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[Mac OSX Lion] Wanting to come back to JKA.

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I am most likely doing something that is simple completely wrong, so I beg your patience with me. I just need someone with a kind heart to get me up and running again.



Ever since I got JKA from my Grandma back in the Christmas of '03, I've been obsessed. I often opted to join smaller clans for the ultimate sense of brother/sisterhoodship. However, 3 years ago, I found myself heading off to University, so I decided to join a larger clan (I saw it as some sort of retirement home.. with weekly BBQ's and shuffleboard) where my activity didn't need to be as high... needless to say Uni all but destroyed my activity. However, now that Uni is all over I want to hit JKA hard, and become an active member of the community, and with JKHub this should be easier than ever before. However, due to my course at Uni and attempting to go freelance, I bought a Mac (for Final Cut Pro and Apple Color), I wasn't worried too much about JKA since I saw it in the Apple shop. However I've had an issue...



Following all the threads/posts I've scoured through online, I need to replace the JKA App with Rev E App right? Only the issue I seem to be having is that JKA just won't install. When I try to install I get the following message 'You can't open the application Install Jedi Academy because PowerPC applications are no longer supported.'. I get the message when using both the game discs and a downloaded copy of the game.


Operating System

Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3

Macbook Pro Late 2011


Closing Words

Your most likely thinking 'Such a moose, all he has to do is x, y and z'. If that is the case.. then please write down what x, y and z is... and help someone who loves JKA come home to it.




Looks like we got it fixed. Since the installer that comes with the CD doesn't work with Intel processors, we just copied over the files manually. Here's what it should look like:


Applications (folder)


Games (folder)


Jedi Academy (folder)


Jedi Academy

Jedi Academy MP (replace with revision 1.01e)

Base (folder)

Downloads (folder) (put any maps or skins you're not using right away in here)

Jedi Academy MP Lion (launcher) or

JKJA Launch


Be sure to copy over the base assets and .dll files to your base folder.


You should be able to launch Jedi Academy using one of the launchers. If you can't find the launchers, or 1.01e, or you have other problems, here's Redsaurus' post with links to the files you'll need:






Link, Iffo, Caelum and 1 other like this

Thank you very much to Helena for spending the best part of an hour on MSN with me fixing this.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys,


i´m really happy to read that some1 got this problem fixed! I got the same issue. I cant play this game on my new imac running on mountain lion. I tried to fix this by my self by downloading this JKJALoucher - but with no success. Can somebody help me out please?


My ICQ is: 419274366 :wacko:



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