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[Need Help] Map: T2_trip

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Hey guys and specially to all coders/scripters in here. I am in need of your help. The only basic JKA map, that i love to fly on as you already know from the title is map "t2_trip". The thing is, that I am sick of it's heavy fog on this map. I know about this cheat "r_we clear" (that is supposed to change the weather to a clear one, instead of foggy), but it does not work for me. Is there any other way and if "yes", than how can it be done and who might be able to help me with this. I was willing also to change the daytime into night, but that's a detail that is not so important for me. I only need help to remove this fog somehow from this map. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Ok, but is there other way, than this one (without causing holes in the map), buy by changing somehow the weather itself? For example i remember in Makermod that most of the times i was again on this map, but you've had the chance to make it as how you want. Is it possible to take some of it's coding create similar once and just replace the basic map with a new one without the fog?

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Ok, but is there other way, than this one (without causing holes in the map), buy by changing somehow the weather itself? For example i remember in Makermod that most of the times i was again on this map, but you've had the chance to make it as how you want. Is it possible to take some of it's coding create similar once and just replace the basic map with a new one without the fog?


It's not a code question. :\ for making this you need to decompile the map with q3map2 from bsp to map format, load it on radiant (with all texture and shaders loaded fine.) after you need to remove the fog by the worldspawn, or delete eventually brushes with the fog textures.

at the end, you need to rebuild the map.

what's is wrong on that?

1: you lost all light entities.

2: you lost uvmap coordinate of textures on the brushes and you need to re-allineate all textures! >,< (this is a damned long work)

entity modding can edit the entity, but cannot edit the sctructural brushes of the map. and fog depends by brushes or by wordlspawn parameters. mmmm the other solution MAYBE should be to remove by wordspawn entity with entmodding the eventually presence of a global fog into the map. but this can get unpredictable effect. the fog is generated during the building of the map. simply removing of the fog or switchng it off can cause graphical issues. :\ it's not an easy solution.

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