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Original Emperor Palpatine 1980

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I know there's already been a model of Emperor Palpatine, but I was really wanting the original "chimp lady" Emperor Palpatine that first appeared in The Empire Strike Back before they changed him to Ian McDiarmid. It's more fun to look back at the original 1980 Emperor because he looks so errie. Maybe someone will change the head to make it more like a female with chimp eyes. That way he'll look freaky.



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Maybe it's because he (the original Emperor) was performed by a Woman, the wife of Rick Baker ---> Elain Baker. Voiced by the actor Clive Revill.

Here are some other ref pics i found:

shooting the hologram scene for ESB

original wax mask of the Emperor used in ESB



Toy of the ESB Emperor I've found:




Old screenshots that i made to compare both JKO & JKA characters of Old // New Emperor



1983 - 2005 (ROTJ, TPM, AOC, ROTS)



krkarr, Langerd and KyleKatarn1995 like this
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Although the new Emperor scene is well done and not as inferior as the head of Sebastian Shaw being replaced with the head of Hayden Christensen, I prefer the original one. I watched it as a kid and it's still creepier and more mysterious than the new version.

Of course I like the Emperor portrayed by Ian McDiarmid, too. But even there, I like him in 'Return of the Jedi' more than in 'Revenge of the Sith'. Maybe it's because I mostly grew up watching the Original Trilogy.  :)

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