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Coding Tutorial Assistance

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Hey, so I came across a wiki entry about JA Coders and it sounded like the perfect place to start a coding venture :D. Unfortunately its only available in archived versions because the site is now defunct and it refuses to let me access the enticing beginner tutorials that would no doubt be critical into kick starting this. Namely, compiling the code. Without that I doubt I'd get anywhere lol


If @@Raz0r has copies of his tutorials that he could upload or a link to a new website like JA Coders I'm not aware of, I'd be very greatful.


EDIT: I noticed that @@eezstreet also made tutorial contributions, in case Raz0r is inactive would you be able to help as well?

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You would be better off if you started learning to code first before you dive into the JA source code. Coding isn't something you can pick up in a week and suddenly expect to make the next amazing mod. You need to spend at least a month just learning to code, and even then you'd be limited in what you can do. Searching the interwebs for something like "programming in C" or "C tutorials" should bring up some useful results.

mrwonko and eezstreet like this
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@@Xycaleth I've done a year's course in Python so I understand the basic rudimentaries of coding. It'll just be understanding the varying syntax for C++ and the game specific commands that I'll need, but I'd prefer to experiment with that stuff first hand which is why knowing how to decompile the code to edit would be great. I'm sure once I understand how the compiling works I'll be able to fiddle around with tutorials like 'Creating a New Weapon for JKA'.


If things do end up being too complicated I suppose I could always experiment with BehavED first because it does tie in neatly with mapping :3

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Oh okay, awesome. Having some coding experience will help a lot.


If you want to know how to compile the code, you can probably download the OpenJK source code and then follow this guide on how to compile it. When you're running the CMake GUI (I'd recommend using this method of generating your project files), you can untick the options that build the engine so you only have to worry about building the mod code.

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Okay cool that'll save a lot of time. Doesn't using OpenJK for coding cause issues in compatability? As in coding mods I make won't be able to function in other mods or vanilla but only in the OpenJK environment.

It depends on what you do, if everything you do is client side it shouldn't cause any issues, if you're doing server-side stuff then you'll have a lot more to worry about then the mere fact that you based it off of openjk instead of base.

JKG Developer

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