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Posts posted by negru_tudor

  1. Made map objects all day... playing with this to change it up a bit. Still just splotches right now... trying to fine tune a witwer instead of a sk




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    getting closer :)

  2. Title says it all :D


    Geralt of mutha f*in Rivia :) aka "The Witcher" aka "The White Wolf" 



    Now, there's already a model ported into Skyrim that can be found on nexusmods.com and the beauty of it is that CD Projekt RED (the devs who created the game) confirmed that they're ok with models being ported to other games :D either that or doing a new Geralt from scratch?


    I think this would be a cool one to have in Jedi Academy seeing how he's a master swordsman and all. Picture Geralt dueling Darth Vader or Darth Maul :D that would be so epic.


    What do you think guys?




    Droidy365 likes this
  3. What character should I make for JA? All Star Wars ideas welcome. :D

    (man am I going to get heat for this): Jar-Jar rofl :) just kiddin' 


    :D umm, this might not be really tying into the movies but you could try this bad-a55 one (it's a discontinued armor set from TOR; a lot of people went berserk when it was taken out):



    ...seeing the Qui-Gon one come along, I can't say I can think of any other cool one atm..maybe Darth Sion as he's depicted in TFU or even StarKiller in his arena combat gear?

  4. (Sorry about the massive images above. Next time I'll be sure to use links...)


    And an alternative icon for ye who fancy:



    I noticed one small error with the model: the inside of the garments is missing a texture. It's particularly noticeable when the character squats. I think if the external texture was mirrored on the inside that would effectively fix this issue.


    Otherwise, just as everyone has stated: excellent work. The resemblance to the real life actor is as close as I've ever seen in a model.

    the Gamefront link seems to be broken :| Could you share a dropbox one maybe? Thanks! Looks good.

  5. Since @@Circa is the one in charge of the sounds, here's what I advise:


    1. Make sure you have TFU

    2. Enter the Darth Maul boss fight on Raxus Prime

    3. Turn off all sounds except for voice volume

    4. Record

    5. Convert to MP3

    6. Cut the Maul sounds individually so you don't have to wait a minute to hear them (they're most frequent during the ending combat sequence)

    7. Make them work with DT's model.


    I'd do it myself, but I don't have any audio editing software or recording programs that take up 4GB every 30 seconds. But I honestly think it'd be worth it, considering it's a specific portrayal of Maul's voice. And before you jump to conclusions about which era of Maul DT is working on, keep in mind that the Maul from TFU is supposed to resemble TPM Maul.


    Thanks if you considered my advice. I honestly think it would be worth the effort--but not worth the money TFU costs, assuming you don't have it.

    Since you're so hell bent on getting those sounds in, try this Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/)

    It's free and works fine for recordings. You can easily chop up the sounds afterwards. 

    Seeing how the sounds are such a big deal here, maybe you'd care to lend these gents a hand with them? If you want to replace certain sounds, you can open up the.pk3 with WinZip and choose which ones to target. In all fairness, DT85's done a lot to push this through. Trying to squeeze him for "the sounds aren't accurate enough" just doesn't seem fair...in all honesty, if you want these in then you can put in a little effort and cook them up for DT85. I'm sure you'll also feel very good about yourself having contributed to polishing this awesome creation. No offense but this is just my 2 cents here.

    Jeff, Omicron and Circa like this
  6. Lol :)) man how come is that so bad? We're on the verge of getting a proper Darth Maul model for JKA (waiting on something like this for YEARS). There's already a shirtless model out there; I'll pm the link to you a tad latter. Go DT85!

  7. I don't think anyone thinks you're "a dick" but hey let the man do his thing..I'm sure it will be top notch when out. It already looks tops. I had the same perspective as you and the I realized I had my 16:9 LCD set to 1600 x 1050 :P anyway, the thing is you can always try to reskin it to adjust if you want ;)


    I'm anxious to see this one out :) gonna be one of the best ones out there!

    Bek likes this
  8. * I know i'm pushing my luck now but i need to ask this: And what about a shirtless version?, Maul surely looks terrific with those tattoos that cover his entire body:












    *  I strongly urge you to consider to make this version too. The model could be look pretty awesome indeed, like this one:


    *artist @ work* let the man do his thing dawg :) I'm pretty sure someone else can pick it up after it's released and issue a shirtless version :D 


    One step at a time...think about it..would you have x versions of this dude with meh quality or just this bad-ass Episode 1 bastard striking terror whilst roaming the streets of Bespin?  :winkthumb:

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