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Lightsaber Blade REQUEST for Anyone who's good with colours and blades

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Hey people..

 I know there's a few lightsaber blade mods flying around, out there.. But I was wondering if anyone who's good with designing lightsaber blades and their colours, if someone could do these high-quality blades (shown below) (From Star Wars: The Old Republic). I will say one thing about that game.. I'm not a fan in the slightest, but the CGI trailers BioWare and EA made for them are sublime. For the blade trails, you could add them in, if you feel it would add to the effect, but I use "JK: Enhanced", so luckily I have my movie sabers effect.







P.s Just as a quick question, is this something you could do @@kalamaray?


Once you've finished your "Force Awakens conversion mod", do you think you could have a crack at this, @@GPChannel?

GMRobinHood likes this

Hey people..


 I know there's a few lightsaber blade mods flying around, out there.. But I was wondering if anyone who's good with designing lightsaber blades and their colours, if someone could do these high-quality blades (shown below) (From Star Wars: The Old Republic). I will say one thing about that game.. I'm not a fan in the slightest, but the CGI trailers BioWare and EA made for them are sublime. For the blade trails, you could add them in, if you feel it would add to the effect, but I use "JK: Enhanced", so luckily I have my movie sabers effect.


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P.s Just as a quick question, is this something you could do @@Rooxon?


Once you've finished your "Force Awakens conversion mod", do you think you could have a crack at this, @@GPChannel?

Of course,but know i pause the TFA mod for a few weeks,because i need a break,after the TFA mod i try to do this saber blade! :)

Darth Sion likes this

I was actually playing around with a version of the new blades i just finished that are just like these, as it's the other most common appearance saber blades have versus the layered glow tapered look. Using the same technique i did for the inner glows on my new ones but with more straight rounded blades, and inner glows that blend into the main glow for the effect of one thick glow surrounding the entire blade instead of tapering off with layers. I couldn't do better then movie battles trails though as those are made by modding the code or something that changes how the trails actually behave, not just the blur jpegs (the jpegs are just thin straight lines for movie battles which produce a tiny trail on the tip in the normal game). Anyways the challenge on these is getting that thick glow without the "icecream sandwich effect" of color around the blade becoming way to solid looking in-game. I think i can do these though, since someone is specifically wanting this style i'll start working on them.


Edit: just to give you an idea of what i was already working on here's a screenshot of the blue blade after about 15 mins of doing a bit more editing to it, there's alot more work to be done on them though. Also let me know what hilts you like to use so i can make sure the bottom tapers into them at the right part like in the screenshots, some hilts blade tags are way more shallow/deep then others.


GMRobinHood and Darth Sion like this

Still working on some details and whatnot but here's some of what i've done so far. Also there was another cinematic clip featuring the yellow blade i used as reference, pictures don't really do them justice though heh.






Ramikad, Darth Sion and Teancum like this

Still working on some details and whatnot but here's some of what i've done so far. Also there was another cinematic clip featuring the yellow blade i used as reference, pictures don't really do them justice though heh.





Looks awesome! Keep it up!


Pretty much done, just been trying to get the red and yellow blade just right and working on an accurate saberflare like the one in the cinematics. I was planning on getting it uploaded within the next day or so.

Darth Sion likes this

Pretty much done, just been trying to get the red and yellow blade just right and working on an accurate saberflare like the one in the cinematics. I was planning on getting it uploaded within the next day or so.

Awesome! Well, don't rush it.. Take your time and only release it when you feel you're completely happy with the end result. However.. Looking forward to its release, though.

GMRobinHood likes this

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