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Posts posted by CaptainCrazy

  1. It looks quiet well imo, must even look better with rend2 but yeah it's basicly just a test to compare both. But it's this engine and it's limits thats pissing me off :P



    That's one of the main reasons that I'm put off making models for this engine to be honest.  I'm used to making things for Source and Unreal so it seems like such a waste of time and effort for something that can't be fully appreciated.

  2. Hmmmm would it be possible to merely replace them ones, or maybe all of them, with custom facial animations instead?  I mean if you're making your own characters anyway then what harm could it do?


    I just don't think that there's enough mesh there to work with.

  3. It would certainly be heavy on the performance, but I wonder with today's graphics cards if something like this would be plausible and actually work well in JK.




    Are we talking tweaking, or a complete rewrite?



    I think that with the amount of alteration and changes it wouldn't really be the same engine anymore lol.

  4. It can be changed it in the source code, just like pretty much everything you could possibly think of.

    So after doing research and such and having a chat with @ he asked me why nobody has done this before on here?  Say you have a character model costing 10k vertices, why not split it up into parts?


    Personally I believe that it would only make the map lag and I'm pretty certain that a lot of you have already considered this approach.

  5. So a hilt could consist of, let's say, 5 parts each at maybe 800 vertices?


    I read this somewhere but I'm not sure what they mean by "node:"


    "There isn't any kind of limit on GLM models, but MD3s max out at 1024 triangles per node. Now, I don't know if that screws up in the export or in the game. Because if it's only in the game, you can export it to MD3 then using MD3View to make the GLM will be okay."

  6. I felt that Matt Smith's version of the character was too much ADHD/ADD and very less the Doctor as established by Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant, who brought the character back in the 21st century . . .



    Yeh he was always just running around and talking really quickly but he had a harder time coping with his underlying emotions. From this trailer I do really like the visuals, it seems a lot more cinematic and Capaldi is a great actor and has been a massive DW fan since he was a child.


    He actually has concept sketches of his idea of what the Doctor Should wear and all that, from when he was growing up and he's used a lot of it to influence his role as the Doctor.


    Personally I believe that we're in safe hands, he would never allow Doctor Who to be anything less than great.  I respect what you are all saying but I'm a pretty good judge of character and I believe that he'll be fantastic as the new Doctor!

  7. I stopped watching Dr Who after the first series with Matt Smith, I just didn't find it very good after David Tennant


    Yeh I wasn't a fan of Matt Smith either for maybe 2 seasons because it was kinda childish.  I mean Dinosaurs on a Spaceship?  An episode revolving around the Wild West?  No thanks!  The later seasons are good though and he looks more mature and well developed into the role.

  8. Looks pretty awesome, I get a sort of classic Doctor Who feel from it and I seriously can't wait to see this new Doctor Who series!! :D  I'm really loving how this is looking, it seems to be a LOT more serious and realistic and almost darker and seeing Capaldi in this trailer only confirms that he'll be a fantastic Doctor.


    By the way did I mention that I'm proud to be British? ^_^


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