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KataMove Animation + Weapon

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Is it possible with simple commands to combine a weapon, or a lightsaber with a "special" kataMove animation. What I want is to use for example a saber ingame, that when i bring it with a key that i have already bind to the .cfg it brings the saber. But I want to make the saber using a certain kataMove and animation, like for example: 
1. Player/Character hits the opponent/ground/wall  (that will be good, to combine with slo-mo)

I tried to do it in the ".sab" file, but for now the only thing, that I get, when I bind the key is bringing up the animation of the spinattack_alora on my character.
What can I do to combine both "+attack" and "LS_SPINATTACK_ALORA"?

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Thanks, but I need to combine the animation, with an effect of the saber: In easier way to get me right (let's name the character "Kyle" just for the example):


Kyle--> (Bind key "R"), --> exec saber_ga  --> Kyle's "saber_ga" automatically hits the ground, (FAST) ---> causing explosion ----> (slow motion, animation= Kyle performing "Dark Rage" animation from level 1.


I think it needs to do something on the ".sab" file, but i am not sure what and I didn't saw anything on the topic you showed me :(

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OK here is what i have made so far. Player drops the det_pack on ground... using alternate attack (+altattack) he/she activates the explosion.
Animation of "Dark Rage" level 1, is too late and comes from a saber....

what it needs:

* - Simply new animation for the "+altattack" that makes the same animation when you are using dark rage.
* - Good & Synced timing (perhaps by using ""timescale" code, on the .CFG file)
* - Way to spawn quickly the Det_Pack weapon in JKA Single Player (no matter if the player have or does not have installed the  JKA Patch 1.0.1
* - A code that STOPs other - Force Users, to push-back the weapon/explosion !!

I have based it on the Repulse video from "FireDragon", because it gives you a nice visual illusion over Repulse....&.... it is the SIMPLIEST way, that i found out, without using code changes on C/C++. Since there is no one willing to create the damn force power for Single Player (without entire mod to be waited to come out)

Screenshot is made with just very good timing of the screenshot-command binded to a key.


P.S. IF Anyone is interested to continuew ever this little force-project, i can provide you the files:

Repulse JKA-SP

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i have a similar request, but in different way... it's possible , maybe with CFG file, that the katamove attack of sabers (like A1_SPECIAL, making with primary and secondary attack button push together that consume 50 FP) active the SplashDamage \ SplashKnockback \ SplashRadius parm and the hitothereffects? So a blade used with kata,without the boring bounceonwalls 1 can shoot splashdamage attack when the NPC or player use the combo.

it's possible to make something like that? D:

really i need. :(

dark_apprentice likes this
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  • 3 weeks later...

So far as I know it is still not possible to add an animation to the game. You'd have to replace one.

I don't remember everything sab files can do off hand anymore. I do remember lots of people trying this back in TFU's hay-day. I don't think anyone got it to work.

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Damn, I'm probably late :P


So far as I know it is still not possible to add an animation to the game. You'd have to replace one.
It is possible with the source code.
You have to add your custom anim into the 'animtable.h'  (SP Game Library) right after the last jka anim:

ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_48), //# Level specific cinematic
ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_49), //# Level specific cinematic
ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_50), //# Level specific cinematic

In my case it looks like that:

ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_48), //# Level specific cinematic
ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_49), //# Level specific cinematic
ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_50), //# Level specific cinematic

And into anims.h

BOTH_CIN_48, //# Level specific cinematic 
BOTH_CIN_49, //# Level specific cinematic 
BOTH_CIN_50, //# Level specific cinematic
//# #eol


BOTH_CIN_48, //# Level specific cinematic 
BOTH_CIN_49, //# Level specific cinematic 
BOTH_CIN_50, //# Level specific cinematic
<new animation name>,
//# #eol

The best solution to create Force Repulse in Jedi Academy is to simply code it. Then again, if you can't program - you should probably follow Chalk's tutorial, as it's the best solution that doesn't involve programming. Invisible saber (noweap.md3) with bouncewalls 1 and several other parameters hits the ground and creates the shockwave. You edit animevents to make the effect fire during the proper frame and have the start origin in char's body, not where the saber hits the ground.
Det pack is a bad idea, as Force users can just push it and cause it to explode.
This is what you can achieve by programming, it's not that hard to do once you learn something about jka code plus it's far more stable than the detpack/saber solution.
Good luck with your project!
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Damn, I'm probably late :P


It is possible with the source code.
You have to add your custom anim into the 'animtable.h'  (SP Game Library) right after the last jka anim:

ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_48), //# Level specific cinematic
ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_49), //# Level specific cinematic
ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_50), //# Level specific cinematic

In my case it looks like that:

ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_48), //# Level specific cinematic
ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_49), //# Level specific cinematic
ENUM2STRING(BOTH_CIN_50), //# Level specific cinematic

And into anims.h

BOTH_CIN_48, //# Level specific cinematic 
BOTH_CIN_49, //# Level specific cinematic 
BOTH_CIN_50, //# Level specific cinematic
//# #eol


BOTH_CIN_48, //# Level specific cinematic 
BOTH_CIN_49, //# Level specific cinematic 
BOTH_CIN_50, //# Level specific cinematic
<new animation name>,
//# #eol

The best solution to create Force Repulse in Jedi Academy is to simply code it. Then again, if you can't program - you should probably follow Chalk's tutorial, as it's the best solution that doesn't involve programming. Invisible saber (noweap.md3) with bouncewalls 1 and several other parameters hits the ground and creates the shockwave. You edit animevents to make the effect fire during the proper frame and have the start origin in char's body, not where the saber hits the ground.
Det pack is a bad idea, as Force users can just push it and cause it to explode.
This is what you can achieve by programming, it's not that hard to do once you learn something about jka code plus it's far more stable than the detpack/saber solution.
Good luck with your project!


That is some amazing Repulse effect you've made, but it's on MP do you plan to make the same one for SP as well??

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Well, that's actually for SP. I don't think I wanna create a stand-alone multiplayer mod, at least not now. Anyway, are you still trying to get repulse in game? Let me know whether you need some help. I might quite possibly have two older repulses I made, one of whom being the invisible saber solution (can't be done in mid air, dependant on fps) and the second one being a lot worse attempt at coding it (an unoptimised, instant, 360 degrees force push dealing about 15 dmg) - there's no need to mention that they are both very far from decent, but that's better than making it a detpack, I guess. So I can give you them if you want to base your attempt at repulse off something.

Asgarath83 and dark_apprentice like this
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Well, that's actually for SP. I don't think I wanna create a stand-alone multiplayer mod, at least not now. Anyway, are you still trying to get repulse in game? Let me know whether you need some help. I might quite possibly have two older repulses I made, one of whom being the invisible saber solution (can't be done in mid air, dependant on fps) and the second one being a lot worse attempt at coding it (an unoptimised, instant, 360 degrees force push dealing about 15 dmg) - there's no need to mention that they are both very far from decent, but that's better than making it a detpack, I guess. So I can give you them if you want to base your attempt at repulse off something.

Well at the moment I am not able to work on it + @@Serenity937 is the one to work on that, since I said i am not into programming/coding stuff. I am only able to create the sound effects and other things involving Music. So it's Serenity who's working on the Repulse for Single Player on his SP Source Code for JKA. But I haven't heard from him for a few weeks (perhaps he's working on the code or have other stuff going on, beside the world of JKA). I just wanted to see some good Force Repulse here in JKHub for the fans of Force Unleashed for Single Player, since there is one on MP from Movie Battles 2. And I personally need a Repulse just for my personal use, since I am just having fun on JKA and not working on a mod or something like that.

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