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File Comments posted by JamyzGenius

  1. Hi everyone, I just released my source files for my KotOR 2 duels mod. .map files and cinematic files are included. If you are interested, take a look.


    Link: https://www.moddb.com/mods/jedi-academy-knights-of-the-old-republic-duels/downloads/kotor-2-duels-1-1-source-files-by-jesus-f-g-aka-jamyzgenius#downloadsform



    Hope they serve anybody out there and wish you all the best. Thank you so much for everything.



    Best Regards,

    Jesus F.G. AKA JamyzGenius

  2. An interesting pack, some of them leave the player feeling claustrophobic because they are small (low ceilings) and othere are very dark and hard to see in, the Citadel Station one isn't 100% accurate as the area outside the cantina is extended in the wrong direction, some places were inaccessible, the doorways were a tad small that a wookiee would hit his/her head (a human can only just get through) and some of the music files keep giving an error message about being 22k or something. Maybe shorter .map names too to save time typing it all out?


    Other than that a good job, would like to see more areas from KOTOR and KOTOR 2 that are near perfectly accurate.

    Thank you, an interesting critique as well from your part. I do appreciate that a lot, and also, you know... the time you used to type your comment.


    Finally, a no to your last question. The map names will remain as they are. I do have my reasons to do it. I apologize for any inconvenience or probably valuable lost of your time while typing the map lines. But yeah, the maps will remain as they are. Again, thanks a lot for your feedback. It makes me a better map designer and a better person at the same time.


    I wish you a lot of luck in your future :]

    Best Regards!

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