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Fire Phoenix

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Everything posted by Fire Phoenix

  1. http://imgur.com/Is4k00J Help =( I can't still get it working. Can anyone help me finding textures or proper shader parameters. I'm working so long to manage it and results are not as I wanted. I can't fit any texture to this sphere shield. Any ideas what am I doing wrong or what should I add? My shader: models/players/droideka/shield { { map gfx/effects/droidekashield1 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE rgbGen identity tcGen svector } }
  2. Does anyone know a map similar to this court: http://s29.postimg.org/ctxq93lhz/Court.jpg & http://s10.postimg.org/ytpi961d5/court2.jpg
  3. I'm not even convinced that will work because I need this to work with lugormod ; O
  4. So... Can anyone do it for me plz? For example a command like in moviebattles2 AllWeaponsDoDamageToShields 1 or smth like this... I can't get these programs working lol it's boring already
  5. I'm afraid to ask but can't you just make it and let me download this jampgamex86.dll? It doesn't work for me.
  6. I'm getting an error when I try to configure. "Error in configuration process, project files may be invalid" CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Visual Studio 10". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.
  7. I still don't understand. You mean in vehicle file or should I get a program to edit this?
  8. I'm asking for help with models, modding , not with making movies technique.
  9. Nice. What am I supposed to do with this?
  10. So...The topic isn't closed yet. I'm still waiting for help. So any thoughts guys? How to get that shield working? I know its coded in jampgamex86.dll file. In this case yes it will be ''do it for me plz''. And Zappa_0 With due respect but you have nothing to teach me about making movies... And I don't need your lecture. I know what I'm doing trust me
  11. I'm not intrested in modding. I want to create a clone wars movie. But not some s**t in single player. There are tons of this stuff on youtube. I have much skills in making and editing movies, also sound editing and I've got actors well it doesn't matter now. I'm stuck with models. Trust me it's worthy.
  12. Um.. I think I misunderstood something then. Apologies. I thought you're making fun of me by giving this picture and that it is some kind of a joke. Anyway I told you I can't model so what was the use from this picture?
  13. You don't know how to make models... do you?
  14. Don't get me wrong but I don't want to mess with this. I mean, I used to make models but it really makes me angry. It's hard to explain but it's not about my will. It's just some things are annoying me and I can't get used to them in any ways so I only need some models and then I will show people how great JKJA is . After that I will never bother you again.
  15. And another thing is that some people are simply ignoring me. I've priv messaged to 5 people and only 2 replied. And I've seen that the others have read the message. I don't think it requires any further explanation.
  16. I really appreciate their intentions in helping me but it had no use for me. Help for me means that people who offer it work with me and care about if mod worked. Not just saying something that I won't understand and don't care if it helped or not. Well in fact all I can agree is the first question about the cloak shader thanks Razor. And I thank everyone who REALLY tried to help me unlike Zappa_0 who sent me a picture made in paint while I needed a model. I'm not saying ''DO THE MODELS FOR ME'' I'm just asking kindly if anyone can make it. Don't get mad about everything guys. I work so hard to achieve the results and you dare to say such thing minilogoguy18. I'm not as experienced as many of you that's why I came here because I thought you were helping people who like me are green in these things. I've heard that learning coding or C++ or smth takes years to get refered with. By such words you are canceling a project which can move the entire world-wide Jedi Academy life and any hope of ever seeing full servers again.
  17. Yeah... nobody helps me here. I dont know why?
  18. I have some kind of a problem. I've made a vehicle recently with type: VH_WALKER. When I shoot at it, it's shield deflects the blasters. When I change the type to VH_SPEEDER or VH_ANIMAL it works fine and blasters are no longer deflected. But there are no weapons in VH_ANIMAl and no moving animation in VH_SPEEDER. Is there any way to fix VH_WALKER or write a new command? I would be very thankful for help.
  19. thanks for help.... (I didn't get any LOL)
  20. Honsetly I have no idea what you're guys talking about xD. Anyway, here's the vehicle properties: droideka1 { name droideka1 type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 60 width 60 height 60 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 500 speedMin -80 acceleration 8 decelIdle 10 strafePerc 0.5 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 6 turnWhenStopped 1 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 VehicleScale 70 mass 10 armor 450 toughness 10 model droideka skin default radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 droideka_red_laser weap1Delay 80 weap1Aim 1 weap1AmmoMax 120 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 400 weap1Link 0 weap2 droideka_blue_laser weap2Delay 1400 weap2Aim 0 weap2AmmoMax 25 weap2AmmoRechargeMS 3500 weap2Link 2 weapMuzzle1 droideka_red_laser weapMuzzle2 droideka_red_laser weapMuzzle3 droideka_blue_laser weapMuzzle4 droideka_blue_laser cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 150 cameraVertOffset 20 cameraPitchOffset 15 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off cameraAlpha 0 //cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 shields 1000 shieldRechargeMS 2000 } Make it absorb every weapon shots. I've noticed that when I change VH_WALKER to VH_SPEEDER it works but it needs to be VH_WALKER to move like I want. Ion Weapon Code: droideka_blue_laser { name droideka_blue_laser projectile 1 ionWeapon 1 saberBlockable 0 muzzleFX "vehicles/droideka/IonBlaster/muzzle_flash" shotFX "vehicles/droideka/IonBlaster/projectile" impactFX "vehicles/droideka/IonBlaster/flesh_impact" g2MarkShader "vehicles/droideka/IonBlaster/wall_impact" g2MarkSize 16 loopSound "sound/vehicles/weapons/ionblaster/ionloop.wav" speed 2500 damage 170 ammoPerShot 1 }
  21. Talking about the shields... Is it possible to make VH_WALKER not deflecting blasters? And please don't send me again to the source codes or smth. I have no idea what it is and I think dont want to know.
  22. I guess you're right. Well that leads me to the dead end unless there is a way to make it damage vehicles and not damage players.
  23. Its not what I want. I only want to low down shields/armor and do not low hp after the armor is gone.
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