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Posts posted by CaptainCrazy

  1. Modding is what got me into 3D modeling all those years ago. As it was previously stated. Baby steps  :)


    You'll often find that it's the older engines like this that are best to work with in order to get a feel for things.


    All the best!

  2. I remember this being a touchy subject back in the day. How does one circumnavigate the fact that he used a lot of models and assets without permission. Even sold them for personal gain? I suppose that, in a way, it's hard to know which models he "stole" and which ones he didn't.


    I was kinda hoping that somebody would make a legit KOTF during my absence so I'm glad to see that it's in the works :winkthumb:


    May I ask what sort of help is required for this mod?

  3. Thanks!  :winkthumb:   Yeh for a while I didn't even have a computer and I had actually forgotten my password too. I kinda missed making things for the game and I had lost it in the process. I decided that I may as well commit to it and buy it on Steam.


    I do really like Rebels. The humor between Ezra and Chopper is priceless. I watched a scene earlier where Chopper disables the gravity, the system comes back online again and Ezra says to Chopper, as he helplessly floats by: "DON'T YOU DARE!!! DON'T YOU DO IT! NOT YET!" and Chopper is like "Ohhhh okay!" in a sarcastic tone and he turns it back on anyway then runs over his hand for good measure.  I laughed so hard xD



    Noodle likes this
  4. Just wanted to say hello to everybody again. I've been away for about two years but I'm back now and ready to start modeling/modding again! I used to be quite active on the forum but had to take a long break due to real life problems.


    I've recently started to watch Star Wars: Rebels. Never thought that I'd like it because I didn't think that something could be as good as Clone Wars and I wasn't too keen on the art style but I actually really like the tv series. That's why I decided to re-install Jedi Academy on Steam again because it kinda inspired me to get back into this stuff again :)


    Hope you are all well!


    May the Force be with you!

    Jeff and Noodle like this
  5. Watched the teaser trailer last night with my girlfriend.  Pretty much went like this..


    Me *sees Millennium Falcon and says "FUCK YES!!"

    Her:  ...................

    Me: Uhhh.. Hello... Millennium Falcon...?

    Her:  What's that?

    Me:  Han Solo's ship...? :huh:

    Her:  Who's that?

    Me:  WHO'S THAT??

    Her:  I've only seen the prequels and one time I saw this scene where you find out that they're brother and sister..





    Yep we're sitting down tomorrow and watching A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi!!

    RAILBACK, z3filus, Onysfx and 4 others like this
  6. Well there are more visual artists here than actual writers so the section would be kinda wasted to be honest.  I've seen a few people here and there that write their own fiction but, as @@Darth Futuza said, it doesn't really warrant a good enough reason to have a writers section.  If anything it wouldn't be used all that often.


    For comparison it would like having a Machinima section when there are few people here who actually make Machinima.  It would be like having a thread that is maybe 100 pages long, yeh one day it'll still be around but it'll only be glanced at compared to what it used to be which was something of a phase, it'll just be there taking up space.

  7. For organic stuff I like to mess around in ZBrush using ZSpheres but that's a different story lol.


    High poly hard surface modeling can be tricky and really force you to make clean sensible geometry.  That Obi-Wan lightsaber I made was modeled using high-poly modeling and it really makes one think how one would go about achieving certain areas.  Like a circle in high-poly is actually a hexagon, then smoothed to become a cylindrical shape.


    Just practice and don't let tricky parts get you down, fight through it and believe in yourself, think about how talented you'll be in maybe even a few months.


    There are lots of tutorials out there but since you're using Silo it can be trickier to find them xD

    Asgarath83 and Cerez like this
  8. Well I can't really say too much because of the situation but it's a simple model and it's a start.  When you're starting out it's not so much about the things you make but how you make them, understanding how things such as topology work.  Further down the line I'd encourage hard surface modeling because that's not as easy to do as organic but that really depends I guess.

    Cerez likes this
  9. The problem with that is its an opinion and everyone is entitled to one. I can't sing nor do I play any instruments, but, I know a crappy singer or band when I hear one. I don't need to have the skills to be able to do something in order to give an opinion. I have ears for that. It works this way for just about anything. Like you never left a movie and thought it was aweful.  :rolleyes:



    Yeh but it's either you do something about it or stop complaining, either way they're richer than the complainer lol.

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