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Requesting an Animator for NEW Force Power animations..

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Hey peeps,


  I'm currently working on some new sounds for the Force Powers, in the game. These will be more movie accurate and I almost have them at a stage where I'm happy with them. All that really needs doing with them, now is to have some new animations for them.

I'm looking for NEW animations for the following powers:

- Force Push

- Force Pull

- Force Grip/Choke

- Force Lightning

- Mind Trick

and possibly..

- Force Sense

If anyone's willing to help me out with these and work together, it'd be much appreciated. I'll try to convey the sort of posture/stances and movement, I'm aiming for with these powers, to help anyone interested in helping, to better understand what I'm wanting to achieve.

Force Push
For this power, there are a number of sources to choose from.. So choice and preference isn't limited to what it should or shouldn't be. But preferably, if it could be any of the following, that would be great;

Obi-Wan's Force Push on Battle Droids (Around the 1:34 mark)

Although this is a parody video, this is the next animation version of Force Push, by Kit Fisto (The original clip wasn't available on YouTube, unfortunately)

Kylo Ren's Force Push on Rey, at 0:17 before the duel with Finn, and Rey, afterwards.

(Unfortunately, these are about the only 3 I've managed to find, thus far. But I'm sure there are other sources that could be found and used)

Force Pull
This would also probably work for calling the lightsaber back to you, when it's on the ground somewhere. But basically the stance/animation Kylo does at 0:53/0:54 to call the hilt to him.

During the duel on Mustafar, between Anakin and Obi-Wan, the animation when Obi-Wan calls the lightsaber back to him at 2:50/2:51 

Force Grip/Choke
This scene from "Revenge of the Sith", where Anakin chokes Padme at 2:45, is probably still the best view/stance of seeing the 'Force Grip/Choke' animation from all angles.

Force Lightning
The scene between Yoda and Count Dooku in Ep. II, at 0:49, before their lightsaber duel.


Mind Trick

Although unsuccessful, the part where Qui-Gon Jinn waves his hand in front of Watto in Ep. I, at 0:24, is the perfect example of what the "Mind Trick" animation should be:


Force Sense
The moment when Kyle uses Force Sense to talk to Jaden in the main SP/campaign of the game, specifically the animation at 10:02 (Only, the animation would look much better if the hand is on the side of the head (temple region of the head), rather than the front).

I hope all of these help, in some way.
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