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Everything posted by Zappa_0

  1. awesome graphics but...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V268Qk6-xsw hehe
  2. With the release of the 1.4 update ive decided to get back into things and start doing videos again. So to start things off did alittle saber duel video. Also have a facebook page set up for my movie stuff now: http://www.facebook.com/jedioutcastmovies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um63dofUoRE More videos coming soon!
  3. haha no idea, but he made the protocol droid atleast playable with JO skeleton.
  4. I just started looking into this aswell and I have a solution. Macman did a skin/model (which I have and been working with) that allows players to be the model itself and works. I think the only hard part of transferring Kylo's skins stuff to the macman model will be transferring over the images and setting up the shaders again. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fl8icv7ttex4z7y/C3PO-Macman.pk3?dl=0
  5. really awesome stuff! hope to see them released soon!
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njp551XSgiY
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-cMmX9mOvQ
  8. wardrobe malfunction? lols
  9. seeing The Force Awakens trailer in 3D makes me more excited about it!!

    1. Cerez


      You're an idiot!


      Nah, I'm kidding. :D


      3D cinema has its charms.

  10. actually never thought about looking into that.
  11. I tried adding it, changed the names and everything but wouldnt work.
  12. So many years ago I started doing videos of the battles in Movie Battles 2. Recently ive decided to get back into doing videos for Jedi Academy and a good start would be with Movie Battles 2. So here is the first video in the series Cloud City!
  13. I actually like the ships. I knew someone long ago that did something like your doing for a shuttle that would also allow people to spawn in it for a movie he was going.
  14. I will check them out!
  15. Tell your friends Jedi Academy is on sale for $2.99 on steam until May 7th: http://store.steampowered.com/app/6020/

    1. Ping


      TB was streaming some of his gameplay two days ago too, but it was only SP I believe.

    2. Ping


      @Hugo was being a Boss spamming the jkhub link in chat, but I am not sure how effective that was in the end.

  16. welcome to the forums. we are like jedi after order 66 there is still a few of us around here!
  17. I kinda like how the tie looks like a ghost tie hehe. Im not really good with shaders. I pretty much took the shader for the hologram palpatine and applied the textures with that shader. Besides I dont think you can just apply the shaders to just the panels as the whole panel is one texture.
  18. found it in the models.shader file. and here is the updated shader file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hz4pher0i60zxt3/tie_fighter.shader?dl=0 and sure dont mind testing it out for you! glad to be of any help if needed.
  19. really digging all the changes thats been done and added to Movie Battles 2! I think the last time I played was in 2012 maybe.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zappa_0


      I never really liked sabers, more of a gunners and nade person. Im more of a like to watch other people play these days.

    3. Ramikad


      Personally I loved the days of RC3 P4... ahh, so many players, so much FA, so much Balance... ^^

    4. Sithani
  20. It was mostly siege gameplay. I have the files around here somewhere just finding them is the thing. lol
  21. I will see if I can find the original shader for the tie fighter in game.
  22. I always use imgur to host my images. easy to upload and easy to post here. Anyways heres my last file I did to test what I did for the Ep7 Tie: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qh1qy354zp8vf5m/tie%20mod.pk3?dl=0 I moved all the textures to the models/players folder so it would be easier to edit. So use my file anyway you would like. I doubt I will continue working on it so it may be of some help to you.
  23. Next up in my WIP threads some Jedi Star Fighters that was done for my Episode 3 videos. Mace, Saesee and Obi-Wan V2 (Aayla's) JSF's was done long time ago. The newer ones ive done is the Darth Vader ones. Two versions one with and without the red imperial logo. Was going for the toy look, but I kinda like the no logo version better. I still have to add shaders and try to fix the missile weapons. Might be something in my base that is causing the problem. In Game Photos
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