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[Released] JKGalaxies 1.2.0

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Here is a full list of changes that are in JKGalaxies 1.2.0. This will be the version used in the scrimmage match, not 1.1.1.



  • Now runs on Linux 64 bit
  • Removed loads of unused code
  • Various minor optimizations to the game
  • Fixed a Linux-specific crash upon changing maps or shutting down the server.
  • Added a detailed item description to the currently selected item in the inventory.
  • Fixed movement speed modifiers
  • The viewmodel no longer bobs in iron sights mode.
  • Changed the tilt algorithm for the viewmodel
  • Looking up/down while sprinting no longer tilts the viewmodel as much
  • Removed "Ammo: Infinite" when a melee weapon is equipped.
  • Added three new testing cvars: jkg_sightsBobX, jkg_sightsBobY, jkg_sightsBobZ
  • You can no longer kick the vendor around
  • connmsg no longer shows up in tab completion
  • com_affinity now defaults to 0
  • jkg_startingGun now caches correctly
  • Grenades and projectiles can no longer be fired through walls
  • Corrected an issue where effects could point at the origin incorrectly
  • Firing a weapon and then switching to iron sights quickly no longer plays the firing animation twice.
  • The inventory can now be toggled with the hotkey
  • vid_restart no longer breaks your inventory
  • The hitmarker will no longer trigger on dead bodies, or on your own trip mines from other trip mines
  • The hitmarker will no longer trigger on invincible people or turrets.
  • Fixed all issues with xRGB color codes
  • give and giveother cheat commands have been improved
  • Fixed a critical exploit where players could use cheats.
  • The server is now warned when they are using a default password for their admin.
  • Jumping and rolling now consume stamina.
  • Doubled the amount of damage done with melee.
  • The client's inventory is now correctly cleared when they switch teams.
  • Turrets will no longer target NPCs
  • Removed unused cvar jkg_noKillMessages
  • Reloading now ignores flood protection
  • Destroying an item no longer crashes the game
  • Vanilla renderer renamed to rd-galaxies
  • Sprinting down stairs is not quite as painful
  • Switching firing modes on a weapon that does not have firing modes will no longer trigger the sound effect
  • Recoil is halved when crouched
  • FX now has much less of a performance hit
  • The filter button now works for the inventory menu
  • Fixed three different memory leaks
  • Fixed a potential crash from drawing force power icons

Shop Menu

  • The shop has a new UI, with two lists of items
  • You can now sell your items to the shop
  • The shop now plays a sound effect when you purchase an item
  • Items bought in the shop are now automatically added to the ACI
  • The filter button now works for the shop
  • The shop now has sorting by price and by name
  • The shop now automatically updates its stock on the client, instead of updating when we click on something
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when the shop refreshes its stock
swegmaster, Smoo, Onysfx and 3 others like this

Just an update: Currently it seems that there's a roadblock with getting the file uploaded onto the new JKHub CDN. Once that's taken care of, the file will be up..!

nyarl likes this
Posted (edited)

Known Issues (to be fixed in next revision or possibly sooner):

  • Do not get ammo for grenades until respawning
  • I is by default bound to inventory and will interrupt chat (you can rework around this by binding inventory to a different key not used to type in chat for now).
  • Admin logins do not currently work
  • Other issues


Thanks for play testing for us!  Let us know if you find any other major issues. We look forward to the scrimmage match with everyone!

Edited by eezstreet
Smoo likes this

JKG Developer


For some reason I keep getting an annoying error that doesn't let me start the game, it says: 


"Couldn't initialize refresh" when I open the Run JKGalaxies.bat file. 


My jkgalaxies folder is inside my Gamedata folder. 


For some reason I keep getting an annoying error that doesn't let me start the game, it says: 


"Couldn't initialize refresh" when I open the Run JKGalaxies.bat file. 


My jkgalaxies folder is inside my Gamedata folder. 

Screenshot?  Also system information?  Steam install/cd install? Has it worked at all, and just randomly stopped working, or never worked?

JKG Developer


For some reason I keep getting an annoying error that doesn't let me start the game, it says: 


"Couldn't initialize refresh" when I open the Run JKGalaxies.bat file. 


My jkgalaxies folder is inside my Gamedata folder. 


this occurs when the renderer could not be loaded for some reason or another. The renderer was renamed, so what's most likely happening is that an old configuration file with rd-vanilla in it is causing it to point at that instead of rd-galaxies.

An easy fix is to add this in the .bat file:


+seta cl_renderer "rd-galaxies"

You only need to run the game once and it will correct itself.

Futuza and Smoo like this


this occurs when the renderer could not be loaded for some reason or another. The renderer was renamed, so what's most likely happening is that an old configuration file with rd-vanilla in it is causing it to point at that instead of rd-galaxies.

An easy fix is to add this in the .bat file:

+seta cl_renderer "rd-galaxies"

You only need to run the game once and it will correct itself.


That could be. I've a lot of old files laying in my Jedi Academy folder, and the problem got fixed when I asked my brother (who's not having any problem in his computer) to share his gamedata folder with me. 

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