Hey there! I'm planning to make the new clone wars series in JKJA multiplayer. I have everything that is needed... Mods, actors , maps etc.. but everything I need is a good models creators support. List of Models I Need: Clone Officer http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111219190855/clone/images/0/09/Zak.jpg( I would be glad if someone would make a model with headphones and without ;p and diffrent textures of suit) A random republic lieutenant or captain (make more heads if you could) A droid commando head in clone armor (and a clone helmet model md3 and an animation of wearing the helmet and taking it off) and the last thing would be something like a wall or catwalk but pure plane (md3) so that I can remap it on lugormod outside the ship and put a roq file into it so it will look like the ship is moving(make 3 or 4 of them with a diffrent shaders if you please ;p) That is All I need atm, but if someone could make a super battle droid model and an arm gun to it (best if someone could remodel or modify bryar) and a gun animation so that it will look like movies. Also a new droideka shield shader http://media.screened.com/uploads/0/2789/326781-q_destroy.jpg something like this and a cool shield hit absorb shader. I know it's much but these Clone Wars series will be something professional so everything must be properly made. It will bring people back to JKJA multiplayer. I would very appreciate your help and support. Fire Phoenix