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Everything posted by MUG

  1. What MagSul said. The version of Mine/Cael's skin I linked gives me new team skins. Red hat + Brown Jacket/Blue hat + Blue armour. I also have the helmet on in both so I cant be confused with Nimmiel.
  2. Best I can think of is a trigger_multiple with facing ticked and an angle pointed at the object, targeting a target_print
  3. I want to do filthy things with this map in private.
  4. @@Caelum Nice =P (though get everyone's skins next time =P Especially the new version of your own/mine >.>)
  5. Some of you may have heard me banging on about crossing CoD with JKA. Thought I would show you what I am working on: The idea is to create something similar to the "Search and Destroy" gametype you may know from Call of Duty and Counter Strike (not sure what they call it in CS). I'm doing this by building the goal system into maps, rather than modding it into the game. When I am done, I will release a .map file of the parts of the map that make it work so that other people can make maps if they choose. It's intended for fast paced tactical combat with the guns modified to be more damaging and have faster projectiles (I've been doing this via clanmod server settings, but you don't NEED that for it to work) I'll show you some screenshots of the map I am making for it while I explain how I've set it up: There are two teams, Attackers (red) and Defenders (blue). Each team will spawn in its own spawn room. Here they can select any two guns (they will be pushed away if they try to take more) and their choice of Thermal Dets, Trip Mines or Det Packs. When both teams are ready, a door will open, letting them out of the spawn and into the map. They cant ever get back into the spawn after this. If they die, they will respawn in the spawn room, and will be unable to leave it. You are out till the end of the round. A timer will begin counting down. If either team is killed, they loose. The Attackers also loose if they don't arm a bomb at one of two locations before time runs out: An Attacker can arm one of the two bombs by holding use next to it for several seconds. The Attackers cannot arm a second bomb in the same round. Once a bomb is armed, the timer stops, and now the bomb starts ticking down. Now the Defenders have to defuse it before it blows. Even if they kill all the Attackers, they need to disarm it or it blows up and they loose. If they do disarm it, the Attackers loose, even if they are still alive. I've finished the map itself and the spawn rooms and have started the objectives stuff. I should have that all finished in a day or two. Here are some more shots of the map: As you can see, its a dingy night time map, with plenty to hide behind. I've laid it out in such a way that every area has multiple entrances to prevent you getting trapped by snipers and to prevent players from being able to camp without watching their backs. I will most likely be hosting this for a few games over on KAK soon. Let me know what you think of the idea/map and if you'd be interested to play it. (Also thanks go out to Caelum, Malkav and Miha for helping with testing)
  6. No worries, see you next time maybe =)
  7. So we just had several games of Hydroball and that was very fun, but a bit messy and no one was counting victories, so I have decided to award the KAK Hydroball World Cup to The Flying Spaghetti Monster, as he would have won, were he invited: However this coming Sunday, you will have a chance to win that expensive and real looking trophy back from him. Whomever is on the winning side in most matches, gets the cup. Click here for Files, Details and RSVP
  8. Was a bit messy, but lots of fun! See you next week
  9. True, I was being rough, and if people get there half an hour early, that's cool with me.
  10. One hour!
  11. MUG

    Updated MP Entities

    Does this work for old versions? (Such as 1.3.12)
  12. Happening tonight http://jkhub.org/calendar/event/13-the-first-kak-hydroball-world-cup/
  13. Today!
  14. Reminder, this is tomorrow. You are welcome to come even if you miss the start. A few new skins in the calendar page..
  15. Hail, and welcome.
  16. Firstly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO5hchsJacA Nay:
  17. hydroball. just sayin.
  18. Always been able to for anything other than a playermodel.
  19. yeah its ja. Can't you tell by all the ja content in the shots?
  20. Found it. It's only in the release candidate found on http://clanmod.org/
  21. Back in the day, i used to use clan mod for its ability to change the speeds and damages of projectiles for the guns. I was hoping to do this once again, but can only find the cvars for damages. All clan mod documentation seems to have completely vanished from the internet. Anyone have any idea what those cvars might be/where I can find them? Alternatively, do any of you know another mod that allows you to tweak projectile speeds and damages. Note, this is the speed to projectiles move at, not the gun's fire rate. Here are the damage ones, if that helps: set cm_E11_BLASTER_DAMAGE "20" set cm_DISRUPTOR_MAIN_DAMAGE "30" set cm_DISRUPTOR_ALT_DAMAGE "100" set cm_BOWCASTER_DAMAGE "50" set cm_REPEATER_DAMAGE "14" set cm_DEMP2_DAMAGE "35" set cm_DEMP2_ALT_DAMAGE "8" set cm_FLECHETTE_DAMAGE "12" set cm_FLECHETTE_ALT_DAMAGE "60" set cm_ROCKET_DAMAGE "100" set cm_ROCKET_SPLASH_DAMAGE "100" set cm_CONCUSION_DAMAGE "75" set cm_CONCUSION_SPLASH_DAMAGE "40" set cm_CONCUSION_ALT_DAMAGE "25" set cm_STUN_BATON_DAMAGE "20" set cm_MELEE_SWING1_DAMAGE "10" set cm_MELEE_SWING2_DAMAGE "12" set cm_THERMAL_DETONATOR_DAMAGE "70" set cm_THERMAL_DETONATOR_ALT_DAMAGE "60" set cm_TRIP_MINE_DAMAGE "100" set cm_DET_PACK_DAMAGE "100" set cm_DET_PACK_SPLASH_DAMAGE "200"
  22. MUG


    We totally need something like UU, that interfaces with jka, forming a kind of JKHub overlay (like with steam).
  23. This Sunday, we shall play Hydroball, with random teams, for an unspecified amount of time. The amazing KAK Hydroball World Cup will be awarded to the player who is in the winning team for most matches: Doesn't it look shiny and beautiful? Click here for details and to RSVP
  24. Gentlemen, I am scheduling this in for Sunday 16th.
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