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【MACHINIMA】Star Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr - Mission to Ruusan

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The Legend of Jaden Korr
After ending the CRISIS OF DISCIPLES OF RAGNOS, the Zabrak Jedi Knight - JADEN KORR returned to her homeworld planet of IRIDONIA to settle some long overdue private affairs only from time to time taking missions from the NEW JEDI ORDER.
THE NEW REPUBLIC is struggling with the new threat - the malevolent YUUZHAN VONG - an alien species from a distant galaxy. LUKE SKYWALKER and most of the New Jedi Order followers teamed together with the New Republic forces have gone on a crusade to stop this threat. During the ongoing campaing the New Republic's leader MON MOTHMA has decided it would be better just to destroy or shut down THE VALLEY OF THE JEDI for good - a source of incredible power, but also a place of many crisises in the galaxy.
Reluctantly Luke Skywalker agrees and sends KYLE KATARN - a man whose life has long been intertwined with this particular place. After few weeks of silence Jedi Master grows impatient and even more anxious and sends a word about it to Jaden Korr. Zora hearing about this agrees and takes a friend - ROSH PENIN with her. The two young Jedi are travelling incognito on board civilian shuttle to the planet of Ruusan where the troubled Valley lies...




j5fdat.jpgPART I:

A standalone video to the Star Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr (https://jkhub.org/topic/7919-videos-ive-been-working-on-recently/) which takes place after the events of the game Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. These are times of New Republic struggle with the malevolent Yuuzhan Vong - species from a distant galaxy on course of seizing the known galaxy. Luke Skywalker representing New Jedi Order teams up with the NR's forces to stop this threat. Meanwhile Kyle Katarn is sent to shut down (or destroy if necessary) the fabled Valley of the Jedi - a source of incredible power, but also a place which could be used to the more meaner ends should fallen into the wrong hands, and the NR cannot afford to have such a disadvantage behind their lines. Unfortunatelly after a few weeks the contact with Katarn severs and Luke sends Jaden Korr along with Rosh Penin to the planet Ruusan to investigate. This is where our story begins. The machinima is strongly based on Blaster's Dark Alliance II: Vengeance of the Sith - an awesome single-player modification for JKA. The machinima is a mixture of genres: drama with some lighter comedy interruptions happening from time to time.


PS. I admit I underestimated the endeavor of creating a new JKA machinima from the scratch so I decided to split it into two parts. Second part.... when it's done :)
PSS. Please leave me some most appreciated feedback and comments.
Smoo likes this


Proudly presents......!





The Legend of Jaden Korr
After ending the CRISIS OF DISCIPLES OF RAGNOS, the Zabrak Jedi Knight - JADEN KORR returned to her homeworld planet of IRIDONIA to settle some long overdue private affairs only from time to time taking missions from the NEW JEDI ORDER.
THE NEW REPUBLIC is struggling with the new threat - the malevolent YUUZHAN VONG - an alien species from a distant galaxy. LUKE SKYWALKER and most of the New Jedi Order followers teamed together with the New Republic forces have gone on a crusade to stop this threat. During the ongoing campaing the New Republic's leader MON MOTHMA has decided it would be better just to destroy or shut down THE VALLEY OF THE JEDI for good - a source of incredible power, but also a place of many crisises in the galaxy.
Reluctantly Luke Skywalker agrees and sends KYLE KATARN - a man whose life has long been intertwined with this particular place. After few weeks of silence Jedi Master grows impatient and even more anxious and sends a word about it to Jaden Korr. Zora hearing about this agrees and takes a friend - ROSH PENIN with her. The two young Jedi are travelling incognito on board civilian shuttle to the planet of Ruusan where the troubled Valley lies...




j5fdat.jpgPART I:

A standalone video to the Star Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr (https://jkhub.org/topic/7919-videos-ive-been-working-on-recently/) which takes place after the events of the game Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. These are times of New Republic struggle with the malevolent Yuuzhan Vong - species from a distant galaxy on course of seizing the known galaxy. Luke Skywalker representing New Jedi Order teams up with the NR's forces to stop this threat. Meanwhile Kyle Katarn is sent to shut down (or destroy if necessary) the fabled Valley of the Jedi - a source of incredible power, but also a place which could be used to the more meaner ends should fallen into the wrong hands, and the NR cannot afford to have such a disadvantage behind their lines. Unfortunatelly after a few weeks the contact with Katarn severs and Luke sends Jaden Korr along with Rosh Penin to the planet Ruusan to investigate. This is where our story begins. The machinima is strongly based on Blaster's Dark Alliance II: Vengeance of the Sith - an awesome single-player modification for JKA. The machinima is a mixture of genres: drama with some lighter comedy interruptions happening from time to time.


PS. I admit I underestimated the endeavor of creating a new JKA machinima from the scratch so I decided to split it into two parts. Second part.... when it's done :)
PSS. Please leave me some most appreciated feedback and comments.


Is the file in the OneDrive just a video or is it the actual mod? I'm really interested in playing this, myself.



For emotes (lips movement) I use a SiLink tutorial (on YouTube), basically its a combination of noclip + taunt animations. For some of the better animations I use makermod and bind specific animation to the key.

Comlink is not a real comlink, its a saber (google it) with a comlink hilt, so I got to tweak it a bit: I muted its sounds, removed blade effect and added some anim instances to .sab file like: readyAnim, drawAnim, and putawayAnim (thx to @@Ramikad) and give them appriopriate anim values: BOTH_TALKCOMM1, BOTH_TALKCOMM1START and BOTH_TALKCOMM1STOP. Funny thing is before I discovered makermod I used that trick to bind some other animations (even to other instances like gloat, flourish or meditate anims) which was rather cumbersome. The problem was that player model uses comlink in his/her left hand while that comlink-saber is held in the right hand (making animation look totally wrong), thus I got to make another "invisible" hilt and then spawn a char with dual sabers: invisible in the right hand, comlink in the left hand. That did it ;)


Well, that's about it.


PS. Did you watch the previous episodes? Mission to Ruusan is only a standalone video after the events of JKA.

PSS. Part II is 5% complete, I made first 3 minutes so far ;)



Part II is 70% complete.

  • 4 weeks later...

A LITTLE UPDATE ON WHAT'S COMING (for those interested out there):


It is obvious to me that I won't be able to finish it before my vacations (which starts from 11th September), so I can only hope you can arm yourselves with patience ;) I will finish it, but later....... I estimate in the middle of October (I think....).

So far I completed the 86-87% of footage (including editing), few last crucial scenes remain. The give you a taste of what is coming I present your few screenshots. Originally I planed to make a trailer, but it would be to complicated and time-consuming with my software (I calculated if I were about to do that, it would be better just to finish the whole project instead lol). The screenshots does not give enough credit to this last episode. It's difficult to convey what's going on in the movie by capturing few pictures, besides I'm in no way intended to spoiler most of the important parts. So, here goes nothing:


Jaden shall undergo a significant change in her life. Expect funny dialogues and some amazing battle scenes.
May the Force be with you!
  • 1 month later...


j5fdat.jpgPART II:

The most anticipated continuation is here!



PS. (Sadly ;) ) this is not over yet.
PSS. As usual YouTube might have butchered/blocked the video. If so, give Onedrive a go then.


I'm gonna call two endings. 1. Jaden is saved by Rosh and they defeat the Yuuzhan Vong together. 2. Rosh is forced to kill her.


Thank you! I haven't started any extensive work on the grand finale yet. I merely arranged the very first scene of New Jedi Order buckling-up for the mission, and thought about the overall shape, but that's that, of course I know what I want accomplish and what ending to portray, but.... I shall finish what I've started ;)


Anyway, for better navigation for others I'm putting all episodes made so far in chronological order:


j5fdat.jpgStar Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr (EpisodeI) ▬►https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aie_9vaJ4hl_2g9IlW7YB21va3fS [142 MB]

j5fdat.jpgStar Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr (EpisodeII) ▬►https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aie_9vaJ4hl_2hBr56mbIdI5X7e1 [826 MB]

j5fdat.jpgStar Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr (EpisodeIII) ▬►https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aie_9vaJ4hl_2hEcBU2o-1wyZsZO [724 MB]

j5fdat.jpgStar Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr (EpisodeIV▬►https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aie_9vaJ4hl_2hLvWr-6P062JXwI [734 MB]

j5fdat.jpgStar Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr (Episode▬►https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aie_9vaJ4hl_2hdaj9SGEm_JzHMs [682 MB]

j5fdat.jpgStar Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr - Mission to Ruusan (partI) ▬►https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aie_9vaJ4hl_2iHlPm_OKBBpNupU [2 GB]

j5fdat.jpgStar Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr - Mission to Ruusan (part▬►https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aie_9vaJ4hl_3UwWDHpFmbs0yWjo [1,79 GB]

j5fdat.jpgStar Wars:The Legend of Jaden Korr - Mission to Ruusan (Finale) ▬►someday..., patience required...

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