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Star Wars : Toa Academy (Bionicle mod)

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Hey everyone ! I have started the development of a giant mod : TOA ACADEMY !

In Bionicle's experts, I really think a mod based on the Bionicle's universe for Jedi academy is greatfull !

For the moment, the mod going to be based on OPJ RP version in just added new Skins, Vehicles, Maps, NPCs, Weapons and Forces Powers but later we hope change completely the gameplay.

We are just for the moments 3 skinners and 1 scripter... We need modelers, mappers and advanced scripters.

If you want participate to the project, say that here.

The meetings are set on Skype regulary (one by month or by two week)

Here it is the logo of the mod :




And we have started to extract 3d models from Bionicle Heroes to begun but we hope, later, we can make us own models  :winkthumb:

Good day ^^

therfiles, Langerd and DarthStiv like this

@@eezstreet Not for the moment ^^ we have not really lot of things ready. But when more skins or others going to be ready, I going to post screenshots ;)


@@Langerd Yes. The 2001 Bionicles going to be the first maked. We don't want make the new Bionicle from 2015, just the 2001 (Toa Mata) to Glatorian or Stars (2010) : the real Bionicles ! :)

Langerd likes this

@@eezstreet Not for the moment ^^ we have not really lot of things ready. But when more skins or others going to be ready, I going to post screenshots ;)


@@Langerd Yes. The 2001 Bionicles going to be the first maked. We don't want make the new Bionicle from 2015, just the 2001 (Toa Mata) to Glatorian or Stars (2010) : the real Bionicles ! :)

Yey! 83


never really understood why Lego games and cartoons are so popular these days, but whatever works for you ;)

Because they are nostalgic as fu ... They are very nostalgic ^u^


@@the_raven If you look past Bionicles being just a toy, they actually did have a story and a pretty interesting one. I am not talking about whatever Lego is doing with the brand now because I'm not exactly sure but back when these guys were first introduced back in 2001/2002 they had pretty cool stories and such to go with them that were developed alongside the products with comic books and web-series. Pretty interesting stuff.  

the_raven, Langerd and therfiles like this

@@the_raven If you look past Bionicles being just a toy, they actually did have a story and a pretty interesting one. I am not talking about whatever Lego is doing with the brand now because I'm not exactly sure but back when these guys were first introduced back in 2001/2002 they had pretty cool stories and such to go with them that were developed alongside the products with comic books and web-series. Pretty interesting stuff.  

ah, I see. thanks for the heads-up :)

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

When I was little, I'd get out my Bionicles and all my lego Star Wars figures and set them up for big battles. Imperial outposts fighting off big Lego robots and getting stepped on and stuff. Mmmm memories (This includes Dark Forces 2 and eventually Jedi outcast haha)

therfiles likes this

When I was little, I'd get out my Bionicles and all my lego Star Wars figures and set them up for big battles. Imperial outposts fighting off big Lego robots and getting stepped on and stuff. Mmmm memories (This includes Dark Forces 2 and eventually Jedi outcast haha)

Yeah I used to do the same aswell, apart from when some of the Bionicles broke and I started crying xD

therfiles likes this
  • 4 months later...

The project is not dead, but since april, I trying to make the models myself from A to Z on Blender and... that's very difficult and long. So, I have a new idea : I going to convert models from the Bionicle Games (Bionicle : The game, Bionicle Heroes and Bionicle : Glatorian Arena) to JKA, and AFTER, I continue to trying to create some characters with Blender.


The models of the characters and the weapons are not a problem for me, but I am a great noob in mapping, and this project is a COLOSSAL project.


So, since I convert the characters and I model the weapons, I hope someone can make some maps.

The maps are essentials for the mod.

The objective is to make a map pack (not all in one map) of the COMPLETE Mata-Nui's Island (with all the Temples, Lands, Villages, and other)

That going to be a very BIG work.


So, I search volunterys to participate to the project, just for the mapping. Together, we can create a fabulous project ! (Shia : "YES YOU CAN ! JUST... DO IT !")

"Join the Empire ! It need you !" :D


So... Who is ready ? ^_^

  • 2 months later...

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