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Files posted by ent

  1. jaMME

    Jedi Academy Movie Maker's Edition (jaMME) is an engine modification of
    Jedi Academy for moviemaking. It's a port of q3mme with most of its
    features and some new ones.
    - demo playback control (pause, rewind)
    - free camera mode
    - chase camera mode
    - time speed animation
    - capturing motion blur
    - capturing output in stereo 3D
    - different output types: jpg, tga, png, avi, mp4(+ffmpeg)
    - playing music on background to synchronize it with editing
    - saving depth of field mask
    - overriding players information: name, saber colours, hilts, team, model
    - realistic first person view with visible body (trueview)
    - recording audio to wav
    - replacing world textures with your own
    - replacing skybox with one solid colour (chroma key)
    - capturing in any resolution
    - off-screen capturing
    - capturing a list of demos
    - supporting mods: base (basejka, base_enhanced), ja+ (ja++, UAGalaxy), lugormod, makermod
    - supporting versions: 1.01 and 1.00
    - in-game demo cutter
    Author: ent
    Contributors: ent, Scooper, redsaurus, teh, loda, Alpha/Avygeil
    Version: 1.10
    Date: 10.08.2016
    Filesize: 29.3 MB
    Put "jaMME.apk" file to your Android device and open it to install the application.
    Put "assets[0-3].pk3" to "[game folder]/base" folder on your device.
    Select the folder where your "base" folder with the game assets is ([game folder] that mentioned above).
    Optionally type startup arguements in format: "+command1 value1 +command2 value2" etc.
    Copyrights: ©2013-2016 ent


       (3 reviews)



  2. jaMME

    Jedi Academy Movie Maker's Edition (jaMME) is an engine modification of
    Jedi Academy for moviemaking. It's a port of q3mme with most of its
    features and some new ones.
    - demo playback control (pause, rewind)
    - free camera mode
    - chase camera mode
    - time speed animation
    - capturing motion blur
    - capturing output in stereo 3D
    - different output types: jpg, tga, png, avi
    - playing music on background to synchronize it with editing
    - saving depth of field mask
    - overriding players information: name, saber colours, hilts, team, model
    - realistic first person view with visible body (trueview)
    - recording audio to wav
    - replacing world textures with your own
    - replacing skybox with one solid colour (chroma key)
    - capturing in any resolution
    - off-screen capturing
    - capturing a list of demos
    - supporting mods: base (basejka, base_enhanced), ja+ (ja++, UAGalaxy), lugormod, makermod
    - supporting versions: 1.01 and 1.00
    - in-game demo cutter
    Author: ent
    Contributors: ent, Scooper, redsaurus, teh, loda, Alpha/Avygeil
    Version: 1.10
    Date: 10.08.2016
    Filesize: 7.42 MB
    Installation: extract the archive to "GameData" folder.
    Copyrights: ©2013-2016 ent


       (10 reviews)



  3. jaMME

    Jedi Academy Movie Maker's Edition (jaMME) is an engine modification of
    Jedi Academy for moviemaking. It's a port of q3mme with most of its
    features and some new ones.
    - demo playback control (pause, rewind)
    - free camera mode
    - chase camera mode
    - time speed animation
    - capturing motion blur
    - capturing output in stereo 3D
    - different output types: jpg, tga, png, avi
    - playing music on background to synchronize it with editing
    - saving depth of field mask
    - overriding players information: name, saber colours, hilts, team, model
    - realistic first person view with visible body (trueview)
    - recording audio to wav
    - replacing world textures with your own
    - replacing skybox with one solid colour (chroma key)
    - capturing in any resolution
    - off-screen capturing
    - capturing a list of demos
    - supporting mods: base (basejka, base_enhanced), ja+ (ja++, UAGalaxy), lugormod, makermod
    - supporting versions: 1.01 and 1.00
    - in-game demo cutter
    Author: ent
    Contributors: ent, Scooper, redsaurus, teh
    Version: 1.9
    Date: 24.08.2015
    Filesize: 9.14 MB
    Installation: extract the archive to "GameData" folder.
    Copyrights: ©2014 ent; jaMME source code is opened under GPLv2 license


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  4. Jedi Knight Rewards

    Jedi Knight Rewards is a visual modification for 2 games (+2): Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
    and Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (should also work in Quake III Arena and Quake 4).
    The modification displays different reward icons on the center of screen if the player performs certain actions.

    Author: ent
    Release date: 12.03.2017
    Size: 269 KB
    Installation: put zent_jk_rewards_icons.pk3 and zent_jk_rewards_sounds.pk3 to GameData/base/
    Requirement: rewards are blocked in default client side, therefore the modification can only work with
    client side modifications that unlock rewards. Known (by author) client side modifications that support rewards:
    - SMod (JA)
    - JA++ (JA)
    - jaMME (JA)
    - joMME (JO)


       (10 reviews)



  5. joMME

    joMME is an engine modification of Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast for moviemaking. It's a
    port of q3mme with most of its features and some new ones.
    - supporting versions: 1.02, 1.04
    - demo playback control (pause, rewind)
    - free camera mode
    - chase camera mode
    - time speed animation
    - capturing motion blur
    - capturing output in stereo 3D
    - different output types: jpg, tga, png, avi
    - playing music on background to synchronize it with editing
    - saving depth of field mask
    - overriding players information: name, saber colours, hilts, team, model
    - dynamic glow effect from Jedi Academy
    - weather effects: sun and realistic rain
    - realistic first person view with visible body (trueview)
    - recording audio to wav
    - replacing world textures with your own
    - replacing skybox with one solid colour (chroma key)
    - capturing in any resolution
    - off-screen capturing
    - capturing a list of demos
    Author: ent
    Version: 1.4.2
    Date: 27.06.2014
    Filesize: 6.01 MB
    Installation: either extract the archive to "GameData" folder or extract
    anywhere, then create folder "base" next to folder "mme", put in there
    ("base") assets0.pk3, assets1.pk3, assets2.pk3, assets5.pk3 from "base"
    from your original game path. Then run start_joMME.cmd file and enjoy the
    Copyrights: ©2014 ent


       (4 reviews)



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