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GTK Radiant Can't Find Directory

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So I'm finally getting around to setting up Radiant for Jedi Academy and for the life of me I cannot get Radiant to find my textures, models, shaders, ect...


I have my textures, shaders, models, in this directory   E:\Jedi Academy\GameData\base


Under my project settings my basepath is set to    E:\Jedi Academy\GameData\base


Jedi Academy is the "Selected Mod"  and I have it set for single player mapping.


Is there anything else I need to do that I'm forgetting?



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Where is your GTKRadiant installed? Did you install it to the default location it asked for?


It seems I'm right about the GameData ending to the basepath:



Step 11) It will get to the Jedi Academy Destination Folder, which you will leave as default, unless you have installed the game in a non-default location (Which can be found using the search method illustrated previously.) NOTE: C:/.../GameData simply means C:/pathtoJKA/GameData, with the ... representing a filepath which the computer is too lazy to display.




Note that:



WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader noshader
This error is harmless and can be ignored.

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my radiant is 1.5.0

as base path is setted to gamedata folder.

but all my mod staff  is into gamedata \ base \ base (yes, all stuff for building map like textures and shader folder is in this inner base folder, in that mode, my material not overwrite the assest.pk3 of gamedata\base. o.o

man, your shaderlist file is okay? :)

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I'm using 1.5 and 1.4.. not at the same time...but this issue happens with either.


For some strange reason I have a base folder under my Jedi Academy directory. Initially it had maps and mapextra's pk3 in there. So, I dumped all my texture, models, shaders, scripts, and sounds in that folder and now things load. I'm still missing textures/shaders in many texture sets and my models show no textures, just the red/black shader missing.


The funny thing is my basepath isn't pointed to that directory, yet, it loads. I never had any issue within the game itself. No bugs, no missing textures, ect... 


After I come home from fishing tonight I may just reinstall Jedi Academy fresh even though its only 2-3 months old and try it all over again.

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You selected the Jedi Academy folder during installation, not the GameData folder, so it's looking for stuff in Jedi Academy/base (when using the base mod).


You can either manually edit the configuration files to fix the broken paths or reinstall the radiants.

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You selected the Jedi Academy folder during installation, not the GameData folder, so it's looking for stuff in Jedi Academy/base (when using the base mod).


You can either manually edit the configuration files to fix the broken paths or reinstall the radiants.


Yeah, that's what happened. Thanks a bunch.



Same happened to me. @@mrwonko is right, there are a couple files you have to dig for to get it working. The easiest way is to reinstall.


Now I feel much better that I'm not the only one....:)

Cerez and Circa like this
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I'm using 1.5 and 1.4.. not at the same time...but this issue happens with either.


For some strange reason I have a base folder under my Jedi Academy directory. Initially it had maps and mapextra's pk3 in there. So, I dumped all my texture, models, shaders, scripts, and sounds in that folder and now things load. I'm still missing textures/shaders in many texture sets and my models show no textures, just the red/black shader missing.


The funny thing is my basepath isn't pointed to that directory, yet, it loads. I never had any issue within the game itself. No bugs, no missing textures, ect... 


After I come home from fishing tonight I may just reinstall Jedi Academy fresh even though its only 2-3 months old and try it all over again.

exactly like me. o.o

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