan sorry ^^' but he is situated after the 13 of the second plan.

    And the transition enter the first and second plan is 6 (in the first plan) to 1 (on the second plan)

    To watch precisely how to look like the jungle, see the let's play on Youtube.

    This would be great if the jungle can also be more dense compare to the original, with more ferns and tall grass where the player (or the howlers who hunt a prey) can be hide, how in the jungles from Avatar (the movie of Jame's Cameron)

    And more large for a ATST can pass (more place compare to the original)

    Thanks to all the voluntery. :winkthumb:

  12. @ We listen the EG droid in two scene : in the first scene of the second mission in the Ruusan Moon, where that's just a record capted by R2-D2, and in the first mission of Mustafar, on the last checkpoint. :winkthumb: But he don't speak a lot and his voice is not very cool in the game : just low and compressed, look like the super battle droid voice. :mellow:  For me, the voice must more look like the magnaguard voice.


    @@Psyk0Sith If you want other voice clip, I can make other more articulated : say me what sentence you want and I make them ;)

  13. Because I had not succeed to extract the voice from the game, I have re-Created the voices clips of the Game with Audacity and with my own voice.

    I have also add more voices clips because the character don't speak a lot in the game...

    The soundpack is more cool than the official voice of the droid !


    Enjoy :winkthumb:


    This is the link : http://www.mediafire.com/download/7184mu50sbemhda/Jedi_Hunter_Droid_-_Voice_Acting.rar


    The sounds in the pack are in .mp3


    Past all a good day :D

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