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Posts posted by JAWSFreelao

  1. So I was thinking.. With all the additional characters that are being added by the day, would it be wise to divide them up into categories? I was thinking KOTF-ish (without the entire complaint of this mod "ruining my life" and constant theft of course) style. Have the screen where you select your character divided up into the separate eras: KOTOR, Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, and whatever else comes to mind. Then inside the eras, divide them up into subcategories, such as by faction.

    Under KOTOR: Sith/Jedi/Republic.

    Clone Wars: Republic, CIS

    Galactic Civil War: Empire, Rebels.

    And underneath those subcategories are a multiplayer-esque icon of the character, with a brief description underneath. For example, if we're in Clone Wars/Republic/Ahsoka Tano, the description would say something akin to: Anakin Skywalker's padawan who left the order after being wrongly accused, born in XY bby on the planet of JKL.

    If the character has multiple varients like so

    Cody_TCWstandee.jpg                                                                                                               End_Days.jpg                                                                      

    Then underneath that character, there should be a smaller icon above the description, allowing the player to choose between an Episode II and Episode III variant.

    I will also begin contributing to this project when summer starts. Right now it's either school or potentially juvenile hall for six months lol. So we'll see what happens, fellows!

    Cerez likes this
  2. I wonder, would it be possible to have a helmet fall off whenever the melee is used against a character with a helmet? For example, Kenobi punches one of Darth Maul's Mandalorian thugs in the helmet and it's knocked off, almost like how weapons are pulled away from an enemy when using force pull?

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