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Posts posted by Scorpion

  1. Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much @mrwonko! :)


    Halp, I can't open .icarus in BehavEd, or even write in it. It refuses to open it. It doesn't search for .icarus, it searches for Icarus Scripts. and it can't detect the stuff in JAscripts.zip (academy1, where luke talks, etc.) Just can't open it. And I can't write my own.

  2. No no no. That's not how it works. They use navpoints and stuff in maps to move characters, and use BehavEd scripts to move characters, do animations, etc. I just don't know how to script in BehavEd. You could record it, but you have less control at certain points, and cutscenes have more quality.

  3. Thanks anyway. I need all the help I can get...


    I'm using internetarchive.org to access some of the deadlinks from yahoo geocities.


    It kinda works,but some images are dead, and the page is kinda destroyed because it's internetarchive...It's hard to manage around and follow, so I still need help.


    Talks about camera angles but it doesn't teach you how to move characters around and make them play animations :/

  4. Finished it yesterday, about 5 minutes after I read this thread. It's really not that hard. Here's how to get out of the sewers.(Not including bonuses, if you want them, don't be lazy and search :P)


    Alright, run towards the room with the levers. Pull the one that you can interact with, now turn back. There should be a sewer pipe that you can use force pull on. Pull the grating and get inside. (Pretty straight forward, and then...stranded again) Alright. You should have just fought 3 cultists, and your passageway is blocked. Look up to the ceiling and there should be a hole. Jump up, activate the fans,come down and force speed through them.The rest is spoilers... have fun.

    Rosh is my favorite and Onysfx like this
  5. I'm working on my mod project, and I need to do a couple of cutscenes. Intro, etc. Basically, I want to move a ship into a certain position, then I need to cut to two characters, one jumps towards the other and the other steps back. (Anyway, that's details) Anyway, I do not know how to do cutscenes.I searched google but found nothing but dead links. I also searched the tutorials here and...nothing? There are no cutscene tutorials. I'd very much appreciate if someone would explain it to me, or create a tutorial and link it to me.

  6. I just don't understand how this inconveniences you (or the whole forum, apparently...) so much that you see the need to ask us to merge all of our threads... in a mod project forum. It is organized the way it is, I think. The threads are labeled by the type of WIP it is, and they are separated for that exact reason, to keep things organized. It's easy for the mod team so we can keep discussions in their proper threads instead of junking up one massive thread with all these different comments on different maps, it's easy for people who are interested in the mod to see what we're working on and what we're not working on. If we merged it all into one thread people would have to go through pages and pages of stuff to find what they're looking for. It's a workspace, and it's working well for us.


    I understand someone making a suggestion about what might be a more organized way to present our WIP, and I appreciate that. It's not the way I thought would be most organized so I decided against that idea, but I don't fault you for suggesting it at all. What I don't understand is just how this system makes you (and again, apparently the whole forum) feel so violated and "pestered" by us making threads in our own subforum.

    I'm just saying, perhaps have like CV Mod > Wip then have Map subforum, Weapons subforum, and in there, have all the different threads perhaps? or have in the WIP different threads (weapons, maps, like i said before) and with everything of that category in it seperated like

    Map 1

    [spoiler of map 1]

    etc. Anyway, sorry about that, and I may have gone over the top. Once again I apologize.

  7. That. Just how is it pestering you?


    You do realize this is a mod project forum? This is the entire reason we made a mod project forum, to have a workspace. I see no reason why this should pester you at all. You don't have to come to this subforum if you don't want to, no one is forcing you to open every thread I make. Unless someone is pointing a gun to your head and making you do so... in which case I sincerely apologize and should probably call the cops.

    Perhaps I should. But even then, wouldn't it be rather more organized? I'm just giving a tip, y'know? Sorry if I offended you or something.

  8. Lol no i use 3DS to make levels out of brushes and such, exactly as you do in Hammer, i have this awesome plugin that allows me to build maps in 3DS as if you were building them in Hammer.  The ability to model scenery on the map is just an added bonus xD


    Yes i have Steam and Skype, just message me and i'll tell you.

    Teach me master :D

  9. @HunterHog no i meant that i can just make models, scenery, maps, etc. in 3DS without even having to bother with Hammer anymore lol.  I can literally model the scenery into the map and export the entire thing to be played.


    Anyhoo that's a different story lol.  Have you considered making your own snow texture?


    I've tried making maps outta models (I agree, they look better >.>) but I have 3DS Max 2014 so it doesn't support JKA.

    And yes. I've tried making my own textures. But GTKRadiant is a b****. It finds the folder, opens it, and it shows NOTHING inside. I've tried .png, .jpg, .tga, EVERYTHING. Nothing works -.-. Sigh. I've followed all the tutorials on this site and nothing works. And I wish I could model decently. I've tried using gmax for JKA modelling since it's identical to 3DSM but the menus are invisible unless I scroll the mouse on them, and some controls are different. Also everything is red so it hurts my eyes :<. If only I had a mentor that could help me privately real time XD. I also model for Hammer FYI, so maybe we could work together, and y' could teach me to model, perhaps.

    P.S.:The JAWA clan site always shows me notifications in real time, JKHub has a delay of like, 10 minutes. What's up with that?

    P.P.S.:Do you have like, xFire,Skype,Steam or something we can talk on instead of over the forums?

  10. Funny you mention that, i'm currently re-making all of the JKA MP maps for the Source Engine xD


    This engine is kinda limited in a lot of respects, i don't think it has that sort of feature.  Making terrain in Hammer itself can be annoying at times but i replaced Hammer with 3DS Max lonnng ago so i don't need to bother with it anymore.


    When it comes to snow i'd just tile it, i'll see if i have any decent textures from Hoth somewhere :rolleyes:

    I'd appreciate that, thanks. But I find making terrain in hammer rather easy. For normal sandy or snowy terrain just use the Noise tool, if something happens, use the saw tool, if you want to make a higher dune, increase it. Don't see the problem :D

  11. Alright, so:



    I'm working on a brand new project (a mod! :) ) and I need some snow textures! Now, for some reason, opening the hoth folder crashes GTKRadiant, so that won't do. And I was wondering if there was some kind of site, like a repository for JK/GTKRadiant textures? Or does someone have some nice snow textures they could hand me?


    In this topic I'm just entirely clueless. How, and how do I make it look good? Is there some kind of tool, similar to Hammer (from VALVe) that creates Noise to generate terrain, or something?

  12. What @@Jango40 said. And yeah I knew it. It's a rather interesting story, and nice to read up on. He's described as badass, yet in JA...well, sigh. It's what we know.

    Yet, I DO like Jaden, but like someone else said, I just don't really like Kyle's attitude. I mean. "You're a terrific Jedi and the best I've ever trained"? WTF? Come on, Kyle wouldn't say that, Kyle wouldn't give a shi-. Have I mentioned that with everything he's seen it's more likely he becomes Sith than Jedi. O.o.

    therfiles likes this
  13. I'm not kyle, so go backquiet, my words be on target and true, squished

    Oh I know you are, please, you admitted you were Kyle using that name on JAWA, also, that ''squished'' thing is incredibly childish. And they aren't true, if you do that you may face a severe lawsuit and all this work that could go to a fantastic project will end in nothing.

    eezstreet and therfiles like this
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