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Everything posted by ent

  1. Default sound engine in the game make sounds noisy and attenuate them not very well. If you are recording from demos, then I'd suggest to use jaMME for this which has rewritten sound code and which records and saves your sound using its own engine, external programs are not needed. It is also undepended on your hardware, and saves sounds as they are. You can also adjust attenuation level. I am sorry for that my insolence to spread jaMME in such way.
  2. Oh, good question, @{JAWA}teh_1337. There are 3 types of interpolation in camera mode: linear, basis spline and cat-mull rom. Linear makes camera go directly from point to point: Basis spline aka b-spline (type by default), which is called "bezier" in the mod (I don't know why CaNaBiS called it so but I left it as it is) is computed as inner curve inside points perimeter. Similary to bezier interpolation which I showed you a year ago but each new control point does not affect the whole trajectory. It uses 4 control points to compute a trajectory and so each new control point won't affect the trajectory since 3 or more prev points. You can see how it works in a mini-prog which I wrote on delphi a year ago: https://db.tt/eGlcjGQY. Just click on any place to create a point. Cat-mull rom is similar to b-spline but it makes outer curve outside points perimeter which "touches" every control point. This interpolation type is similar to pugmod one. But pugmod uses derivatives for both trajectory and camera speed afaik, and here is no derivatives, only matrixes (though those matrix coefficients are found with derivates I suppose). Here is the math: https://github.com/entdark/jaMME/blob/master/codemp/cgame/cg_demos_math.h#L118 There is one interpolation type in chase mode, and unfortunately I did not get how it works. But it also uses 4 control points. Here is its math: https://github.com/entdark/jaMME/blob/master/codemp/cgame/cg_demos_math.c#L371 I was even remaking pugmod with those features so learnt that math a bit (yeah my latest video was made with modified pugmod), but when the JA source came out, I decided to just port q3mme and not to reinvent the wheel. I hope it was useful info.
  3. ent

    Files Area Changes

    I liked one thing which eezstreet said after my thoughts about Steam system in porting discussion: "I suspect that a clause stating that the legal responsibility of files belongs to the uploader might suffice though." And I think that's how things have to be done.
  4. ent

    Files Area Changes

    @Bacon, if they meant this, then it should be written. Guessing in such questions is a bad way, imo, because I gave an example with a legal way and which fits the rule.
  5. ent

    Files Area Changes

    Quoting with left formatting: Links to torrent sites or otherwise illegal software
  6. ent

    Files Area Changes

    Do I really have to use exactly the same readme as in the template? And about site rules: why torrent sites are illegal? I made my stuff and share it using torrent protocol, and uploaded a torrent file to some torrent tracker, so now I am not allowed to share a link? Sounds unfairly.
  7. ent

    New Background

    @SecretApprentice, I think you should not use those new textures. I play on some base maps and those textures make them look much worse, imo.
  8. @eezstreet, I am looking at how ql tournaments are going now: one time per week (usually on weekends) we can see 125fps tournaments, faceit, zotac (was a year ago). And they go very well. Not everyone has much time to take a part in leagues, which requires be more active. And it's much cooler to organize an event once per week like on weekend when more people are free, than expect high activity all the time.
  9. ent

    New Background

    They are cool, but there is lack of anti-aliasing. P.S.: hiding big images under spoilers for noobs
  10. @Ping, Leagues is bad experience imo, it requires a lot of active players and jedi academy doesn't have many, especially ctf community. Mini-tournaments are way better.
  11. About awards: in my opinion, they should not be like achievements, they should be just given by administration. So people should not know conditions, else it will just go into "let's do some quests to get that icon" than actually doing something useful.
  12. Oh yeah, cool runs. but first video looks like it has modified g_speed, because I remember doing that map was harder, because it wasn't designed for low jk speed. And yeah, I also noticed your love to Epinephrine, @Acrobat. (: Oh and, that fastcap isn't on my YouTube account, so I accidentally met those comments under the vid. But thank you for the explanation about all ents. heh
  13. Sup. Just took a vid of some of jaMME features: - overriding client information such as model, team, shader, saber hilt, saber colour - loading background music which you can sync with your editing - creating chase camera - changed sound speed depending on demo speed Hope it could be useful for someone. [x Sorry for video/audio desync.
  14. Oh that. Unfortunately, it's just a bug which happened when I was experimenting at smoothing ghoul2 animation. It's impossible to make that with current version (maybe someday someone will tell me a solution). Most of things are bound to keys and it's enough to control everything, but you also call command "hudToggle" (or bind it to something) which lets you to control demo hud: http://jkhub.org/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&record=22024&id=1712&full=1. You can type own values or text. Check http://jkhub.org/forum/76-tutorials/, I don't think it's very hard to use bound keys. And sorry, I am not good at ui/menu, so I doupt I gonna make ui for this.
  15. What do you mean by players appearance? There are a lot of new cvars, you can find them all in mme folder in the mod in cvars.txt file. And I also don't get about fancy menus question. Explain, please. s:
  16. Hello everyone. It took so long time but I finally did everything I wanted and here is jaMME 1.2: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1712-jamme/ ! Changelog: - announcer sounds are now hearable in free camera and on switched clients too- not predicted clients have even more information on screen including called vote, picked flags, picked items- fixed and improved capture timer which now has MM:SS.MSEC format- changed vibration view coefficients- charging sounds could be interrupted same as in regular gameplay- friend floaring sprites above heads are visible for not predicted clients and have proper team colour- fixed an issue when ambient sounds could have doppler effect- fixed and improved lips animation- you can now create a local server to record needed content- improved center print message- not predicted clients can be in disruptor scope view- fixed some effects which were called a lot times in low framerate- added mov_ratioFix cvar which lets to switch between stretched and normal 2d images (see cvars.txt)- fixed and improved falling to death vector- increased camera origin precision- smooth interpolation for the following things: entities positions/angles, ghoul2 animation (thanks to Xycaleth), effects positions/fading/scaling, wave transformations for shaders (thanks to Xycaleth), camera vibration, saber blade length- fixed and improved fx system (.efx)- fixed disruptor ray which drew wrong lines- increased default allocated memory for sounds from 12 to 64 MB because 12 isn't enough, adjust with "com_soundMegs" (see cvars.txt)- increased amount of refEnts and therefore increased amount of possible drawn effects (.efx) at the same time from 1800 to 8192 (thanks to Xycaleth and Scooper)- all effects now actually freeze in pause or speed 0 (timeline animation)- fixed overrided shader which did not be applied to speed trail ghost models- fixed speed trail ghost models positions which were laggy on low framerate New cvar:- mov_ratioFix General improvement is smooth interpolation for different objects. What does it mean? It means if you want to capture with slowmo then animation of anything will be still smooth. Also this means you can capture with any fps (yeah, you can capture with 1000 fps and more if you want) and your things will never freeze on some frames. Second general improvement is fx system, which uses .efx files. Some of you probably know if you make your effects with big amount of particles then some of them can disappear. It happened because amount of refresh entities were limited to 2048 and amount of possible effects were even less - 1800. I increased that number to 8192 which I suppose is enough: http://www.speedyshare.com/RtfKU/download/particles.mp4 Could be higher if necessary. Also I got back lip animation (hi SiLink) which I forgot to add after remaking sound system: https://db.tt/Dt7vRxbT You can now create local server. If you wanted something and forgot to record and it requires one person (hi lip anim again), then instead of closing the game then running jamp, you can now record your stuff directly in the mod. Commands are still same /devmap mapname (or /map). Some another fancy stuff:Videos:https://db.tt/sLFtqL1jhttps://db.tt/vdb2Odqnhttps://db.tt/QJe0nfe3Images:http://i6.minus.com/iFAE2v4s9Dlh6.png (2560x1440)http://i2.minus.com/itOyQhphoHhlb.png (2560x1440)http://i.imgur.com/6LOYYTD.jpg (development bug, impossible in jamme)http://i.imgur.com/i5wDVEk.jpg (development bug, impossible in jamme)http://i.imgur.com/dxsmjet.jpg (development bug, impossible in jamme)http://i.imgur.com/1mGfZaP.jpg (development bug, impossible in jamme)
  17. Hi. I am not sure I understand laws correctly, but I feel like the problem is invented here from nothing. Let's look on another area where you can share mods and stuff: Steam Workshop. I don't know every game that uses the workshop, but know only Left 4 Dead 2's one and used some items from there. Let's open it [http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=550] and see what we have: Kairi from kh2 which looks exactly the same as in the original game; music from The Walking Dead; main characters from Resident Evil 6 which looks exactly the same. And it's only few examples that I just faced to. Steam is like legal area, yes? So they should not spread illegal content etc. If we can see such mods on Steam Workshop which are ported from different domains/places/areas/communities (idk how to call it in English), then why would such small place as JKHub had problems with the content too? It looks like some people who saw banning content on other sites with some given "correct" explanation, now think it works for everything else. In my opinion you can share anything from different places, and ignore people who try to make problems and don't actually know what they are talking about. Sorry for repeating but this is important: if Steam lets people port and use content from different places then there is definitely no problem on JKHub.
  18. http://jkhub.org/topic/3168-a-mountain-done-quick/ - w/o cheats, w/ default settings I did not know it was your map :s Well done! Also Expedition is great and me with guys from our community spend time there sometimes, including climbing and stuff ofc. P.S.: how that comes that there is a player "enty"? so similar and some CTFers call me enty too :c I feel a thief.
  19. ent

    New Background

    With jaMME you can capture a screenshot with any size using off-screen capture, like that, so guys with low res monitors can take a part too. UPD: you can also use FBO mode (r_fbo 1) and will be able to take screenshots directly w/o off-screen manipulations with batch files etc. Also, I think it should be added to main post because some people with low res monitors could know they have chance too.
  20. Why so many cvars for RGB sabers? I think /color1 x00FA99 would be better.
  21. WAV has to have 16bit depth, mono and 22khz, regular MP3 sounds have to be mono unless you call a command "mp3_calcvols" with subcommand "-stereo", 44khz, only music is stereo. Also according to the code MP3 has to be 16 bit, though I checked files and they are 32 bit. Weird :s
  22. Me performs some "speed" capture on A-Mountain from RaceArena: Music for background: The Noughties Capture time: 18:38.341 Was done with default settings except server fps: sv_fps 1000 for 1 msec time precision I don't know if there are some other records on that room and maybe I was too slow. :unsure: Thanks to Raz0r for inspiration and Loda for the map. Oh and.. beat that record.
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