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Posts posted by scp_chaos1

  1. Thanks for answering and trying. That's what I meant, it comes out horrible as the .smd version that I left in the zip file. And that is the original model, the truth is that it is very complicated or even impossible to export it, I do not know what it is, normally this was fixed by Crowbar, but this time he did not succeed. And again I appreciate the help.

  2. Guys, I need your help, I was carrying some map objects when a cab from London that I really liked showed up, but trying to port it becomes totally horrible. I have used programs like: Crafty, Crowbar and Noesis,  but none have worked, the model is a .mdl format. Does anyone know what kind of program can work for me or if they can port it for me? This is the model: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ffkip3t4c8u0uln/Cab.rar/file


  3. I once made a request for the porting of a model, maybe you know it because it is a modified variant of the Bulldozer from Payday 2, and well, not to give more details, the model was fitted with the rockettrooper humanoid, although it works from the Everything, it will replace the hazardtrooper, it works when placing it with the replacement of the hazardtrooper, but the problem is that when it pushes you like the hazardtrooper it does not put the animation of the push as it should, and well it is a little problem that has not been possible fix, and well, and I was wondering if: is it possible to fix this to stick like hazardtrooper or rockettrooper? If anyone knows about this, please send me a PM.

  4. Hello guys, I have this boi, and I was thinking that the same can be made by an NPC with ATST characteristics. It is already as a model, but not as an NPC, and I would like to have an NPC that is a BTR in the purest style of any Modern Warfare BTR. I have it ready, it should be noted that I am willing to give from 20 to 40 dollars in Paypal for this little job. If anyone is interested, PM me, I'll be waiting for you.


  5. I have wanted to do this for a long time and it is that Emplaced_Eweb is used by NPC's. Does anyone have an idea how to make this possible? In case something very specific is occupied, such as a series of triggers. I will need you to provide me with a .map to be able to reverse engineer if it is not much trouble.

  6. I was experimenting with the fx_runner and this question arose: how can I make the fx_runner go in a certain direction? I have read the instructions, but I always went to the opposite side of where I want it to go. The Fx I use is: env / fx_spot.efx, I don't know if it only goes to one side (I hope not). If you know how to help me in this, please publish it.

  7. The name of the normal model is: (car01.md3) and the name of the model that will come out after the explosion is: (car01_des.md3). I have already put this model before in Misc_model. And it worked, maybe I'm not putting the model's path well. I don't know if it is written like this: car01.md3 car01_des.md3 or so car01.md3_car01_des.md3, also: models/e/mw1/car01.md3_models/e/mw1/car01_des.md3 or so: models/e/mw1/car01.md3 models/e/mw1/car01_des.md3 ... If you can't find an explanation: how about this? I will send the two models the textures, the map in .map format to give you a check.

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