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Webhosting Downtime

So as many of you have noticed, all websites that are hosted through us are currently offline, with no end in sight currently.


We use PhoenixVPS (aka Hosting Beam) to host your websites, and even their site is down. No info has been released by the company and no emails have been answered regarding this issue. We are completely in the dark at this point.


Our previous plans were to switch from PheonixVPS to Caelum's hosting at the end of our billing cycle on November 1st. With this event, it looks like we will be moving even sooner. The bad thing about all this is, we only have backups of all hosted sites from August. It was my mistake forgetting to backup last month, and I apologize for that.


The reason JKHub itself is still online and functioning is because we are already using Caelum's hosting, and have been for awhile now.


As Caelum gets things ready on his end, hopefully the service is restored and we can get the most current versions of your sites uploaded. If not, we may have to resort to the backup from August.


I know this is a huge hassle and very inconvenient and we apologize for that, even though it's out of our control.


Thanks for understanding.


Circa and the JKHub Staff

By Circa, in Community News,

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I remember going to their website a week ago or so and it was down with a notice stating "Restructuring/Re-organizing." Maybe this will be of some assistance.



I remember going to their website a week ago or so and it was down with a notice stating "Restructuring/Re-organizing." Maybe this will be of some assistance.

Funny thing is, that has happened multiple times in the past year. Also, why not send out a notice to customers? Silliness.



Bad company policies? The fact that we are moving to Caelum's hosting makes me happy. Now we know our hosting will forever be solid, and we get a even better deal...Party at Caelums? 




You guys really are spoiling the JKA community so much.......



Any whose, pretty much that is what I saw. That it was some major "Reconstruction, come back later!"...So I shall presume bad company policies, or lack of company policies, or lack of company. 



Hey what happens if you move our hosted sites to your server BEFORE they get it back online? Will I lose access to get my files off the original hosted location? There's too much I would lose. TOO Much. Actually I would lose about 99.8% of everything i did. Not gonna flare up at JKHub or @@Caelum for this, considering they are the the people I put my life on in this kinda situation.



I shall assume that if they get it back online, they will then transfer that. Caelum and these guys are professionals, they will ensure you get everything you can back :).

therfiles and Merek like this


Thanks for the bit of info fam. jkhub and Cael will get us back online - true professionals on the job. I'm not too concerned if you have to go with older backups, I can fill in the gaps on my end where needed. Thank you once again for keeping us informed!

therfiles likes this


Thanks for the bit of info fam. jkhub and Cael will get us back online - true professionals on the job. I'm not too concerned if you have to go with older backups, I can fill in the gaps on my end where needed. Thank you once again for keeping us informed!

Yes, but I assume you don't store data like I do, or continuously make updates to a forum either. Anyways, the only concern I have is keeping all my cpanel settings + email + databases + well everything I had on the 3 day-ago-working hosting. Can someone elaborate on that? thanks.



Basically, it will take a few days to prepare my new webserver and get everything ready for JKH hosted sites. In that time, one of two things can happen:

-PhoenixVPS will get back online. If this is the case, there won't be any data loss, since I can move all current files and databases and stuff.

-PhoenixVPS will not get back online. In this case, all I can move over is whatever backups JKH staff have, meaning your site will be reverted to whatever it was in August (i.e. Circa's most recent backup)


At this point all anyone can really do is wait and see

I hope option #1 is where its at. At the most, we can't wait at least a month to see if they'll come back online, but by then you know there not coming back online.



is is possible they were attacked? 



Like, DDoSed? Yeah, impossible, that's definitely not what happened.


Just a thought, but yeah know maybe when they were doing maintenance?  ^_^



It's possible this is a case of maintenance gone horribly awry on their end (like, server harddrive failure or something), but a fair amount of evidence points towards that not being the case. The most likely scenario at this point is the host simply shut down without notifying any customers, but again, I don't know what's going on either, I'm just speculating here.

Hey, we are all speculating at this point. BTW, What evidence?





  • PhoenixVPS aka VPSNodebox aka Hostingbeam is not a very stable company, to put it lightly. They've rebranded 3 times since JKHub has been with them, moved servers without prior notice, and had weeks of their own website being down in the past.
  • The error at http://www.hostingbeam.com indicates the site was either (most likely) taken down deliberately, or due to incompetence. I find that level of incompetence hard to believe, so I'm going to go with the theory that they deliberately pointed their DNS servers to a local IP, instead of a web server
  • The email address listed as owner of the domain no longer exists
  • This thread: http://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/33073/no-response-from-phoenixvps-hostingbeam
  • The fact that their server has now been down for a longer time than any web host should be down no matter the technical issues - in this time, faulty server components could've easily been replaced, the operating system could've easily been reinstalled, and any issues taken care of, basically.


so is that bad? I mean have they ever been down this long?



@@Merek if you want to wait for the small chance they will come back online, go for it. We can withhold your account until then if you'd like. Our backup of your site should contain all your cPanel settings you listed. Unless you made drastic changes and additions in between August 18th and now, your stuff is backed up and safe.


And no, they haven't been down this long. No professional web host would be down this long, at least without prior warning.



@@Merek if you want to wait for the small chance they will come back online, go for it. We can withhold your account until then if you'd like. Our backup of your site should contain all your cPanel settings you listed. Unless you made drastic changes and additions in between August 18th and now, your stuff is backed up and safe.


And no, they haven't been down this long. No professional web host would be down this long, at least without prior warning.

Please withhold my account until they come back online, too much data I don't want lost if there's a chance to recover it, I'll take it. Thank you. 



Soo, uh... on a scale of one to ten, can I get a chance of Merek getting his website back? because the ONLY backup of my old SCG website is there...



@@Merek @ you guys seem to not understand. We have a backup from August. Did you delete your site and start completely from scratch since then? If not, your site will be restored to it's state in August. Nothing was lost except any changes or forum posts you made in September. So yes, Elliot, your site should be fine if we restore from our backup.



@@Merek @ you guys seem to not understand. We have a backup from August. Did you delete your site and start completely from scratch since then? If not, your site will be restored to it's state in August. Nothing was lost except any changes or forum posts you made in September. So yes, Elliot, your site should be fine if we restore from our backup.

No, I didn't say anything at this point. We did not delete and start over, not again. We are still using MyBulletionBoard for the site. my good buddy (and long time friend) praetor elliot's html site should be fine. I have all the backup necessary for him not to worry about that. I made some drastic changes to the forum since august including a completely new interface and a few new additions with tons of images hosted (mostly stuff from jka) that I no longer have on my computer. The last backup i made predates the one you got. So let me repeat myself: I am perfectly fine with waiting. 



Okay. The backup from August should be fine, considering merek screwed up my HTML website so it redirects to the main index. :P

Merek likes this


so won't the old server conflict with the new one? how does that work?

Okay. The backup from August should be fine, considering merek screwed up my HTML website so it redirects to the main index. :P

I fixed that, and that wasn't funny.


Also fine for you, but not for me. I'll wait to see if the old host comes back or not, and if not, we'll fix up the august update as best we can. I'm not happy about it but I guess it is fine. I'm not mad at JKHub or @@Caelum, I'm mad at HostingBeam, we all are.



I personally was worried about my HTML website, because Koding kind of had nothing short of a 'heart attack' which involved me loosing a payload of data.



How did you fix it? Last I knew, you were using it to blackmail me to work harder.


Even though I had clear and full access to the site via FTP before... *gestures helplessly around me* THIS happened.



How did you fix it? Last I knew, you were using it to blackmail me to work harder.


Even though I had clear and full access to the site via FTP before... *gestures helplessly around me* THIS happened.

I wasn't blackmailing you, at all and that's not even what happened. This is irrelevant to the conversation BTW (as it has nothing to do with downtime). I initiated the redirect to fix minor errors with the html. It was a simple cpanel redirect to the main index. The redirect was removed an hour after I finished, and later all you had to do was clear your cache and refresh. 



I certainly am not mad at Hosting Beam. Honestly it is kinda really funny. 



I wasn't blackmailing you, at all and that's not even what happened. This is irrelevant to the conversation BTW (as it has nothing to do with downtime). I initiated the redirect to fix minor errors with the html. It was a simple cpanel redirect to the main index. The redirect was removed an hour after I finished, and later all you had to do was clear your cache and refresh. 

Funny. You never told me about that.

I certainly am not mad at Hosting Beam. Honestly it is kinda really funny. 


Hehe. Merek was certainly pissed at Hosting Beam. He was ranting and raving a lot of the time I was on Steam.



Oh well, some people really are just silly. Such silly people. This is why I have Ice Cream and never sleep. 

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